View Full Version : Snow cat and kittens

05-07-2002, 08:29 AM
Since Snow cat has been neutered he is taking a more active interest in the kittens, in that he now washes them down like a mama cat! Strange behavior for a 1 year-old male?:)


Former User
05-07-2002, 08:34 AM
Sounds funny Wayne!

05-07-2002, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by wayne0214
...Strange behavior for a 1 year-old male?...

No, not strange or even atypical, but it sounds very sweet!

05-07-2002, 01:23 PM
Wayne - d'you think he's getting in touch with his feminine side? LOL! I'm sure lots of male cats do become more loving and gentle when they've had the 'op'.:) :)


05-07-2002, 04:54 PM
Awww, that's cute :rolleyes: :)

It's been my experience that my male cats have actually been a little more lovey and affectionate with kittens and other cats (well, except of course for the Momma kitties) :)

I once, years ago, had a male who would 'nurse' a kitten we had, who was also male. He actually did that before he was neutered, and continued to do it after as well.
I have picture of it somewhere that I should look for. :D

05-11-2002, 02:08 AM
My cat Storm has always been very affectionate towards my other two male cats. He's the oldest and also their second mother. When Pepper was a kitten Storm would wash him just like a mother cat would. Today he likes to wash their heads and sometimes their bottoms if they let him. Here's a picture of a younger Storm and Pepper at 12 weeks of age.

05-12-2002, 09:09 AM
KarzyaboutKatz, what a dear picture!

05-12-2002, 01:16 PM
Max will wash the other 2. Doesnt matter where :rolleyes: I havent noticed the girls washing each other or Max... Interesting....

05-13-2002, 02:58 AM
krazyaboutcats, I love that pic.
I have a 8 yr.old male who decided to 'mother' a kitten I got last year. Did the same thing...............:rolleyes: