View Full Version : I need book suggestions!

05-16-2006, 01:46 AM
I go through books like tasty snacks. I just read two five hundred page books in the last six days. Before that, it was a couple of two hundred page books. I have read ALL of my books except The Complete Encyclopedia of Cats, To Wake The Dead, To Kill A Mockingbird, and Fahrenheit 451. I absolutely dread trying to read Mockingbird again because I've tried several times and it was so... incredibly... boring. So, any suggestions?

Two things, though. I just found out that there are three or four more dog and cat encyclopedias beyond what I have found. I AM SO EXCITED. I will buy them all, eventually, because each have a few that the others don't. Also, I am having trouble finding a book. I found a passage in one of my literature books in high school and have since forgotten the name of the author. All I can remember about the author, specifically, is that it was a male from the south (I know he was from the south because the whole book, almost, was stories from southern writers). The book is supposed to be humorous. It is called something like The Oedipus Complex.

05-16-2006, 02:50 AM
I inhale books....

What kinds do you like?
Besides the ones you listed?

Humour, mystery, true crime? :)

05-16-2006, 04:04 AM
Lots of ebooks available free online, you can download and read them when you have time. I get most of my books at garage/yard sales and second hand shops/stores. Much as I love computers I would not like a world without books too. :)

05-16-2006, 06:06 AM
One of the books I love is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. (It's 933 pages long so could keep you occupied for a couple of days :D ).

Have you read any Terry Pratchett books? I'm just getting into them. I loved Good Omens - which he wrote with someone else, can't remember who - and am now reading Carpe Jugulum, which is part of the Discworld series.

05-16-2006, 08:00 AM
One of the books I love is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. (It's 933 pages long so could keep you occupied for a couple of days :D ).

Have you read any Terry Pratchett books? I'm just getting into them. I loved Good Omens - which he wrote with someone else, can't remember who - and am now reading Carpe Jugulum, which is part of the Discworld series.
I love Terry Prachett! He is sooooo funny, I really enjoy the Discworld series, and I really liked his new one, Thud!. Haha, how can you not want to read a book with that title?

I'm not sure about the author in particular you are trying to find...I'm thinking of southern authors and all that's coming up right now is William Faulkner- and his books would certainly not be called funny! (IMO, mind-numbingly confusing and disturbing would be a good description).

Just for ideas, I really like Willa Cather, Henry James (his best is Portrait of a Lady, I have read it about 5 times!), Bill Bryson (I love all of this books, they are so funny!) and I also really like the Harry Potter series. I know they are kids books, but I absolutely cannot wait until the final book comes out! Oh, and if you like good nonfiction about pets, Stephen Budiansky has some really good ones. I'll have to pay close attention to this thread as I'm always on the lookout for good books too. :D

05-16-2006, 08:38 AM
Great another Reader I LOVE to read.i sometimes make myself stay awake so i can read my books
Cold Sassy Tree it is a great book,the westing game it is a teen book but still i love it,and Babylon Rising series I am reading that right know
The parrots on teleograph hill I want to read it sometime.The Harry Potter Books.

05-16-2006, 10:34 AM
Like Richard, I inhale books, too! Finally, Jonah is a good enough sleeper that I can indulge in an hour of reading at night, without worrying about a 5 am wake up time! :D

My fave authors' Stuart Wood, David Baldacci, LesCroart (sic), and anything in that 'genre'.

I also read Debbie Macromber, and Jonah (with help from Lillycat) got me her sequel to Blossom Street. I just finished it last night.

When all else fails, I will read magazines. If nothing else- I will read instruction manuals, product manuals, just give me something to read! :D

Jonah seems to love to read, too. We go to the library often (though the electric door button seems his fave thing right now), and he has a couple of shelves of books to choose from. Of course, his favorite is, "Where is the Cat". :D :D

Someone said to me once, "I don't have the time to read....". My answer- here it comes again, folks! Turn off the TV! :D

05-16-2006, 10:42 AM
There's "Oedipus the King", by Sophocles, probably not what you want. The Oedipus complex is a Freudian idea, so a book about it maybe making fun? Not sure.... I read that in high school, very interesting....I am also an avid reader, I can't go to sleep at night until I've read something. My husband just doesn't understand...I can spend ALL day in a Barnes & Nobles. I have about 35 books on my shelf that I have yet to read :o

