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View Full Version : oooo someone really hates me right now (not a rant, no worries)

05-05-2006, 12:55 PM
oooo Since I have been working hard to shrink my stomach so I eat less & don't get hungry every 2 seconds I totally FORGOT that I cannot stuff my face for a good cheap meal...

Its been over 7yrs since I last shrunk my stomach so I forgot a lot of things.. So I went to Tim Hortons with a friend & ordered a Chili Combo with a large IceCap. I gobbled it down as its my FAV meal.. well now my stomach is stretched & its VERY, VERY, VERY, PAINFUL!! OH MY GOD IT KILLS!! My whole gut is P'ed off right now & the Chili combo isn't a lot of food either. I cannot barf, so its all stuck down there & its really hurting. I'll never do this again....

*curled up in her big work chair trying not to die, while her gut makes horrid noise & grumbles in pain*

So ya, I have learned my lesson, no amount of food larger then my hand can go into my stomach & that includes the Chili Combo worth 4 hands.. oooo we need a barfing or sick smiley... oooo I'm so gonna die!!

05-05-2006, 01:14 PM
I hate being really full. :o

critter crazy
05-05-2006, 01:15 PM
thank god it has been some time since i have had that prob!! it sucks!!

05-05-2006, 01:19 PM
I'm still drinking my IceCap too.. its just soooooo good !!