View Full Version : Anybody Ever Have Cellulitis?

05-01-2006, 08:19 AM
I have a really bad case of poison ivy on my right calf. I just called my doctor and spoke with her assistant. Her assistant thinks I may have Cellulitis. She's going to talk to my doctor and call me back to see if I should come in for a test and treatment.

Has anybody ever had Cellulitis? How was it treated? Does it take a long time to treat?

I haven't shaved in over 1 week!!! I have to get rid of this poison ivy (and possibly Cellulitis). I'm turning into Sasquatch!!!!


05-01-2006, 08:22 AM
I have a really bad case of poison ivy on my right calf. I just called my doctor and spoke with her assistant. Her assistant thinks I may have Cellulitis. She's going to talk to my doctor and call me back to see if I should come in for a test and treatment.

Has anybody ever had Cellulitis? How was it treated? Does it take a long time to treat?

I haven't shaved in over 1 week!!! I have to get rid of this poison ivy (and possibly Cellulitis). I'm turning into Sasquatch!!!!


Wish I could help. I've fallen into a huge patch of poison ivy several times at my friends cottage & never had a reaction to it. I've heard that pink stuff for chicken pox is suppose to help ease the itching...

hehe Sasquatch :D

05-01-2006, 08:25 AM
Wish I could help. I've fallen into a huge patch of poison ivy several times at my friends cottage & never had a reaction to it.

AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!! I know so many people who aren't affected by it!! That's sooooooooooooooooooooo unfair!!! I have very fair skin. If I look at the sun for 1 second, I get a burn. If I look at poison ivy for 1 second, I get infected. It's just sooooooo unfair!!!! People with dark and olive type skin are so lucky.

:p :) :D

05-01-2006, 08:38 AM
AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!! I know so many people who aren't affected by it!! That's sooooooooooooooooooooo unfair!!! I have very fair skin. If I look at the sun for 1 second, I get a burn. If I look at poison ivy for 1 second, I get infected. It's just sooooooo unfair!!!! People with dark and olive type skin are so lucky.

:p :) :D

ummm I'm whiter then a ghost & the sun is PURE EVIL!! 7yrs ago the darn thing gave me 2ed & 3rd degree burns!! I was only outside for 30 mins :(

05-01-2006, 09:10 AM
link (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000855.htm)

I would go to the doctor if untreated you could land in the hospital. It's a form of shingles, cellulitis. (spell?)
Both my sister and brother in law have had it and it's nasty. Very painful.

05-01-2006, 09:15 AM
link (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000855.htm)

I would go to the doctor if untreated you could land in the hospital. It's a form of shingles, cellulitis. (spell?)
Both my sister and brother in law have had it and it's nasty. Very painful.

Anna66 should know about this... If I recall it was her who had it several years ago

05-01-2006, 09:16 AM
link (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000855.htm)

I would go to the doctor if untreated you could land in the hospital. It's a form of shingles, cellulitis. (spell?)
Both my sister and brother in law have had it and it's nasty. Very painful.

Thanks for the info. It was very helpful. I'm waiting for my doctor to call me. I wish she would but I guess I'm not really an emergency. So I just have to patient. Thanks again!


05-01-2006, 09:17 AM
Anna66 should know about this... If I recall it was her who had it several years ago

Thanks. I will do a search on the PT site to see if I can find any threads about it. I probably should have done that first.


05-01-2006, 09:19 AM
Cellulitis is a bacterial infection in the skin. It's actual clinical definition is "a spreading inflammation of subcutneous or connective tissue". It appears as a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot and tender and it can spread. If left untreated it can become life-threatening and can spread to beneath the skin and to the lymph nodes. Lots of people get it and they use antibiotics to clear it up. It's usually simple, unless someone lets it go too long. Often it is caused by staph or strep and is usually treated with the antibiotic Keflex. Most times you take antibiotics for ten days and then you are fine.

It's actually not a virus, like shingles (herpes zoster virus) is but it can become a secondary bacterial infection for people who have shingles. Any open wound can result in cellulitis if someone is prone to it or has a weakned immune sytem.

If it gets worse then see your doctor and he can most likely clear it up no problem. It's not the herpes zoster virus.

Edwina's Secretary
05-01-2006, 09:30 AM
My brother is EXTREMELY sensitive to poison ivy so he is VERY careful to avoid it.

Many years ago he was training for a marathon....running out in the country where he lived. One day while running, his body announced the need for an emergency stop. There was no place around except the woods for "doing business." He did and then looked for some leaves with which to wipe. Carefully he found a plant that was NOT poison ivy.

Well...it was poison oak.

He could not wear underwear and had to sit rather carefully. However, to his credit....he raced and finished....not an exceptional time, but he finished.

05-01-2006, 01:28 PM
Well I don't have Cellulitis. I just have severe poison ivy (she had some big name for it - can't remember) and I'm on Amoxicillan for a week. I just can't wait till it clears up and I can shave and not be uncomfortable with the irritation and itching!

Thanks for everybody's help. :)

05-01-2006, 02:35 PM
Glad to hear it is just poison ivy.

05-01-2006, 05:39 PM
I'm glad you don't have that! I had THE WORST poison ivy rash last summer ON MY FACE!!!! It was pure torture. To make it worse I had started a job where I needed a photo ID and they took my picture with my flaring red cheeks. :o Thankfully I don't work there anymore, I hated that picture!

I hope everything clears up quickly with you, I know what agony you're in!