View Full Version : Who says.......

05-08-2002, 08:28 PM
that a cat doesn't understand what you tell them? All I have to say to Amy (my new adopted tuxedo kitty) is, "I'm ready for bed"! And within a few seconds she is laying on the covers waiting for me!:D


Sara luvs her Tinky
05-08-2002, 09:54 PM
No really they understand HERE KITTY and always come running and TUNA!!!!!

05-08-2002, 10:22 PM
The Beans understand a lot. They both understand "Turkey", "Breakfast", and "Let's go to bed". They both also understand "Get Down" and "NO!" However, they have 'Selective Hearing' and rarely listen to the latter.:rolleyes:

05-08-2002, 11:52 PM
When we go to bed, we say to Kedi "go to your spot" (which is my pillow). He jumps on the bed and lays down on the pillow and starts purring. :rolleyes:
And of course they both understand it when I say "treats!" :)

They do the selective hearing thing too, like when they are chewing on a plant. :mad: it's funny how they don't even twitch when we say "no!" :)

Former User
05-09-2002, 04:00 AM
Awww, that's cute Wayne!
Casper and Kitty are hilarious when it comes to the word no. They know they aren't allowed to play with their toys in the bedroom, and when we see them going there with for example string in their mouth, we say NO with a bit louder voice, and they stop like to a wall! :D

05-09-2002, 06:05 AM
As far as commanding them, usually the words "Get back", are sufficient, because in the past I have backed up this command with a squirt bottle. Now, I seldom have to use the bottle, other than to simply pick it up and they obey. However, Fawn is a bit of a problem, in that he continually does the same behavior over again, as though he has an extremely short memory, more so than most felines.:)


05-11-2002, 02:02 AM
Storm understands the words treats, birds, get in your bed, down, and no. Sunny understands no and get down but usually doesn't obey. Pepper understands bedtime, no, and down. All three usually don't obey to no or down until I stand up and clap my hands or show them the squirt water bottle.

05-12-2002, 01:44 PM
I love it... I got "Hi Babiesssss" when I wake up or am coming into the house and here come all 3 :D and they come running... :D of course they love the sounds of treats too :rolleyes:

05-12-2002, 03:24 PM
Sydney loves to play deaf !!!

The best way to get a quick cure is to yell : SYDNEY , JAMMEKES !!!!

and WHAM !!! there he rushes into the kitchen ............ silly boy !!!

PS " Jammekes" is kind of Dutch for " Yamies " !!!!!

05-12-2002, 05:00 PM
My two understand my calling them for a handout of food...I usually call "kitten ittens"....they come running. They also understand NO and "where's your toy"..... and GET DOWN....they don't always respond to the no and get down, as one might suspect!

05-12-2002, 08:02 PM
Shadow and Whisper know their names, but that's about it. I'll call one to come to me in another room and they generally do come in. Callie has no idea what her name is, or the word "no", or "get down", but I think she does know when I want to give her some treats.... We usually have to walk over to them if they are being naughty to make them stop whatever they are doing...which is really irritating at 4 AM. :rolleyes: :mad: :D

05-14-2002, 09:04 AM
Karamel understand when i say "Gel pisi pisi" which means "Come pussy cat" in Turkish and he knows it means i am gonna give him some food, he comes running like a rabbit to his bowl :)

05-14-2002, 11:33 AM
When I'm ready for bed, I say "Let's go nite-nite". They all run to my room, hop on the bed and jocky for position. They're not stupid.

05-21-2002, 06:26 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by moosmom
[B]When I'm ready for bed, I say "Let's go nite-nite".

When I say this words , Sydney plays "I'm deaf" ; guess who does react then : yes , LOL , my husband ...... !!!:D :rolleyes: :D

05-30-2002, 05:25 PM
Princess My Kitty, she understands a lot of words, like, shhh, no, bad, get down, eat, snacks, ride, and alot more. Princess is a Blue tailed Purrisan Cat, and at 3 am she likes to cause alot of trouble for attention :eek: even if it means knocking down all of your glass angels :mad: but she appoligizes. She is 2 years old and i have raised her since she was 4 weeks, for about 2 months she thought she was a rabbit because when I brought her into my home i was rasing a German Show Rabbit. As soon as I figure out this whole thing where you can show pictures I'll post some :)

05-30-2002, 05:31 PM
Okay, Im going to try to put up one more picture :) Tell me what ya think of my kitty:) You can e-mail me at [email protected] :cool: :D :)

05-30-2002, 07:12 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Cutie_Chica. Princess is adorable. I'm a pushover for gray cats! Her face is particularly sweet: her nose is precious.

