View Full Version : Kittens are sick....AGAIN

05-24-2006, 04:16 PM
The last 2 days the kittens have been getting sick...again. More bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite, no energy. I took them to the vet...again today. They still have coccidia and now they also have round worm. They are on Clavamox, Albon, vitamins and got dewormed....again!!! The vet doesn't think there is a good chance of the smallest one surviving. He says that if he makes it the next 3-5 days, he should be OK. I'm also giving them pedialite because some are getting dehydrated. I really hope I can pull them through. I don't think I can stand to lose another one. (I got 2 newborn, teeny, tiny, babies about a week ago. They were so small, they had to have been premature, but they didn't make it)

05-24-2006, 04:39 PM
We Are Sending Prayers That Those Little Ones Can Make It Through The Next Crucial Days.

05-24-2006, 11:37 PM
Hugs and good vibes for the wonderful meowmie! I hope the babies all make it through! :(