View Full Version : Help, what should I do!

05-06-2002, 04:44 PM
I got my beagle when she was 6 weeks old. At first we started the whole potty traing thing with puppy pads(I live in a apart). We started taking her outside shortly after that. She is in her crate during the day, which is up to maybe 6 hrs at the most on some occasions. She knows to go outside and she does every time I take her out. We still have the puppy pad down just in case. The problem is she goes pee in the house for no reason.
Almost like she is scared or nervous. I go to put on her collar and she shows her tummy and pees. She will pee in her crate too. For some unknow reason she will go in the house, like she did something wrong. I constantly have to pick up after her. Does she have a weak bladder? Maybe I potty trained her wrong? Oh by the way she is now over 7 months and continues. It is so bad we are going to take her to live with my parents so she can be outside, until we get a yard.

05-07-2002, 02:32 PM
Have you talked to the vet about any physical causes for this? Sounds like your puppy is very submissive. Do you ever scold her for peeing in the house? Perhaps you shouldn't even say "no" but use high praise outside.

Check thru all the past behavior threads cause there are a lot of suggestions on how to be a good pack leader so your dog feels secure (which would hopefully reduce the nervous peeing).

It's been a long time since I've dealt with puppy issues since my dog is 10 but I've always lived in an apartment so I know how difficult it can be, good luck!

05-07-2002, 03:17 PM
I'm afraid putting her outside won't solve the problem. It will just make it more convenient for you. If you want to actually solve the problem, please keep her inside as part of the family. I just adopted a Yorkie who's a year and a half and was not AT ALL potty trained. Its only been a few days since I've brought him home and he is already on the road to being 100% housebroken.

From the way you described it, it sounds like she has submissive urination along with not being housebroken. How often are you able to come home during the day? I think you need to totally re-house train her. Is her crate just big enough so she can lay down, stand up, and turn around comfortably? If its any bigger, then block it off with something so she doesn't have too much room. Get her on a schedule for potty and take her to the same spot outside every time. Have really good treats in your pocket and praise her when she goes outside. Never scold her for going inside. If you see her start to go, clap your hands and take her directly outside. If you don't catch her in the act, there's nothing you can do.

Good luck.

05-28-2002, 05:08 PM
DOnt worrie please! My dog did that 2. He out grew it when he was about a year old. So Please keep the dog!!:(