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View Full Version : The Little Zoo That Could

Dixie Belle
05-01-2006, 03:47 PM
Any of you guys watched this show on Animal Planet? Or Discovery Channel. One of the two. Anyway, for those who haven't it's about the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. They followed them around while the zoo evacuated and cleaned up after three or four hurricanes. Anyway, I live up the road from them and today I took my boys and my brother-in-law down there. It's the first time in years I've been there. They have done a really good job putting it back together. They still need some work though. Check out their website:


We plan on going back in a couple of weeks. They have some baby tigers that they will be ready for the public soon. We'll even get to pet them!!!

05-01-2006, 07:53 PM
I watch it all the time and LOVE that show!! Those amazing people at that little zoo have been through SOOOO much in the past year with all the hurricanes striking back to back. And to pull all of the animals out of the zoo when the hurricanes were about to strike took alot of hard work, dedication and courage. They were awesome!

Rie Rie
05-02-2006, 07:38 AM
I watch all the time and have seen that show on the zoo. Those people are just amazing and very dedicated to those animals..........True Heroes!!!!