View Full Version : When OTC Dewormers Just Don't Cut It

05-07-2006, 11:54 PM
What do you use?

We've been battling Double-Oh's worms for at least two months now. We bought some stuff from WalMart (NOT Hartz!) and have given both him AND both dogs three treatments each (one, then one ten days later, then a month later). Now we are coming up to treatment four in two weeks, and he still appears to have them just as bad as day one. He does NOT go outside or eat any other animal's poo. I know he is the source, Jamie got them from him because she dines at the kitty buffet.

Any suggestions short of getting prescription stuff? Do the pills work better than the liquid stuff?? What is my worst case scenario if they just refuse to boot??

05-09-2006, 11:26 AM
Flagel is the best dewormer. You can only get it at the vet. But why waste your money on the OTC stuff that doesn't work after MANY doses, when you can get 2 doses and that's the end of it??

05-09-2006, 11:40 AM
Wow, I just got on to bump this thread because no one had replied when I get an email saying I received a reply! ;)

I only bought one bottle, it was less than five bucks, there is still some left in it (but not enough for another round for the zoo), so I didn't continue to buy the OTC stuff if it wasn't working. ;)

Do I have to schedule an appointment, or bring in a fecal sample to be tested, or just call and ask for it? I'm new to vets in this area, before we just brought them to a vet my parents have always gone to (but they are VERY expensive..) so I don't even know of any local vets to go to. I can find some with some research though, I'm sure.

OF the OTC stuff, do you prefer the pills or liquid?

05-09-2006, 12:20 PM
In my experience all the over the counter stuff is the same.... garbage. The doses are so low for it to be sold over the counter that it doesn't even get rid of the worms.

If the vet has not seen the animals before you will most likely have to bring them in for an exam as well. If you provide your vet with your animals previous vet records and they are current on everything then some vets will just allow you to bring in a fecal sample and some might even prescribe it over the phone.

Even if for some reason you don't need a vet for this problem, please re-search them in your area anyways & get an account set up with a decent one asap. You never know if an emergency pops up.

05-09-2006, 12:29 PM
Oh no, I already planned on doing that, anyway. I know there is one decent one, has good ratings, about a 30 minute drive. Its the closest one though lol and I know exactly where its at. I should stop in one day to check it out, bring one of the pups with me.

I know Jamie and Charlie are current on everything, but lost the papers. I can always call the previous vet and have them mail me copies of their records, right?

05-09-2006, 12:43 PM
The best thing to do is call your previous vet and have them FAX over all your records to the vet you'll be taking your cat to. This way it won't take too long. You'll probably have to bring in a fecal sample too.

05-09-2006, 12:48 PM
Ah, that makes a lot more sense, thanks guys I'll do that sometime this week :)