05-16-2006, 10:55 AM
If you like horses -- chicken soup for the horse lover's soul is good. I got that book awhile back and am still reading it. :)

05-16-2006, 11:25 AM
They have chicken soup for everything on the earths soul. I would recommend those books they are fun

Aspen and Misty
05-16-2006, 12:01 PM
I love to read also! I can't have enough books to keep me happy! I just recently stumbled upon a series by an author named Tamora Pierce. I'm very much into science fiction so I loved these books. They are about a girl who has a form of magic called wild magic and uses it to talk to animals as her magic grows she can later on morph into animals. I won't go into explaining the books as I always tend to make them sound horrible, but it was a really good series. It is a teen series but I loved every minute of it!

The books are called (in order) - Wild Magic, Wolf Speaker, Emperor Mage and The Realms of the Gods

I also love any book by Anne McCaffrey, she has a great series called the Dragon riders of Pern that I have fallen in love with and can't get enough of. I would definitely recommend them to any reader.


05-16-2006, 12:19 PM
Ahh.. I love reading.

Here's some books I've read recently and highly reccomend:

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
Inkspell by Cornelia Funke
The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke

Angeline by Karleen Bradford

Vanish by Tess Gerritsen
Body Double by Tess Gerritsen

05-16-2006, 12:46 PM
Well I highly enjoyed Ender's Game and the entire series. Definitely something different, a little sci-fi, but not the boring sci-fi!

05-16-2006, 03:02 PM
I love to read also! I can't have enough books to keep me happy! I just recently stumbled upon a series by an author named Tamora Pierce.

The books are called (in order) - Wild Magic, Wolf Speaker, Emperor Mage and The Realms of the Gods

She is the best I love all her books I love the Alanna series.She is my fav.author of all

05-16-2006, 10:11 PM
I inhale books....

What kinds do you like?
Besides the ones you listed?

Humour, mystery, true crime? :)

Pretty much everything that is *not* sci fi or fantasy.

05-17-2006, 02:12 PM
Pretty much everything that is *not* sci fi or fantasy.

Hiaasen-writes extremely funny stuff..Florida based-lots of stupid people.
Vince Flynn- for political thrillers/spy books.
Tom Clancy-military thrillers-very topical topics!
Greg Iles-some different kind of thrillers
Stephen Hunter- especially the Bob Lee Swagger stuff-black light, time to humt, Dirty white boys.
Clive Cussler-good historical mysteries.
stephen King.....altho he, in the last few years has run short on ideas.

Buddy Blaze Lover
05-17-2006, 02:24 PM
So do you like fantasy? (I'm a little confused there) :p 'Cause the first books on my favorites list ARE sci-fi...like Lord of the Rings, Eragon, Eldest, etc...I highly recommend these ones, and all three are extremely thick books too! hehe;) Eragon and Eldest are the first two books in a trilogy about dragons, elves, men, magic, and good verses evil by a 17-yr-old named Christopher Paolini. I'm excited 'cause the movie Eragon is coming out this fall too! :D ;)

05-17-2006, 02:27 PM
Have you tried these candylicious books
Winter of Fire-somewhat similar to Giver of you've read that one
Penny: The Story of a free soul basset hound
Sacajawea- really long but very good
The Plague Dogs
Watership Down

Here's a few I reviewed on my neopets page years ago, too bad they filter a lot of the words http://www.neopets.com/~hlaoroo452

05-17-2006, 03:07 PM
Ooh, I know a good Mystery book we just finished in English!
It's Called: And Then There Were None-By Agatha Christie
It's a VERY good mystery!
Plus, at the moment I'm reading Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul.

05-17-2006, 10:07 PM
Pretty much everything that is *not* sci fi or fantasy.
I hate sci-fi too, but I'm telling you, Ender's Game is the ONLY sci-fi-ish book I can stomach. Its just... I don't know. I at least recommend you giving it a shot.

