View Full Version : Come to the Columbus, Ohio zoo with the Sirrah family...

06-11-2006, 09:34 AM
The family took a trip to the Columbus Zoo recently - I thought you might enjoy visiting with us...Misha's mom and dad have a membership there, and can bring guests along. They all go quite often and Misha absolutely loves the place!!
Misha seemed especially fascinated with the reptiles.

Columbus is where our son graduated - hence the "BUCKEYE" shirt and lots of red. Here, we are in an aviary with Lorakeets (Lorikeets). googled this and found both spellings, so am not sure if they are the same or which birds we visited. Does someone here know for sure?

We spent lots of time in here - marveling at these brightly covered birds. Son Bryan had a cup of nectar in one hand, and Misha in the other arm. One of the birds landed right on her head!! She just giggled and continued to smile through her day.

I also enjoyed this part of our trip and what fun to feed these gorgeous birds and have them landing all over me.
Aren't they the prettiest animals?
Here is her Mimi (Chris's mom) feeding them.

The day was filled with fun - and some nice snuggles, too. I like to give Misha "eskimo" kisses - here, I asked her if she would give one to Pawpaw.

Daughter-in-love Chris took Misha on her first pony ride. I wondered if she would like this but look at her! She kept a huge smile on her face the whole time and sat so tall and still..

a few more pictures in the next post...

06-11-2006, 09:35 AM
We stopped to look at these huge Rhinos. Funny story for you - Misha is starting to potty train. Well, Mr. Rhinoceros had to "go" too. So, Misha explained what she has learned about "everyone poops" :D

This is a very dark picture, but I wanted to include it. This is the famous Jack Hanna (http://www.jackhanna.com/), who is now Director Emeritis of the Columbus Zoo (http://www.columbuszoo.org/) . You have probably seen him is on shows like Good Morning America, Letterman, etc...Each time we have been to the zoo in the past 17 years - we always joke about getting to see him in person. The last trip the kids and Mimi made - they did get to see him giving a tour and snuck this picture.

Well, it was a long but fun day - how nice to have Pawpaw's shoulders to ride on when Misha gets tired!!

Thank you for joined us. I hope you enjoyed yourself:)

Suki Wingy
06-11-2006, 12:17 PM
Looks like fun! My brother is the same way at the zoo, but her prefers the big "kitties" My sister has that same book. :)

06-11-2006, 03:31 PM
looked like a fun day! I haven't been to the columbus zoo for a long time, I went with my kids to winter light festival several times.
Have you taken Misha to the Franklin Conservatory butterfly release? Every day the release hundreds of butterflies into the lovely glass structure. There is a monarch hatchery downstairs, too. For big kids, there are glass sculptures by Dale Chihuly installed all around the gardens. You can find the Franklin Conservatory on the web for info.

06-13-2006, 07:25 PM
I've never heard of the Franklin Conservatory- I will have to go check it out! She would defitently like that!

06-13-2006, 09:29 PM
What great pictures! Thanks for sharing. :)

06-13-2006, 09:40 PM
Thanks for sharing the pictures Debbie. Looks like you all had a great time, especially adorable Misha!

06-14-2006, 12:59 AM
That's awesome!
I have never been to the Columbus Zoo!
Great pics!


Killearn Kitties
06-14-2006, 04:00 AM
What a great day you all had. Misha looks very happy to be there. :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-14-2006, 04:06 AM
Aw, thanks fot these pics!! You all look so happy!
Misha is such a cutie, I love that pic of her on pawpaw's shoulders!!

06-14-2006, 08:19 AM
Debbie, these pictures are priceless! What fun for all of you!

At the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC, they have the same sort of Lorikeet environment. We went several years ago with my parents and all 3 of our kids and they LOVED being in there. Those Lorikeets were landing all over us! Poor Elizabeth got bird poop in her hair, but she was a great sport about it.


06-14-2006, 09:16 AM
Ahhh, it's easy to see how much Misha and anyone else enjoyed that day in the zoo! :)

Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures! :) These birds are gorgeous!


06-14-2006, 09:24 AM
Great photos Debbie! Looks like a fabulous day out for all.