View Full Version : Another "how often" question

06-13-2006, 07:45 AM
Finn's Mom's question about how often you wash your sheets got me to thinking about how often you wash your bath towels.

I use mine a few times and hang it to dry. After all, I'm clean when I use it! I think my mom uses her a million times before she washes them, but that gets a little gross after a while.

So, how often do you wash your bath towels

finn's mom
06-13-2006, 07:50 AM
I think twice a week, probably. Or more, if I'm washing a load of clothes that the towel can be thrown in with. :)

06-13-2006, 07:52 AM
once a week, as my laundry time is on weekends & I only have 2 bath towels.

06-13-2006, 08:08 AM
Well, I use my towel a few times before throwing it in the hamper, but my husband will only use his once. I'm trying to break him of this habit, but until then I wash towels more often. I don't know how often though, I just wash them whenever the hamper gets full and the towels in the closet get low ;)

06-13-2006, 08:27 AM
My towels get changed once a week. I have two hand towels, one *face towel* and one bath towel and a couple wash cloths that I use during that week. With the cost of water in our municipality, I've made a decision to be conserving in the amount of laundry that I do. If at any time I felt that any particular towel was *gross* I would certainly wash it. I'm probably more of stickler for dish towels which probably don't get used for any length of time and I use a lot of paper towels in the kitchen.

On the other hand, when the dog gets bathed, his towels are washed after one use. :p

06-13-2006, 08:38 AM
My towels get changed once a week. I have two hand towels, one *face towel* and one bath towel and a couple wash cloths that I use during that week. With the cost of water in our municipality, I've made a decision to be conserving in the amount of laundry that I do. If at any time I felt that any particular towel was *gross* I would certainly wash it. I'm probably more of stickler for dish towels which probably don't get used for any length of time and I use a lot of paper towels in the kitchen.

Exactly as I do!

06-13-2006, 08:43 AM
every few days on the bath towels. I know they are clean but they seem stale after more than a day or two.

I hope daughter Missy sees this - she is soooo picky about never using a towel more than once. And, if laundered towels do not go immediately to the dryer, she rewashes them :p

06-13-2006, 08:51 AM
I use mine 2-4 times (hung up to dry between uses) then it sometimes get retired to the floor towel (to step on when you get out of the shower) for a couple days before being washed.
All in all I only use 2-3 towels each week.

06-13-2006, 08:58 AM
I wash my towels once per week. Fenway's towel gets washed once per week too.

06-13-2006, 08:58 AM
I change ours out about every 4 days or so. The hand towels get changed more frequently. If the heat or air is on, they dry quickly and don't need to be changed as often, but if the windows are open, then it seems like they just never get dry. Scott uses one and I use two, as does Helen. Scott's children, when they are here, seem to be towel hogs and I always have tons to wash! LOL!! Plus, with summer time here, there are lots of beach towels to be washed as all 3 children spend lots of time at the pool. Thank goodness I have two sets of washers and dryers! :o


06-13-2006, 09:16 AM
I use a new towel every time I shower.

06-13-2006, 09:25 AM
I usually go through about 2 bath towels a week and then I wash them together. It seems like my husband Eric is constantly doing laundry, I have no idea what he's washing but I wait and do my laundry only once a week to save water and energy.

06-13-2006, 09:30 AM
All towels, dish, bath and otherwise get washed once a week, but not together. Sheets also get washed once a week. All on Tuesday.

I split laundry up so I run a couple of loads everynight and none, or very little at least, on the weekend. I do the same with house cleaning.

06-13-2006, 09:53 AM
Bath towels here only get used once before washing, but the one hanging in the bathroom to dry hands on gets washed once a week or so. We've got a closet full of bath towels so no worries about using them more than once. At school I probably go two weeks or so before washing mine. I've got two though so it takes a month before I wash them. Same idea- I'm clean when they are used.

Dish towels get used way too much before getting washed. I always get a new one out when I need it because I know they often fall on the floor and get kicked around before somebody picks it up and puts it back on the towel bar.

