View Full Version : what is the best then about your dog(s)?

05-07-2002, 08:32 PM
well what is it lol:confused: :D :D

05-08-2002, 04:18 PM
Welcome to Pet talk Sadie-Baby!

I am not sure I can say the best thing about my girls, cause they are just all around awesome. i have a 1 1/2 yr old Lab/dalmation mix named Sadie and a 7 month old lab mix named Cincy.

05-09-2002, 07:32 AM
There is one thing that is best about them....they LOVE me!!!!!!!!

05-09-2002, 07:51 AM
I think Anna hit the nail on the head! It's all about them loving us, like we love them!! I have two Golden Retrievers, and when they're happy, I'm happy!! :)

Tell us about your dog. :)

05-09-2002, 08:23 AM
Bella is my shadow. Whenever I leave the room she follows me. She even tries to follow me into the bathroom! :o She has only been in my life for a little over a year now but I could not imagine life without her. She is my little buddy and she makes me laugh. She is a smartie and can be naughty, but I love her just the same.

05-09-2002, 10:52 AM
i love how smokey snuggles all up on me when we sleep... soft, warm puppy... mmm...

Goochina & Goochissimo
05-09-2002, 12:18 PM
The best thing about Delilah (my cat)... she's gorgeous, friendly, doesn't try to escape outside ever (in fact, is terrified of the outdoors), and cuddles with me.

The best thing about Scout... he's super smart and learning hand commands very quickly despite his deafness, he's also super cuddly and loves nothing more than to sleep between us all cuddled up.

The best thing about Odie... he is a lovey-dovey lazy dog and very well mannered most of the time.

05-09-2002, 01:52 PM
Pam tries to follow you into the bathroom! We can't go to the bathroom without Presley joining us.. She even joins our guests in the bathroom.. It is REALLY embarassing!:D
What i really love about Presley is i just look at her and she makes me smile.. I love her to death.. I do find it a bit disturbing when she sits on my bed in the morning and watchs me sleep (one of my ex's did that!) But i just love her sooooooo much. She is my super snugglie lovey girl.. :D :D :D

05-11-2002, 11:02 PM
The best thing i can say about my little Lhasa Apso, Buddy, is that he is very sociable with people and other animals. My neighbours just love him cause when we are sitting outside and all the other dogs around us are barking their heads off, my little guy just sits there wondering what all the fuss is about without saying a woof.
I'm more of a cat person, but this little guy really won my heart.