View Full Version : Name for my "business"/ far future kennel?

Suki Wingy
05-04-2006, 10:09 PM
Ok, well, I have thought long and hard and over the last few years I have come up with the name Longfellow because I wanted something that related to me without being too obvious like my innitials. My full name happens to be the name of a book length poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I have been using it for my pictures and dog ads and stuff for over a year, but about 4 months ago I finally changed my mind. I got a lot of funny looks when I told my friends the name. "Long Fellow???" I wanted my logo to be a quill drawing the spots on the dalmatian. Gives you that sort of "Taylor made" feel. I was growning more and more attatched to the name Orinoco especially when I was doing my massive 200 point research/presentation project on Inia geofrensis which live in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. I registered my domain as OrinocoPhoto.com (www.orinocophoto.com) and have the site complete but not yet uploaded because we're having some "technical dificulties."
Later, when I can, I will breed/show Dalmatians for dual purpose.
The main things I need you to consider are:
-What is easyer to remember?
-What is easyer to spell?
-What flows best?

The only thing with Longfellow is that it is so long and if I wanted to put "Longfellow's " in the registered name of any dogs, that is already almost 1/2 the spaces allowed. I heard that many people get away with more though.

05-04-2006, 10:26 PM
Hmm... I'm not sure. Longfellow is really cute, and it's cool how it relates to you! Orinoco also sounds nice. I think they're both great names, and you should go with what you want! It WILL be your business name for many years, after all. My friends tried to convince me that Fozzie is a dumb name, and Alfie is better. ^_~ Obviously, they didn't convince me. You should go with what you really like!

Between - Longfellow Dalmatians and Orinoco Dalmatians, I like Longfellow. That's just IMO!

05-04-2006, 10:55 PM

How about something like "The Dog Spot" or a pubby name like "The Spotted Dog"?

Or even just "The Spot"?

Spot's Place?

Something that will tell people what the business IS.

Just a suggestion.


05-04-2006, 11:54 PM
I know you asked this question before, but I've always liked Longfellow. I LOVE the story behind the name Longfellow and your own name, and it sounds very simple but elegant and lighthearted, like a Dal. When I hear the name Longfellow, I can really put a Dalmatian behind it. As for the name registration problem, you can call it LongFellow and shorten your kennel to "LF" (like LF's *blah blah*). I think you mentioned that possibility before. By the way, I love the name Evangeline. Very very pretty!

05-05-2006, 12:00 AM
I like Longfellow. Orinoco is nice but I just prefer Longfellow. ;) It is easier for me to remember.

Suki Wingy
05-05-2006, 11:18 AM
Thanks guys. I guess I'll keep Longfellow in mind.
Erica- I like them BOTH, that's the problem! I just thought maybe Longfellow would be hard to remember.
Catty- I've thought LONG and HARD about this, and already narrowed it down to these two. Dalmatians are not going to be my business, but my hobby. Kennel names sometimes relate to the breed (Like the famous "Clussex" who breed Clumber and Sussex spaniels) but they usually don't. When I was younger I thought of SunSpot because my street is just so darn sunny! I don't really like that one though.