Toby's my baby
05-17-2006, 10:16 PM
I'm reading a book now that is called "Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls" and I LOVE it. I don't know if you would like it though. Its not really a 'book' i guess. Its about a phycologist that has teen girls in, and she writes about their stories, and how things are so very different for girls in the 1990's than it was for our parents growing up. It gives stories about girls dealing with their mothers, fathers, divorce, depression, thinness, drugs and alcohol, sex and violence, and other things of that sort. I really want my mom to read it when I am done, because I think she would understand more of what I'm going through as a teenager, and how it is so much different than when she was growing up. I recomend it to parents of teenagers, and teenagers themselves.

Sorry, im not much help :o

05-17-2006, 10:24 PM
I used to love reading too until my eyesight began to fail me,but when the new glasses arrive, i hope to get back into it, and finish the book i started reading, it is called "Cats are smarter than Jack" it has 89 True short stories all about amazing cats,it is a neat little book, maybe you would enjoy it too.

05-17-2006, 11:17 PM
To Kill a Mockingbird IS a good book. I *had* to read it in 9th grade, but I enjoyed it.

What about the DaVinci Code? I've just started this (100 or so pages in) and I really like it. It's fast paced and something I can keep up with, lmao.

05-18-2006, 12:16 AM
One of the books I love is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. (It's 933 pages long so could keep you occupied for a couple of days :D ).

Have you read any Terry Pratchett books? I'm just getting into them. I loved Good Omens - which he wrote with someone else, can't remember who - and am now reading Carpe Jugulum, which is part of the Discworld series.

HaHA! No book can tantalize me forever! :D I whip em out like *that*. :D *cockiness ensues*

No, I will have to check them out, though. :)

05-18-2006, 12:26 AM
There's "Oedipus the King", by Sophocles, probably not what you want. The Oedipus complex is a Freudian idea, so a book about it maybe making fun? Not sure.... I read that in high school, very interesting....I am also an avid reader, I can't go to sleep at night until I've read something. My husband just doesn't understand...I can spend ALL day in a Barnes & Nobles. I have about 35 books on my shelf that I have yet to read :o

No, doesn't sound like it. Sounds like you went through a lot of trouble to look so thank you very much! :) Actually, the book I am looking for might be a short story. It's a funny story about a little boy who tries with all his might to make his dad not touch or sleep with his mother, his dad goes off to war, there is a lesson learned somewhere in there, I think, and it's pretty good.

Yeah, my husband has to get up early and does not understand my 5 am book-induced bed time. :D You sound like me with all of those books! (We had to donate so many to a book store because of the move.)

05-18-2006, 12:28 AM
I love to read also! I can't have enough books to keep me happy! I just recently stumbled upon a series by an author named Tamora Pierce. I'm very much into science fiction so I loved these books. They are about a girl who has a form of magic called wild magic and uses it to talk to animals as her magic grows she can later on morph into animals. I won't go into explaining the books as I always tend to make them sound horrible, but it was a really good series. It is a teen series but I loved every minute of it!

The books are called (in order) - Wild Magic, Wolf Speaker, Emperor Mage and The Realms of the Gods

I also love any book by Anne McCaffrey, she has a great series called the Dragon riders of Pern that I have fallen in love with and can't get enough of. I would definitely recommend them to any reader.


Did Anne McCaffrey write Mistress of Dragons ? I bought that for Troy the other day and I don't know where he has placed it so I can't look myself. f;asjdflkj ERRGh. He's very much in to those genres.

05-18-2006, 12:31 AM
Hiaasen-writes extremely funny stuff..Florida based-lots of stupid people.
Vince Flynn- for political thrillers/spy books.
Tom Clancy-military thrillers-very topical topics!
Greg Iles-some different kind of thrillers
Stephen Hunter- especially the Bob Lee Swagger stuff-black light, time to humt, Dirty white boys.
Clive Cussler-good historical mysteries.
stephen King.....altho he, in the last few years has run short on ideas.

Tom Clancy, oh writer of one of my favourite video games ever (as if that's really the point. :rolleyes: ). I am sure his books are as awesome as the games.

Hmm, I like history and whatnot! See, the books that I am reading now are To Wake The Dead which is some sort of thriller (I am not good with putting things in genres).

05-18-2006, 12:34 AM
Have you tried these candylicious books
Winter of Fire-somewhat similar to Giver of you've read that one
Penny: The Story of a free soul basset hound
Sacajawea- really long but very good
The Plague Dogs
Watership Down

Here's a few I reviewed on my neopets page years ago, too bad they filter a lot of the words http://www.neopets.com/~hlaoroo452

Oh, I heart Watership Down so very, very much. :)

I love nonfic books about dogs, cats, etc. :D I about had a heart attack when they had a bunch of those types of books on sale at Books-A-Million!

