View Full Version : Is there anything else I can do?? ...I'm in SO much pain...

Toby's my baby
06-01-2006, 07:47 PM
Ugg...I'm in SO much pain I can hardly stand it. I have been going tanning for about two months now, and I had two session things left. I've been going tanning because we are leaving on vacation on Saturday, and I wanted to be tan so I wouldn't fry when we went down south. WELL, yesterday I went tanning, and I only went for 15 min (usually go for 20) because they put new bulbs in the bed. Today, I went again, this time for 17. They said I could stay in for the two extra min. since it didn't bother me yesterday. When I got out, I was fine, but about 10-15 min. later, I was almost in tears. My WHOLE body is burnt, ALL red. I'm in so much pain, any movement hurts horribly. I can't even itch an itch without my eyes tearing up. My face looks like a tomato, even my lips are burnt. I took a cold shower, and applied burn spray. Is there anything else I can do to ease the pain? :(

06-01-2006, 07:49 PM
ouch that sounds painful. :( I'm not sure what else you can do. Have you tried Aloe Vera gel?Thats what works best for me.

06-01-2006, 07:52 PM
ouch that sounds painful. :( I'm not sure what else you can do. Have you tried Aloe Vera gel?Thats what works best for me.
yeah that works the best on me too

06-01-2006, 07:52 PM
When I was a kid and burned badly, my folks used to put me in the bathtub and pour in a bunch of white vinegar. That took the sting out. But, I think there are all kinds of aloe gels and sprays that you can buy and will help.

Please don't tan anymore. Take it from us older ladies. You just end up looking like a prune with age spots that have to be removed every now and then.

Hope you feel better soon.

06-01-2006, 07:52 PM
Owwwch! I'm sorry, I don't know what else you can do!

Toby's my baby
06-01-2006, 07:56 PM
Please don't tan anymore. Take it from us older ladies. You just end up looking like a prune with age spots that have to be removed every now and then.

Hope you feel better soon.

Trust me, I'm DONE. lol. ;)

Thanks for the suggestions everybody. I don't think we have any aloe vera around, and we just got back from town. If I can't find any around here, I'll have to get my mom to pick up some tomorrow. The sucky thing is, we are leaving on vacation in less than two days.. :( :o

06-01-2006, 08:03 PM
I'm so sorry. I agree with the others. My mom will NEVER ever let me tan at all for this reason. Don't tan anymore. I hope you feel better soon.

06-01-2006, 08:18 PM
I've had some pretty bad burns..usually when it is sorta cool, maybe even overcast and I don't think about the sun being as strong. Aloe Vera and Advil works well for me.

One time, in Florida I got burnt so bad that I had extreme chills. My skin was really hot, and my body was shivering to try to cool it down. A cool shower, or even cool, wet rags helped cools the skin so I stopped shivering.

Hope your burn heals quickly!

06-01-2006, 08:24 PM
that's why I will never go tanning at a tanning booth, I am too scared that I will get burnt badly. I hope you feel better soon! That sounds REALLY painful!! :(

06-01-2006, 08:45 PM
Not much you can do AFTER you've gotten burned. It's been a month since I got a 2nd degree burn from the sun, and it's still burnt to a crisp. Funny thing is, I used sunscreen every hour... but I still got a portion of my legs (both legs, symmetric parts got burnt) crisped. They don't hurt anymore - they're just still a really deep red. Oh well, better than hurting! But yeh, watch out for the sun or anything like that - 2nd degree burns are no fun. :(

Since you don't have any Aloe Vera (that stuff is WONDERFUL!!!!), do you have anything like oatmeal for an oatmeal bath? My parents used that on me when I had the chicken pox, but it does amazing things for sunburns too. It relieves any kind of skin irritation, like burns, itchies, etc.

Toby's my baby
06-01-2006, 09:00 PM
Since you don't have any Aloe Vera (that stuff is WONDERFUL!!!!), do you have anything like oatmeal for an oatmeal bath? My parents used that on me when I had the chicken pox, but it does amazing things for sunburns too. It relieves any kind of skin irritation, like burns, itchies, etc.

We only have a little tiny bit of oatmeal. I guess I'll have to suck it up until tomorrow when I can get Aloe Vera.

Is aloe vera a lotion or a gel? Or is there both? If so, which one do I get?

06-01-2006, 09:09 PM
We usually get the aloe vera gel.. It's cooler.

I think they have lotion too, but i'm not sure.

Anyway, I'd get the aloe vera gel...

06-01-2006, 09:10 PM
A cool bath with baking soda.

06-01-2006, 09:34 PM
A cool bath with baking soda.
Dang Karen you beat me! Also, even if you have just a very little bit of oatmeal, throw that in too.

Take some aspirin to help with the pain and do not tan again. Like someone else "my" age said, you'll have to deal with the "results" of this burn many years down the road with the spots and regular skin cancer checks. If I want to look tan, I use a self-tanner. There are many good ones on the market now; no reason to ruin my skin any more than it already has been from my suntanning follies in my youth. My days ot baking in the sun with only baby oil and iodine to "protect" me are long over.

Lady's Human
06-01-2006, 10:06 PM
if you get aloe vera, make sure you get the gel/lotion WITHOUT alcohol. If it has alcohol in it it will just dry your skin further and not do a lot of good.

06-01-2006, 10:24 PM
Vinegar Vinegar Vinegar.

I got burnt quite badly on Saturday at our yard sale. I am very fair. Dab on some vinegar (don't wipe it on) and let it dry. Or cold Tea bags.

but I tried the vinegar the same day I got the burn and it took the pain right out and helped to stop the itching. then after that just moisturize every couple of hours.

06-01-2006, 10:33 PM
And be SURE to call the tanning place and tell them what happened!

You could spare some other folks being fried...and they might have some good ideas also.

Blisters can indicate 2nd degree burns...so do check with your doc, even just phone the nurse. Better safe than sorry.

There used to be an anesthetic spray called Bactine. There must be others - ask your pharmacist or a friendly drug store clerk about what there is.

Get better soon!


06-01-2006, 10:39 PM
And be SURE to call the tanning place and tell them what happened!

You could spare some other folks being fried...and they might have some good ideas also.

Blisters can indicate 2nd degree burns...so do check with your doc, even just phone the nurse. Better safe than sorry.

There used to be an anesthetic spray called Bactine. There must be others - ask your pharmacist or a friendly drug store clerk about what there is.

Get better soon!


I wonder if that is the same as Solarcaine. If it is... then it works very well but sometimes stings a little bit at first.

06-01-2006, 10:46 PM
Bactine was a clear spray that sprayed on like nasal spray(that's the type of bottle it was, sorry for the visual! :p )

Best thing is to phone the drugstore and ask. I remember Solarcaine as sort of a thick lotion. But there may be a few types now.

Also give your local health food store a call. They may have something with a natural anesthetic in it.

Don't want to overwhelm you...sorry...


06-01-2006, 10:49 PM
I always had the spray bottle of solarcaine but it was never like a nasal spray bottle. :D

In a pinch, if you are looking for something around the house vinegar and cold tea bags are your best bet Until you can get out to get something else. I really found dabbing the vinegar took the sting away instantly. Of course you will stink of vinegar for a little while lol

06-01-2006, 10:52 PM
Oh my goodness.. that sounds extremley painful... I agree with what most everyone else suggested: aloe vera gel. (It's a clearish green gel.)

Alyssa, my mom won't let me tan, eathier! It's very dangerous, and can cause skin cancer, from too much sun.. :( :eek:

06-01-2006, 11:12 PM
Hope you start feeling better soon. Everybody has some really good suggestions. Some of what I would suggest.

Just stay out of that thing, or you will wrinkle like a prune and get age spots when you are older. Take care of your skin now while you are young, and you won't have to worry about it when you are older.

Willie :)

06-02-2006, 05:38 AM
Alyssa, my mom won't let me tan, eathier! It's very dangerous, and can cause skin cancer, from too much sun.. :( :eek:

Personally, I can care less. I don't feel tan does anything or make your more prettier, but oh well. I get tan natrually and all the time. I have never gotten burned that bad and last year was the first time in my life I ever got a sunburn. Regardless, my mom makes me wear VERY strong sunscreen when outside in the summer for a long time and she doesn't want me trying to tan.

Next time, if you want to tan can't you use some kind of lotion? I know my sister uses a lotion instead of sitting in the sun or going to a tanning booth and she told me it was burn free. You may want to research it though.

Toby's my baby
06-02-2006, 08:10 AM
Thanks everybody!! I think I'm going to try the vinegar out. I took another cold shower today, because it feel so good. We also have Solarcaine, and i've been useing it, but my clothes get stuck to my back :( I'll have my mom pick up some Aloe Vera today. Thanks everyone!

06-02-2006, 08:16 AM
Lady's Human is right, aloe is the BEST thing for burns. I'm sorry you're hurting. I've gotten sun burned MANY times and it's not worth it. That's why I'm so pale. I haven't been in the sun in years.

06-02-2006, 08:20 AM
Well, a tanning bed, in the first place, isn't safe. I agree, use some Aloe.

Next time you want to tan, try a MysticTan or some spray-on stuff.. it lasts for a week, it's easy to apply and is 100% safe.

06-02-2006, 08:38 AM
I am sorry that you are burned so bad. I used to burn terribly also, but now, for some reason, I only burn slightly, and then the next day it is a tan. But I try my best to be careful about overdoing it in the sun, and I use sunscreen!

