View Full Version : Voting Thread

06-08-2006, 03:03 AM
I went to vote on Tuesday and I walked into the auditorium of the Mid School that I attended..

I was stuck in a line and saw that there were three machines that were not being used...

I tapped my foot...
I grew impatient..
(I locked my keys in my truck and was able to squeeze my arms thru the window to open the door...)

I was TICKED OFF because the woman in front of me was looking thru her booklet to see who she had marked off on the ballot.
She was so fricking into making sure she voted for the person she wanted to...

she flipped back and forth, back and forth.....


And then I realized that she was taking her right to vote very seriously.

She was making sure that she did not make a mistake.

I hung my head for a second and admonished myself for being such a jerk.

I didn't have to wait until I was given the chance to vote (women)
I didn't have to dip my finger into purple paint (Iraqis)
I was able to vote with out any one threatening me, Bombing the poll station or fearing any harm to myself. (any Third world country with effed up elections)

I drove home, wrapped in the freedom and the knowledge that i was able to speak, on a piece of paper - and even though the people I put my vote in for have lost the election - I was able to speak my mind.

My dad would say..No vote, No voice.

I am a very lucky person.

I voted and a have a voice.....altho it may be drowned out by the others, it rings loudly in my ears.