05-18-2006, 12:34 AM
I hate sci-fi too, but I'm telling you, Ender's Game is the ONLY sci-fi-ish book I can stomach. Its just... I don't know. I at least recommend you giving it a shot.

Okay, I shall give it a try. :D

05-18-2006, 12:36 AM
I'm reading a book now that is called "Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls" and I LOVE it. I don't know if you would like it though. Its not really a 'book' i guess. Its about a phycologist that has teen girls in, and she writes about their stories, and how things are so very different for girls in the 1990's than it was for our parents growing up. It gives stories about girls dealing with their mothers, fathers, divorce, depression, thinness, drugs and alcohol, sex and violence, and other things of that sort. I really want my mom to read it when I am done, because I think she would understand more of what I'm going through as a teenager, and how it is so much different than when she was growing up. I recomend it to parents of teenagers, and teenagers themselves.

Sorry, im not much help :o

I love those types of books. I don't know how to classify them, though. Books like Speak and She's Come Undone take a special spot with me. :)

You were good help! :D

05-18-2006, 12:37 AM
I used to love reading too until my eyesight began to fail me,but when the new glasses arrive, i hope to get back into it, and finish the book i started reading, it is called "Cats are smarter than Jack" it has 89 True short stories all about amazing cats,it is a neat little book, maybe you would enjoy it too.

I am sure I would! I must find it! :D

05-18-2006, 12:39 AM
To Kill a Mockingbird IS a good book. I *had* to read it in 9th grade, but I enjoyed it.

What about the DaVinci Code? I've just started this (100 or so pages in) and I really like it. It's fast paced and something I can keep up with, lmao.

Well, it just doesn't keep my attention so much. But, this time around, it is getting better so perhaps I shall turn out to like it! :D

I *loved* The DaVinci Code.

Aspen and Misty
05-18-2006, 07:09 AM
I'm excited 'cause the movie Eragon is coming out this fall too! :D ;)

I can not wait for this to come out either!! I'm so exited to see how they make the dragon, I hope they do an awesome job with her and she is in alot of scenes.

Did Anne McCaffrey write Mistress of Dragons ? I bought that for Troy the other day and I don't know where he has placed it so I can't look myself. f;asjdflkj ERRGh. He's very much in to those genres.

Margaret Weis is acctually the author of that book.

I hope you've gotten some good book suggestions!


05-18-2006, 08:18 AM
I'm not too big of a reader, but my husband, Justin, is. I don't know if you'd like the kinds of books he reads, but I'll list some of his favorites. I read a little here and there.

I think my two favorite books would have to be Tara Road (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0440235596/qid=1147957986/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-4316479-1861735?s=books&v=glance&n=283155) and When The Wind Blows (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0446676438/qid=1147958075/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-4316479-1861735?s=books&v=glance&n=283155).

Justin's favorite author is Chuck Palahniuk (he wrote Fight Club). I think Justin's favorite book by him is Survivor (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0385498721/qid=1147956183/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/102-4316479-1861735?s=books&v=glance&n=283155).

He's currently reading House of Leaves (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0375703764/qid=1147956267/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-4316479-1861735?s=books&v=glance&n=283155). He's loving it so far.

One of his favorite books is The Straw Men (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0515134279/qid=1147956663/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-4316479-1861735?s=books&v=glance&n=283155).

So do you like fantasy? (I'm a little confused there) :p 'Cause the first books on my favorites list ARE sci-fi...like Lord of the Rings, Eragon, Eldest, etc...I highly recommend these ones, and all three are extremely thick books too! hehe;) Eragon and Eldest are the first two books in a trilogy about dragons, elves, men, magic, and good verses evil by a 17-yr-old named Christopher Paolini. I'm excited 'cause the movie Eragon is coming out this fall too! :D ;) Have you read the His Dark Materials (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0440238609/qid=1147957393/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/102-4316479-1861735?s=books&v=glance&n=283155) trilogy? Justin hasn't yet read them, but a friend highly recommended to him.