View Full Version : Are there "Meows" you do understand?

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-07-2006, 12:54 PM
Some cats are talkative, others are rather silent. But they all have their ways to "say" things to us. Of course, mostly it is hard to get what they mean exactly. But some "meows" are recognisable.

MAYA:- a very high meow means she wants food
- goat-like sounds, mean she spotted a bird in the garden

INKA: She is our most talkative girl!! I can hear when she wants to go outside, when she is hungry, when she needs a hug, when she wants me to follow her, when she shows me her empty foodbowl, followed by a pathetic look, etc....

ZAZOU: she can tell us when she wants to play, when she wants a hug, when she is jalous, when she is scared

SNOOPY : she doesn't talk veru much; but we understand her "meow" when she is "in heat" :eek: :rolleyes:

How about your cats??

06-07-2006, 02:17 PM
When Mac has been in the yard and I open the back door for him to come in, he gives me one tiny mew as if to say 'Thanks'. But if he gets stuck outside during a rainstorm, he comes in meowing several times in a loud voice interspersed with grumbles! I know he's ticked off.
He's the only one allowed to go outside. He stays in the fenced back yard, mostly because he's too chubby to climb the fence.

Squeakers walks up and down the hall in the evening, yelling in his broken voice for food. He sort of 'Ack Acks' while he's meowing.

Shai has a frantic cry with a warble when she wants Temptations. She walks on her back legs, begging until I get her some.

06-07-2006, 02:38 PM
Oh yes, all of mine have there very distinct vocals and I can tell who it is "talking" without having to see who it is. Mark on the other hand is still not able to tell who is who sometimes.

Abner is very soft no matter what he is telling you but I would have to say that I know more of what he is saying by the look in his eyes.

Vegas chirps when he is happy watching the birds and he is rather short with his meow when he is upset with something....like getting moved off the bed.

Mystic has a meow that sounds like she is screaming that the world is ending when she wants to be groomed. All you have to do with her is move her comb or brush and you get reamed out if you don't groom her fast enough.

All my others also have their own special vocals and I can tell who it is that is "talking" and what it is that they are doing or want.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-07-2006, 02:49 PM
Yep, sure are! With CJ you can't help but understand what he wants, because he only talks when he wants something, and usually he's very insistent because whatever he wants, he wants it NOW! :rolleyes: :D :D

Peanut has THE most adorable little squeak. Sometimes the squeak is so soft you can see her mouth move, but can't hear the sound that comes out. However, sometimes she can be quite insistent too, but she is such a polite little thing that she just stands back and sqeaks whereas CJ barges right in bellering his head off. ;) :D :D

06-07-2006, 03:04 PM
Its time for Whiskas Temptations.
When Scrappy 2 MMMRREEEEEWS she wants a slice of cheese, please.
When Michael MMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAOOOWWSS at night, he wants he to curl with him.
I am writing a Berlitz book, a Cat/Human Dictionary.

06-07-2006, 03:23 PM
Most definitely!

Ripley has a meow that sounds like "momma" when he is getting sick and about to puke.

Jazz has a cry meow that she does when she's knocked her mousie under something and can't get it. It sounds like "NOOOO". She also has a pet me meow.

Scout hardly makes a sound but she will let out a loud meow when she gets excited playing with a toy. She also lets out a big one if another cat jumps her. Otherwise she's basically mute.

Rocky has a baby meow that he does when he wants to be pet or picked up. He usually sits up and milks the air when he does it.

Rumor is my chatter box but only to me. She and I have carried on some lengthy conversations and I've understood some of it. ;)

Miss Z
06-07-2006, 03:28 PM
Usually when Zsa-Zsa is called, she answers with a short 'mew' like she's saying 'what?'. She also calls for attention when she is lonely, and I swear her funny gargling meows sound like she's calling 'Zara' sometimes ;)

06-07-2006, 03:32 PM

Chuck has a frantic MIAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! when his bowl is empty or he can see the bottom.

WHen he can't find me he meows and it sounds like MOOOOOOOMMMMMM!

If I pick him up and dosen't want to be held he goes MMMMMMMMMMMMM with his mouth shut! LOL

He also says NOOOOOOOOOO all the time too. Especially when I ask him if he was good today. hehe

06-07-2006, 03:38 PM
Oh my yes, both of my girls have very distinct meows...

Tabitha has a very deep and long mmmmmrrrrrrooooooowwwwwwww.... when she is about to give me a hairball! And when she is ready for me to come to bed, she walks to me and very quietly meows!

Sasha will meow quite loudly when she is looking for me, and then will meow again when she has found me!

Neither of them has a specific meow to tell me they are hungry, as they have trained me to feed them as soon as I walk in the front door from work! :rolleyes:

Pawsitive Thinking
06-08-2006, 05:52 AM
Brody just appears to like the sound of her own voice and will meow for no reason that we can fathom! Usually at 3am!

06-08-2006, 06:21 AM
Peppito is very talkative, more like your Inka, and I (think I) understand all, when he wants to play, to eat, to go outside, when he is irritated, etc... He also complains a lot when he's playing with Jasmine and when she attacks him, it's very funny! :D

Jasmine does not talk so much, but sometimes she suddenly meeooww very loud, and I absolutely do not understand why :confused: She does it sometimes around 6 AM, and it's not for food. If I wake up and go to her to see what happens, she's happy and starts purring! Perhaps she just wants some love ;)

06-08-2006, 06:31 AM
All 4 start out quietly then end up in screaming meows when they want food or mom out of bed :D

06-08-2006, 08:35 AM
Fister is becoming more talkative lately, he does have different miaws, but they're hard to describe. There's one when he wants to go out, and one when he's just been in the litterbox ... he must tell me! LOL! In the evenings when he thinks it's about time to come to bed, he miaws constantly until I get up, he also does when he wants to be brushed. He knows the sound of closing the computer down also, and he kind of chirps and hop on the bed - so sweet! :)

06-08-2006, 08:44 AM
...and one when he's just been in the litterbox ... he must tell me! LOL!

:D :D Oh yes, I forgot this! Peppito is doing the same! When he just produced a biscuit, he comes very proudly out of the litterbox and says "MeeeeoooowwWWWW" to his humans. He-he, just in case we did not notice :D And then he runs through the house ;)