View Full Version : Look what we found!!

05-07-2006, 06:50 PM
My mom was standing in the driveway on the phone (don't ask :rolleyes: ) and she saw this little guy running towards her! We've seen the little one in the tree a couple days ago chitter-chattering away, and it was just really weird to see him/her running up the driveway!!

It doesn't seem to be injured at all, but we think it might've fallen from the tree. The baby did disappear now though, so I don't know where it went.

I'm just glad its in the front yard and not the back, it'd surely be a doggie dinner :(

I couldn't resist taking a couple pictures...he is sooo cute!





05-07-2006, 07:10 PM
How cute!!!!!!!!! I have a big soft spot for squirrels. At our old house we had a "pet" squirrel- we would give him corn and peanuts and sunflower seeds. He was huge even before we moved in- maybe the people before us fed him, too, when he was out of corn he would look in the window at us and beg for more!

Rie Rie
05-07-2006, 07:11 PM
Love the pictures. I think squarrels are so cute. My son's friend has one as a pet, raised it from a baby.

05-07-2006, 07:13 PM
Aww! He's adorable!!! We have a ton a squirrels in our yard... only because frisk is the only one allowed of leash... and he couldn't run fast enough to catch a squirrel even if he tried!! :D

05-07-2006, 07:34 PM
Aw I really like his colouring and his nails are so cute

Laura's Babies
05-07-2006, 08:05 PM
I LOVE squirrels, they are soooooo cute!

05-07-2006, 08:33 PM
He is so cute. I hope he ends up all right.

Ginger's Mom
05-07-2006, 09:24 PM
Wow, you really got some great pictures of him. He is cute. :)

05-07-2006, 09:30 PM
Aww he is adroable! Great pictures you took!