When is her birthday?

05-30-2002, 08:04 PM
PJs b-day is May 5th. This year we took her to Petsmart and let her go shopping :) I just took a quick picture of her for you guys. I like this site alot, Im glad noone thinks im weird here for loveing my kitty as much as i do :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-30-2002, 09:33 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk cutie_chica :D

No, no one here will think you're weird for loving your kitty as much as you do, because we all love our kitties that much. :D

PJ is adorable, and looks like she's smart too, to understand so many different words.

Hope you like it here as much as I do. :D

05-30-2002, 11:47 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk cutie_chica. I'm sure you'll love it here. Your cat Princess is beautiful. Everyone also loves to see pictures here too. Thanks for sharing your pics.:)

05-31-2002, 07:10 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk cutie_chica, we all love our cats as much as you love yours, so please don't think you are weird.
Miss Bo knows quite a few words! Whenever I say "Nippers!" she comes running because she knows it's kitty treat time. She responds to "No"'; her name plus nicknames; "come here" especially when it means a lap or a cushy spot on the recliner; "do you want to play?" usually initiates a spell of rolling over onto her back and swatting at anything that comes near; "pretty baby" spoken several times usually causes her to lay down and pose as if we were taking pictures (this probably relates back to her days as a show cat).
If we are talking in very loud voices as if we are having an argument, she will go and hide underneath the couch. And Bo really reads our faces, she can tell our moods and I honestly believe she can read lips!

05-31-2002, 08:43 AM
cutie_chica, welcome to pet talk! No one here will think you are "wierd" because of the love and attention you show your pet cat. In fact, I think that I am probably one of the "wierdest" ones on this site because of the number of them that owns me. This little home is a circus of feline antics, and I wouldn't trade it for many other things others may consider "important" in this life.

The other day, I asked Mackerella (so named because of her mackerel-like tabby markings), "Where are your kitties?". She actually understood what I meant, becuase she immediately turned her head an looked in the box where she had them before she moved them to another place! At the time, I knew that she had moved her 2 new-brood, but didn't know where. Smart kitty!

05-31-2002, 09:41 AM
Good morning everyone! I got woke up at 9 am this morning with wiskers in my face to relize Princess ate all of her food up that was in the bag :eek:!!! Has anyone else had a cat that decides to eat alot in one night??:confused: She is a indoor kitty... do u have any advice on how to keep her from not eating so much? I have tryed everything I can think of. Well Im off to Petsmart to get her some food.. see ya guys... MEOW from Princess :p

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-31-2002, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by cutie_chica
Has anyone else had a cat that decides to eat alot in one night??:confused: :p

I think it's kind of common for cats to eat very little for a few days, then really chow down the next. I check Tubby and Peanut's bowls everyday, and always fill them to the same level. Some days the bowls are absolutely empty - every little crumb and grain possible is gone. Other mornings there's at least half a bowl left for each of them. My mom's cat does this too. Some days it's as if he hasn't eaten anything, then the next day the bowl will be completely empty.

The only thing I might do if I were you is put the bag somewhere that Princess can't get to it so she doesn't over indulge on a regular basis.

05-31-2002, 11:09 AM
I believe cats are self-regulating in their dietary intake. Mine will eat according to the weather, if it is going to get cooler, then they will usually scarf up, and if it is going to be hotter, then they will eat little. In a way, one of the benefits of hot summers here in central California, is that it is so hot that they don't eat much, and this helps to keep the food bill down.:D


05-31-2002, 05:08 PM
thanks guys so much. This morning Princess and I took a trip to Petsmart, we picked up some new food and a container to keep it in, We also picked up that cool toy I read about on here to attach to your door :) She loves it and I love it too because she always wants to play and she whines when Im not up in her room when Im gone. And today my Fiancee' said she was quiet yay!!! Well I'm glad Princess aint turning into a piggy and she is just doing a normal thing. You guys are awesome see ya laterz!!!:cool: PS... heres a pic of princess on my lap right now:p

05-31-2002, 05:14 PM
How do you guys get your icon things to flash different pictures??:confused:

05-31-2002, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by cutie_chica
How do you guys get your icon things to flash different pictures??:confused:

The avatar? :o :( I had a TON of help from my friends. I will shut up at this point [A Miracle!] and let someone who knows what they are talking about handle this one.

05-31-2002, 07:42 PM
Well that dont make me feel better :( :( :( :( Can someone help me??:confused: PLEASE :) I would luv you forver and ever lol..:D

05-31-2002, 10:58 PM
Link to a description of making avatars ( . Good luck.