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View Full Version : I'd like to intodruce my new temporary pets...

05-27-2006, 06:13 PM
I'm posting this here because I figure more people would see it here, than in Pet General, as I am hoping someone can answer some questions.

First, I must explain the "temporary" part. These were given to my family, in an emergancy situation. They could be here all summer, depending on..everything. They arrived suddenly, on my birthday(Thursday). It was the worst birthday, they really made it into a great one.

They are two goats(I'm pretty sure they are Nubian goats), and two sheep. The sheep, however, may not be staying if other arrangements can be made. This is because of some 'issues' with the male sheep/Ram.

I love, love, LOVE the goats! They are just like puppies. So sweet. They also have the cutest ears, and nice coloring.

Also before I share pictures, is there anyone on PT who owns goats/has experience with them? I'm not having any trouble with the basic care, as I had to research them quite fast. I have other questions, though. So if you've owned goats/have experience, I would really appreciate it if you let me know.

The boy goat. He has tiny horns :D :



Thanks for looking.

05-27-2006, 06:52 PM
Awwwww I used to take care of a horse and pony and they were inseperable but i didnt really take care of her so I dont know other then she poop alot lol.

They are ADORABLE though I love goats.

05-27-2006, 10:02 PM
I feel sure that someone on this forum will have goat experience, but if that doesn't turn out to be the case and you have specific questions, I can ask a friend who runs a farm animal rescue on her property. They have goats, as well as sheep, llamas, donkeys, pigs, etc. for over 20 years. The only thing I would be concerned about with looking after goats is that they are notorious for eating anything - but perhaps Nubian goats are different.

What a great birthday "present"!

05-27-2006, 10:31 PM
PM Jenluchenbach! She's had goatsperience!

Gotta love those soft, floppy-earred Nubians!

Lady's Human
05-27-2006, 10:40 PM
Built in Lawnmowers! :D

05-28-2006, 02:25 AM
Built in Lawnmowers! :D

We had a goat years ago and she ate everything in the garden except the lawn! :)

05-28-2006, 09:38 AM
I can try and help you if you have any questions regarding goats. I've owned and been around them for 5 yrs. So might be able to help ya some.


I have a nubian and they are definately the sweetest especially with those floppy ears!!!

05-28-2006, 09:55 AM
What is it that you want to know?

At the farm I'm at they have 2 goats. They seem to get into everything :rolleyes: they're really sweet animals though. Very loving.

05-28-2006, 09:59 AM
Goats?? :eek:

Wow, this city girl thinks that is prettty cool!! :cool:

Anita Cholaine
05-28-2006, 10:11 AM
I love goats and sheep! :D They are really sweet animals, aren't they? ;)

05-28-2006, 10:24 PM
Thanks all. I will definatly contact some of you with experience.

Also, I would have never taken on four animals, that I know nothing about, if it weren't an emergancy situation.

Built in Lawnmowers! :D
:D :D

Wow, this city girl thinks that is prettty cool!! :cool:
Debbie, I've never pictured you as a city girl :p

I love goats and sheep! :D They are really sweet animals, aren't they? ;)
Yes! I was very surprised with how sweet the goats are. I'm not exactly best friends with the sheep, yet :o

05-28-2006, 11:12 PM
aww!!! they are very cute! what a cool birthday!

05-29-2006, 11:30 AM
I have experience with goats! We've got 5 pygmy goats. What questions do you have?

The goats and the sheep are so cute! Love the goat's coloring!

05-29-2006, 12:31 PM
No advice, I just wanted to say CUTE!!!