View Full Version : Dogs left behind

05-16-2006, 07:50 PM
At my friend Haley's house, there are these two gorgeous Labradors. A black labrador and a black labrador. Beautiful dogs. The man saved them from drowning in a river and they have been loyal and love playing with Haley and I. Anyway, they recently moved. But left the poor dogs! They've went WILD. Turned into near cyotes, but they aren't in any pack or anything. On Haley's way home she called Abby, the black one. Hannah, the yellow one ran on, but Abby turned around and looked at Haley for a long time. But did not come. Haley kept calling but nothing happened, when she turned her back, and looked back, she was gone. Haley and I are thinking about buying two chains, two collars, and catching them (we are going to have to find a way to catch them!) and tying them up with food and water daily, in a shady place like in the woods, where they are out of sight or maybe some abusers or something, just until they find a forever home. Would this be cruel? I do not think it would be cruel if they are provided with shelter, water, and food. Right? We can't call the pound because the dogs are wild now and we think they will only let familiar people touch them... like us. I think we could handle and tame them over again. Do you know of anyone who will take them? What should we do? Thanks for the help. I'm sure you guys will have some kind of suggestion!

05-16-2006, 07:52 PM
Catch them, recivilize as much as you can, making sure they have food and good shelter and as much people exposure as possible (so not in the woods, that wouldn't be safe - someone's garage or barn perhaps?), and simultaneously contact Lab Rescue.

05-16-2006, 08:44 PM
Poor dogs. I hope you can catch them before something bad happens. I agree a garage is better if you can find somebody who'll let you. But something is better than nothing. You might be able to get leashes and walk them around people carefully and maybe try to retrain them. I can't believe they'd be so wild after only a little while.

05-16-2006, 10:54 PM
poor dogs! i would try and catch them! call a lab rescue to take them. if you can't do this make sure they have food and clean fresh water.

05-17-2006, 10:32 AM
Try to catch them and make sure you are careful. :) prayers

05-17-2006, 09:19 PM
I am Haley. Makayla's Friend. It is very sad that Abby (the black on) and Hannah (the yellow one) have gone wild. They used to be very intelligent and Loving dogs. They loved to play and we would tye them up to a sled and train them how to be a sled dog, they loved it!!!! They would run on thier own and bark and follow us everywhere. I miss them, I met them 3 or 4 year ago when i moved to my house. I have had 3 dogs, Bobbi, Sadi, and Sandy my dog that i currently have, and they all played with Abby, and Hannah, Abby and Hannah are very socialable dogs.

From, Haley :(

05-19-2006, 10:26 AM
I am Haley. Makayla's Friend. It is very sad that Abby (the black on) and Hannah (the yellow one) have gone wild. They used to be very intelligent and Loving dogs. They loved to play and we would tye them up to a sled and train them how to be a sled dog, they loved it!!!! They would run on thier own and bark and follow us everywhere. I miss them, I met them 3 or 4 year ago when i moved to my house. I have had 3 dogs, Bobbi, Sadi, and Sandy my dog that i currently have, and they all played with Abby, and Hannah, Abby and Hannah are very socialable dogs.

From, Haley :(

I hope we can catch them....