I agree with all of the suggestions here, especially the aloe vera! The vinegar works great also, but you will kind of smell! :rolleyes:

By the way, please keep an eye on your condition, as it sounds to me like you could have gotten sun poisoning! I have had that a couple of times in the past, and it is awful! Watch for blisters. If they begin to appear, please seek medical advice right away! I got blisters one year while on vacation in Florida, flew home, and the next day when I went to get out of bed, the blisters had popped and the "puss" (sorry about that visual!) had dried and the sheets were VERY stuck to my skin! Please, keep an eye out for the blisters! They are nasty!

06-02-2006, 09:31 AM
I'll also recommend the aloe vera gel, but when I was in Puerto Rico, I got a little overly crip as well. The hotel sold the aloe gel with lidacaine. OMG, that stuff was heavenly! Try to find that, if you can.

Good luck!

Pawsitive Thinking
06-02-2006, 10:19 AM
Ouch! I hope it all heals up quickly. The tanning place you went to sounds very irresponsible to me.... I'm going to stick with my milk bottle legs thank you very much :eek:

06-02-2006, 10:41 AM
Ugg...I'm in SO much pain I can hardly stand it. I have been going tanning for about two months now, and I had two session things left. I've been going tanning because we are leaving on vacation on Saturday, and I wanted to be tan so I wouldn't fry when we went down south. WELL, yesterday I went tanning, and I only went for 15 min (usually go for 20) because they put new bulbs in the bed. Today, I went again, this time for 17. They said I could stay in for the two extra min. since it didn't bother me yesterday. When I got out, I was fine, but about 10-15 min. later, I was almost in tears. My WHOLE body is burnt, ALL red. I'm in so much pain, any movement hurts horribly. I can't even itch an itch without my eyes tearing up. My face looks like a tomato, even my lips are burnt. I took a cold shower, and applied burn spray. Is there anything else I can do to ease the pain? :(
That is why I don't go to the tanning bed. Anyway I am naturally tan and being in the sun just makes me darker not redder. You poor thing!

06-02-2006, 10:45 AM
Personally, I can care less. I don't feel tan does anything or make your more prettier, but oh well. I get tan natrually and all the time. I have never gotten burned that bad and last year was the first time in my life I ever got a sunburn. Regardless, my mom makes me wear VERY strong sunscreen when outside in the summer for a long time and she doesn't want me trying to tan.

The exact same with me!!! Although no matter how much sunscreen I wear I still get tanned. :rolleyes: The lotion is good but make sure you try it out first on a small area of skin. You don't want to turn orange :eek: :eek: :eek:

Toby's my baby
06-02-2006, 12:19 PM
Thanks everybody! I called my dad and asked him to get me some Aloe Vera Gel WITHOUT Alcohol and he came home with Solarcaine GEL :rolleyes: It has Aloe in it I guess, but I was so mad, lol. It feels a lot better after I used that but it is still painful. I hope I dont get blisters, that would suck on our vacation :mad: My mom is going to town to see if she can find "regular" aloe vera for me. :)

06-02-2006, 12:32 PM
We usually get the aloe vera gel.. It's cooler.

I think they have lotion too, but i'm not sure.

Anyway, I'd get the aloe vera gel...
Gel is better! It feels so much better.

06-02-2006, 02:03 PM
I am sorry that you are burned so bad. I used to burn terribly also, but now, for some reason, I only burn slightly, and then the next day it is a tan.

Donna, what happens is that your burn (the damage to your skin) has lost its redness (the damage is still there, and still damage), and your skin has done the naturally protective thing, with the release of the melolin (sic)and a tan has appeared. But, do not kid yourself, or anyone else that reads this- a burn does not 'turn' into a tan. That would be like saying burnt toast, if left out of the toaster long enough, resorts back to bread. More precisely, if you scrape the burnt part of the toast off, you do get the lighter, original toasted look back. Just like your skin with a burn.

The sun, tanning beds, either one is dangerous, and BOTH cause skin cancer. Tanning 'naturally' is just as bad as tanning 'on purpose'. It is damaging to your skin all the same.

06-02-2006, 02:14 PM
I've gotten second degree burns from forgetting sunblock one day. I was so hot I was cold and I had blisters everywhere. Solarcaine was my best friend. That stuff works real nice. I don't consider being tan worth the risk of skin cancer. Trust me, you're more beautiful when you are happy and healthy.

06-02-2006, 10:26 PM
I can't believe it.

My friend goes to a tanning salon even though she knows it's bad for her. So I went with her and was waiting while she had her tan. I read the "tanning guidelines" and it goes on about how tanning can be good for you in moderation and that tan people are often seen as "more fit, attractive, and thin" OH MY GOD no wonder so many people tan if THIS is what they are led to believe. I was appalled :eek:

Toby's my baby
06-02-2006, 11:16 PM
Thanks everybody for you suggestions! I got "Ocean Potion" which is 100% pure Aloe Gel. It is AMAZING :eek: I love it, I feel so much better! :D

06-03-2006, 12:04 PM
There is some over the counter burn medicine. It would be spendy to get enough for your whole body but that stuff works real nice.
Any drug store would carry it.