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05-29-2006, 06:52 PM
I seldom talk about Abby. She has quite a personailty, and its hard to describe to anyone. She's playful but not overly so. And she tends to like solitary games. Anyway, I was actually engaging her in a great game with the feather wand. We were on the bed playing and Allen was resting quietly right next to me. She was REALLY getting into attacking the feathers... so much so that she TOTALLY forgot Allen was sleeping right at my knee. Abby was leaping and pouncing, and at one point swatted Allen HARD across the face. As soon as she did so, she jumped back a good 4 feet with one bounce, ears thrown back and you should have seen the look on her face: it was saying "what did I Just DO???" OMG, I almost died laughing!

Allen just looked up, shook his head and went back to sleep! LOL

If Allen wasn't dying of heat, he most definately would have taken off in retaliation and beaten the snot out of my little girl. Poor, poor melting Allen. He's close to death by seasonal weather. ;)

Lookie how close to death he is! He even tolerated Nicki laying next to him!



I sure wish I had a photo of the look Abby gave him. It was priceless!

05-29-2006, 07:14 PM
He looks so relaxed laying on his back ;) It's so hard for them all in the hot weather.Thank GOD they have a wonderful home though :)

05-29-2006, 07:16 PM
In Canada we had frost warning last week.
Now its 85 and humid.
That never happened before, not that fast.
There are only 2 Seasons now Winter and Summer.
Thats scary.

05-29-2006, 07:18 PM
In Canada we had frost warning last week.
Now its 85 and humid.
That never happened before, not that fast.
There are only 2 Seasons now Winter and Summer.
Thats scary.
Allens always welcome to cool off on the porch. we have lots of room.

05-29-2006, 08:46 PM
Great pics Kim, and a great story! I laughed lol :)

I know what you mean Gary, we have a frost warning tonight in New Brunswick Canada, but then the humidex is suppose to go to 32 tomorrow :confused:

05-29-2006, 11:25 PM
I think Allen may need CPR! :eek:

Funny story about Abby. Glad Allen let it slide this time.

After seeing these pictures I now know without a doubt that Allen and Scout are a match made in heaven. They both really know how to let it all hang out.

Killearn Kitties
05-30-2006, 04:23 AM
Poor, poor melting Allen! I'll pop some ice cubes in the post for a nice cold drink for him. :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-30-2006, 04:50 AM
*lol* poor Allen..

It has been SO SO HOT lateley!! Can i come melt with you Allen?!?! :D

05-30-2006, 06:24 AM
Oh Allen, anything that brings a dog and cat together on a bed for a picture shoot is just fine with me. Sorry you are so hot though. At least us humans can peel off some of our clothing. It sounds like Abby had a moment of insanity. I would have loved to see that Kim! LOL!

P.S. I just noticed your ticker Kim and also Sara's. Only 27 days for Ash and 29 days for Sara! Who will be first? Oh my this is just SO exciting!!!!

05-30-2006, 08:26 AM
Poor little Allen, tryign to cool off and then he is interrupted by a playing Abbey!

My girls were a little warm this weekend also.... until Meowmie couldn't take it any longer and turned on the AC! They both stretched on the bed (not anywhere near one another!) and enjoyed the cool air coming from the vent above the bed.

I wish we could have seen the look on Abbey's face when she "got" Allen. :eek:

05-30-2006, 03:16 PM
Somehow the weather must be different where you are. We're having snow down to 2000 ft tomorrow. Lucky we are at 1500 :rolleyes: