View Full Version : You KNOW your cats are spoiled when...

06-09-2006, 12:14 PM
they hop up on the bathroom sink looking for a "sippy" from the faucet while you're brushing your teeth. Rather than disturb him and his daily ritual (Yeah, I'm talking about MooShoo, who else???), what do I do???? I slurp water from the bathtub faucet to rinse out my mouth and spit in the toilet! :eek:

What we do for our furkids!! :eek:

06-09-2006, 01:28 PM
Sunny sits on the chair that we use to sit by the PC, she has a blanket on there. When I surf the net, I perch on the very end of the chair and always get a bad back and sore butt from sitting on the edge, whilst sunny just sleeps away soundly, cause I daren't move her!
Jack sits in the middle of the sofa sometimes and he's a big cat, so myself and Kevin sit either side with less sofa space than him, we hardly ever move him unless he really spreads out! Sometimes I'll even sit on the floor and let him take up a whole sofa cushion, and my sofa is huge but rather than move him, I just plonk on the carpet!
It's funny cause if it was a dog you'd tell it to get off, but with a cat it's different, it's almost as if they have a telepathic way of demanding what you do!
No wonder the Egyptians worshiped them :D


06-09-2006, 01:40 PM

I've become an expert contortionist sleeper. I USED to have a king sized bed which was heavenly when sleeping with 4 (sometimes +) cats. Then, because I moved and left everything I own back in Michigan, I had to drop down to a full sized bed :eek: :eek: which makes it VERY cozy when you've got 4 cats. I have a chronic backache from it. But I don't care. There's NOTHING in the world better than falling asleep to the scent and purring of your favorite furkid!

critter crazy
06-09-2006, 01:51 PM
we have gone so far as to put extra pillows on the bed so that Cinnamon can sleep at the head of the bed!! which kind of pushes down towards the bottom, but who cares!! we also sit in the chair by the PC at odd angles so we dont disturb the kitty!! what we do for our critters!!!!

06-09-2006, 02:06 PM
I have purchased 3 faux fur throw blankets that my two are always laying on, especially in the cold weather and at night I fold up the "furs" and put them at the foot of the bed so they can be cozy at nighttime.Its so cute to see Buddy "nesting" as we call it, on the blankets :)

06-09-2006, 02:13 PM
How about designing parts of the house just for them? Crazy...not in my book.

When we started building the new house I made sure to consult with the babies. I used an animal communicator and I had very specific requests from several of the babes.

Gracie requested bright colored rooms so her and Gabriel could see better, bird gardens close to the deck so they could enjoy watching the birds while we are at work, a double vanity in the bathroom so they would have plenty of room for their water cups....and the list goes on. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: What Mark and I don't do for our kids....but they are my kids as we do not have (human) children....so I spoil mine as much as I would if I had a real child.

06-09-2006, 02:20 PM
Your dishwasher is 3/4 full of cat dishes and the rest are the families !!!

06-09-2006, 02:27 PM
you find you'd rather stay home with them, than to be with humans......

let me re-phrase that.....you know "your" spoiled when.....yeppers, my cats have spoiled me!!!!! I'm the spoiled brat !!! lololoo.....I purrfurr their company!!!

06-09-2006, 04:52 PM
That's so funny that you had to rinse your mouth in the tub faucet.That is what I would of done too :D

06-09-2006, 07:25 PM
They Get Two Enclosed Porches, The Best Food, And When I Take Home A Kitty Bag From A Restaurant, They Get The Food.
But Theres No Way, That My Life Would Be As Full Without Them.

Don Juan's mom
06-09-2006, 08:12 PM
I happily spend an hour on the bed, rubbing Zerlina's tummy and getting headbumps in return. And if Don Juan wants to get on my shoulder when I'm job-hunting at the computer... I type one-handed. :rolleyes:


06-10-2006, 10:14 AM
When they have their own water fountains. I couldn't keep them out of the sinks, so I did what I thought was the next best thing and give them a water fountain. Trouble is, CocoPuff has decided that it's his and he took a dive into and laid across it so that no one else could get to it. When he finally got wet enough, Creamsicle decided it was hers. So guess who has multiple cat water fountains.


06-10-2006, 02:14 PM
When you won't move at night in bed, even though your leg/arm is asleep, because your furry baby is right beside you and you might disturb him! :D

06-10-2006, 02:17 PM
It's funny cause if it was a dog you'd tell it to get off,

Not sure about you cat people, but I'd never tell one of my dogs to get off. If they want to rest there, they can, they got there before me! Next time I should just move faster.

My dogs are usually very respectful, though, when they see someone wanting to sit they scoot over. Such smart creatures!

06-10-2006, 02:27 PM
Our sweet kitties aren't spoiled... they're just very well adjusted

06-10-2006, 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by CultureJunky
It's funny cause if it was a dog you'd tell it to get off,

Not sure about you cat people, but I'd never tell one of my dogs to get off. If they want to rest there, they can, they got there before me! Next time I should just move faster.

My dogs are usually very respectful, though, when they see someone wanting to sit they scoot over. Such smart creatures!

- What I meant was that dogs are better behaved than cats in many ways, cats are treated like Gods and demand it, they're very snooty! ;)
Dogs are very much more people orientated than cats sometimes....
I wasn't saying dogs should be treated like that and cats shouldn't.
If I had a dog I wouldn't tell them to get off either, I'd be exactly the same!
I love all animals.