View Full Version : A friend needs help!

05-24-2006, 01:55 AM
I have a friend who needs help concerning her kitties. Her name is Dione. She lives with her sister, Circe, and her sisters cat. Diones cats are Angel, female, and Absinth, male. They have been raised together and are just over a year old. Circes cat, Coral, is just about one year. All are spayed/neutered and have the required vaccinations that were needed to get the procedures done. They have all been living together for about two months. They are indoor kitties. They get fed Purina Indoor Formula and Purina complete formula max (They get one food one day and the other food the next and so on and forth.). The problem is this: One of the cats is having bloody diarrhea. Also, one of them has had random blood drops. As in, they keep finding random drops of blood in different spots w/o pee and/or doody. Another thing, one keeps peeing on Circes bed. The problem has been going on for a month, maybe a little less. We're not having much luck on the internet searches. Any ideas?

(If it matters, Dione and her kitties moved in to Circes already eastablished place.)

05-24-2006, 03:25 AM
The thing with the blood could be Giardia or coccidia- Filou had that once and he is an indoor kitty as well.
That should be treatable rather well.

05-24-2006, 09:03 AM
I am going through a bad case of diarrhea right now with one of my guys. It sounds like one (or more) of them needs some metronidazole to treat the diarrhea. One way to find out who the "culprit" is try isolating them. I hve discovered the best time to do this is when everyone is eating (put them in different rooms). Most cats go to the litterbox shortly after eating (or at least mine do).

Good luck in finding out who it is.

05-24-2006, 11:34 PM
Thank you very much! I will forward this on to her and let her know! She is super worried about her babes!