View Full Version : Albert FIV + balding spots

05-24-2006, 01:01 AM
My cat albert has FIV, and as of late, he is starting to bald in some spots. It's bothering me. It seems to be growing back, but........I know this is something I will have to deal with. Does anyone know what I could buy to help w/this balding??? Like an ointment or something?

05-25-2006, 06:48 PM
I adopted 5 FIV+ cats recently and I wasn't told that they might develop balding spots. Have you been told that FIV+ cats get balding spots? One of them, Dude, has a few on his head, but he's about 15 and pretty beaten up looking so I thought it was just part of the way he looks. Have you talked to your vet? Hair loss can be caused by a skin condition - does his skin look okay? Is he pulling his fur out? I have one cat that does that and she is on anti-anxiety medication. Sorry that I don't know of an ointment that will help.

06-09-2006, 07:53 AM
Wow! My first post here!

My Scotty has FIV but no bald spots...first bit of advice is go to the vet.
Second, your cat may be licking himself in places where there is a problem and that develops the spot. A cat I adopted years ago developed bald spots on either side of his tummy...turned out he was in kidney failure...they lick where the "problem" is...NOT that this is what is going on with your baby....but go to the vet. ;)