View Full Version : new furniture delivered

05-06-2002, 01:41 PM
Hello everyone,

I am looking for some "words of wisdom". I am having a new bed delivered tomorrow :) and I would like to reduce the probability that Emily will leave me a "present" :eek: (i.e. pee) on the new bed.

I was planning on spending some time (and kitty treats) playing with her on the bed before making it up. Then keeping the bedroom door closed for the first couple of days while I am at work.

Any words of advice on how to aclimatize her to new furniture?



05-06-2002, 02:07 PM
I have never heard of a cat doing that kind of thing. I am sorry, but I wouldn't be able to keep the kitty if it was in the habit of marking everything. Yikes. Maybe someone else has resolved a similar problem. Ugh. I can't think of anything that would force me to give up a kitty, than having it pee on my bed. You must really love your cat!!!!:( :) :) :confused:

05-06-2002, 02:17 PM
I have never had a problem with The Beans and a new bed.
I bet Edwina's Secretary will have some sound advice. Edwina I am sure will have something to say about new beds. I think she just got a new one....um, well her Mama and Daddy did. ;)

05-06-2002, 02:22 PM
Hi, Emily hasn't pee'd on my bed yet. She does have a problem and has been peeing on an old couch I had (which I have since thrown out). I just do not want a similar incident to start up. I love her and she has been good for me, but I don't know if I could go through an extended period where she acted up on the new furniture. I am hoping that I am just being overly cautious ;)


05-06-2002, 02:35 PM
Do you have an old shower curtain or plastic table cloth? Something that wouldn't feel comfortable and you could maybe even throw a few moth balls on top of the plastic. Just take it up at night when you're ready for bed. My mom used to have a cat that would pee on her bed if ever she would be a away overnight and a plastic curtain (that made noise when cat would jump up too) did the trick. Laurie

05-06-2002, 03:19 PM
I would like to retract part of my previous comment. I would probably not get rid of the cat, but would probably not allow it in my bedroom if it was most likely going to soil the bed. My guess is that your old sofa had the scent of another cat on it, thus enticing your current kitty to spray it. But who really knows. I just know that I cannot stand the smell of cat urine in the house and would have to take extreme measures to make sure it didn't happen again. I guess after all else failed I would consider rehome a cat if it meant it being treated differently than usual. I like to let my guys roam the house - and so far, except for peeing in a cat bed on the floor of the porch and using the snow on the porch as litter , they have been really good.

But you never know! :eek: :eek: :confused:

05-06-2002, 05:05 PM
Was the couch second-hand? If it was, she might havae smelt an old cat who used to pee onit.

I have heard of cats peeing on the furniture before, but it was always either second-hand furniture that probably had been peed on before or cats living ina houses with bad catmoms - negelcted, abused or overcrowded, very stressed cats.

Unless she was the first cat to pee on the couch, I wouldn't expect a problem, but if there has been a precedent I would invest in a good plastic mattress case.

Edwina's Secretary
05-06-2002, 05:14 PM
LoudLou -- we got a new bed -- right. :rolleyes: Edwina has claimed it. She finds it far more comfortable than "just" queen size!

Truthfully, I have never had a pee problem with her on furniture --(especially not something she spends 10 to 15 hours a day on -- like the bed.) A long time ago I caught her peeing a couple of times in a silk plant. I put lemon potpourri in it and she stopped. And she expresses her opinion of any vacations we take with a poop or two in the dining room but...

I agree with Laurie's suggestion on the plastic.

05-06-2002, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
...Edwina has claimed it. She finds it far more comfortable than "just" queen size!

Nothing but the best for my angel!

=^..^= Marius

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-06-2002, 05:28 PM
I would also suggest the plastic covering the bed. When I moved back in with my parents, Tubby naturally came with. At the time my dad was still and "I hate cats" kind of person (not any longer though) and he and Tubby didn't get along very well. Tubby's answer to the solution was to pee in my parents bed - on my dad's side. After the second time, I was not so politely told that if this happened again I might come home to find Tubby had...well...shall we say...moved on? My mom was my ally in all this, and not only closed the bedroom door, but cut a plastic garbage bag apart so it was nice and big. Then every morning when she was making the bed, she would just lay the plastic on top of the bed as the final covering. Problem solved! Tubby evidently didn't like the "feel" of the plastic, or the noise it made and, as far as I know, never even jumped up on their bed anymore once he discovered the plastic. Thankfully that was the only time in Tubby's entire life that he peed anywhere besides his litterbox. Whew! Knock on wood! :)

Hope this helps because this can be one of the most frustrating behaviours to deal with and try to modify.

05-07-2002, 12:35 PM
well , let the cat sleep in the bed and you next to it on the floor !!!! hahahahaha LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

05-07-2002, 05:49 PM
emily_the _spoiled,

Just wanted to know if the kitty has peed on anything
since you got rid of the old couch? If not, maybe that was
what inspired the marking.:confused: I've never had this
with my cats, so don't know what else to suggest; using
the plastic covering on the new bed does make sense tho.

P.S. Wolflady: Super COOL emblem in you sig line.:D

05-07-2002, 06:55 PM
I have caught Snow Cat peeing on my bed, but he only does this when I have failed to put fresh sand in the cat's litter box. I suppose it is a protest or a reminder to change the sand, but what ever, now I am more aware of the cleanliness of his litter facilities. :D


05-07-2002, 07:39 PM

May I make a suggestion? My cat Casey has peed on my bed twice in his lifetime. Both times he was trying to tell me he wasn't feeling well. Sure enough, a trip to the vet confirmed he had a Urinary Tract Infection. One question...is he declawed?? Alot of times when cats are declawed, they start to have litterbox problems. They can also develop arthritis in their paws and resort to biting as their defense. Anyway, the first thing you might want to do is have him checked out to make sure he's okay.

Cats don't know the difference between old and new furniture. I found that out the hard way. I allowed my cat Mollie Rose to scratch my old chair that I allowed them to. Well, when I got new furniture, they started in on that. Not knowing what declawing was all about, I had her declawed. That was way before I realized exactly what the procedure entailed. And before I learned that you can train cats now to scratch.

Good luck.

05-08-2002, 06:45 AM
This has never been a problem with mine. When we were younger Gigio occasionally would pee on my sister's clothes if she left them on the floor or if he wanted some attention. Only two day before he died he had a little accident on my bed (only a few drops), he wanted to cuddle under the blankets with me so badly and I did not have the heart to send him away. It was the last time I was able to hold him :(

Prema had a little accident a couple of days after she came home. She was so busy playing with a piece of paper that she forgot she needed to go :rolleyes: . As soon as she noticed she tried to jump off and run to the litter box but she never made it on time. I could not even get mad since it was such a funny thing to watch!:D

05-08-2002, 07:02 AM
Emily - keep an eye on the underside of your box springs. I got a new bedroom set a few months ago and my Panda has used the underside of the bed as a scratching post. She also likes to use the mattress:mad: :mad: NO peeing though, but I least pee can be cleaned up, she has made hash out of the material covering the box springs and has done a pretty good job on my mattress as well. She never bothered my old bed, I think there must be something about the new smell that set her off.

05-09-2002, 11:35 AM
I want to thank everyone for their suggestions. I have now had the new bed for 3 days/2 nights and I have not had any problems with Emily. I had heard horror stories from people when they got new furniture and I wanted to avoid the problem. I think that spending time with her (and some kitty treats) on the bed made her feel more comfortable with it.

Thanks again :D


05-12-2002, 01:37 PM
Yeahhhh Emily!!! WTG!!