Sheets/bedding, gosh, my mom does them maybe 2-4 times a year. At school I do them once a month because I have fleece sheets and they get flattened out and don't feel soft anymore. I often spray them with fabric refresher several times between washings.

06-13-2006, 02:44 PM
Around here, we use a fresh bath towel everytime we shower. I used to use 2-3 a week, and keep them hanging up to dry in the bathroom. But, for the last 5-6 months or so, I've been showering in my parents' bathroom and using a fresh towel is so much nicer! We do hang them up, but that's just so a wet towel isn't wadded up in the hamper.

My mom washes all of the towels and wash cloths every weekend. That includes bath towels, hand towels, wash clothes, kitchen towels, etc etc. Kitchen towels get used until they're nastily wet (doesn't take much until I get disgusted!) and get thrown to the side of the room, until it's laundry day. :)

It's a lot of towels - usually 1-2 FULL loads, and I've seen it be 3 loads. But that's at least 21 bath towels a week, plus anything extra if we take more than one shower a day, or the dog gets bathed, or we need another towel. Plus all of the wash cloths and other towels. It's a pretty good size hamper full at the end of the week. We just keep stacking it up until no one can lift it, and throw it down the stairs. :P

06-13-2006, 02:46 PM
i use it for about a week and then change it. we also wash our bath towels once a week

06-13-2006, 02:49 PM
I'd say maybe once a week or two weeks. I usually wash it when I do a load of laundry and remember to run to the bathroom to grab my towles. Most of the time I forget.

06-13-2006, 03:31 PM
I use a fresh towel every time I bathe. I have always insisted on a fresh towel. I have hordes of them, since I used to have limited water access for laundry, so I can go a long time before I run out of towels. My mom taught me how to wash my own towels when I was very young. Even as a little kid, I had a towel fetish!

06-13-2006, 04:09 PM
I'm another one of those picky people who has to have a clean towel when I bathe. My husband re-uses, though, and his gets changed whenever I get ready to wash a load of towels, so about twice a week or so, I guess. I wash towels about once or twice a week.

06-13-2006, 04:28 PM
Sheets and towels are changed once a week. (I can't remember if I responded to the *sheets* thread. :o ) I, too, go on the assumption that when I use a bath towel I am already clean. :) I would probably do them more if I didn't feel they were drying out between uses. Here I am not so concerned about the cost of water as I am the cost of electric to dry them! :eek:

06-13-2006, 05:56 PM
Amen, Pam! LOL!!!!

I was sort of figuring that the ones who used a fresh towel everyday must NOT be the ones doing the laundry!!! Glacier proved me wrong!!! :o

06-13-2006, 06:02 PM
Bath towels, wash clothes, etc. are all washed per use.

I take showers 2-3 times a day, so usually when I take my second/third shower the previous towel is still wet! With such long hair, it's difficult to dry with an even slighlty damp towel.

And yes, I wash my own towels and laundry!

06-13-2006, 06:23 PM
Towels are a HUGE thing with me!! They get stinky so easily! I will rarely use a towel more than twice before doing a load in the washer with whatever odor-eliminator I happen to have. Like my Mom said, if the towels sit in the washer for more than an hour or two they get rewashed with more odor-eliminator! I go through so much Febreeze laundry stuff, but it's a necessary expense. I won't go near hubby if he has dried off with a "stale" towel. Yuck!

I have a very sensitive nose :rolleyes: To me, a stale towel screams "germs and mildew!!!!"

06-13-2006, 06:23 PM
We recently bought some white towels just so that I can use bleach on them every time I wash them!

06-13-2006, 09:35 PM
Hmmm I use a new one every time.

06-13-2006, 09:37 PM
Growing up I used a fresh towel every time I bathed but now I get a fresh one about every second or third shower.

06-13-2006, 09:40 PM
All my family (there are four of us) use a fresh towel everyday,and some of us shower more than once daily, especially my son, as he goes to the gym and plays sport as well as work, and likes to shower after each, my daughter uses one for her hair and one for her body, so yes i have a ton of washing to do, but there is something about a lovely fresh towel that i just love, so i will continue to be a slave to the washing machine.