View Full Version : Feline Leukemia

05-31-2006, 11:22 AM
I have a cat that is 2 1/2 yrs old and have just been told he has feline leukemia. He has been given a steriod shot and is on anti-botics and vitamins. Not sure he is feeling any better, cause he still just lays around and doesn't want to socialize with the family. Can anyone help me with something else I can or should be doing? Thank you very much for your help.

05-31-2006, 01:26 PM
I've had two feline leukemia cats, which were born with the disorder, so have gone through the shock of diagnosis and roller coaster of caring for them just as you are now. What is your cat's name?

How long ago did your cat have his steroid shot? This should make him feel better and give him an appetite. How long has he been on antibiotics and why is he on them? Does he have a cold or other virus? As you know, his immune system is highly compromised by the feline leukemia virus and he will have a hard time fighting off any illness, so it may not be surprising that he isn't bouncing back fast. Is he eating? If not, is he getting fluids? Did your vet check your cat's gums? If they are pale, he is anemic and that's cause for immediate concern. Your cat will probably go through occasional "sickly periods" as the virus flares into greater activity due to stress, usually. With care, the cat pulls through these periods.

Please keep us posted, and good luck!

05-31-2006, 03:09 PM
My cat's name is Redd and he is beautiful. He was diagnoised with the virus on 5-18-06. The vet said that's what we needed to do right now is the steriod shot, anti-botics and vitamins. I have had 2 cats in the past with the virus but back then they just put them down and I can't handle that again right now. Not sure about his gums being pale, but his nose is very pale white, used to be bright pink. I have seen some things on the internet about natural things like alpha interferon and 4X life factor, but I never know about stuff on the internet. So any help, information or just a friendly shoulder to cry on will be most helpful. Thank you.

05-31-2006, 04:28 PM
Did your vet check his red blood and white blood cell count? If Redd has a pale nose, he might well be anemic and needs very urgent care. Vet offices often have a resident cat or two in part so they can give blood transfusions.

For web site information, you might want to try this one: http://www.fabcats.org/felv.html

My Sesat lived until she was 7, and I know other people have had their FeLV cats live even longer after diagnosis. You have to get Redd through this initial difficult stage and onto a plateau of special care - hopefully for several years.

We are always crying on each other's shoulders on PT. You may want to post some kind of thread related to this one on Cats General since that one attracts far more attention and posts. You will get lots of hugs, prayers, positive thoughts, etc. from everyone because we've all been through these terrible times.

05-31-2006, 04:56 PM
Pale noses, gums, not socializing, eating all are not good signs. A complete blood work up can show/tell allot.
These above symptoms brought us to the vet.

My experience with this dreaded disease is our sweet RB Butterscotch got very ill (RB Butterscotch) on a Saturday, had blood workup and on that Monday he got steriod shot. He got 1 dose of each (steriod/antibotic)Tuesday early a.m. and he was gone early that afternoon to the RB Bridge.

While some of our furry kids do well for years after first being diagnoised others like RB Butterscotch went quickly after being diagnoised.

I will keep good thoughts that your outcome is a good one.