View Full Version : Advice re kitty...

04-30-2006, 09:53 PM
Well most of you know the saga with Duchess and Vicky and how they now live at my house, and I look after them although they still officially belong to my irresponsible neighbour around the corner , i now have another problem cat number three , Charles, yep he was her cat too, who she gave to her daughter and now he has been back for a few weeks, i must say looking rather healthy, way better than when she had him.

My problem is when she is away, which is like three to four nights a week, he is left like the others were with no shelter, and little food, and you guessed it he has moved into my backyard or rather into Ashes seat on the verandah, I had shoo-ed him away several times and not fed him although i know he was getting some of the girls food at times that they left over,and now Vicky has stopped sleeping in the shelter at night in her bed i bought for her, and sleeping with Charles .

My biggest worry and concern is Charles is now not well, i think he may have the cat flue, i can get up to him sometimes depending, but he runs away a lot, has been sneezing, and his eyes are mucky, managed to get up to him and put some drops in his eyes, so hope that helps him, of course i am worried Vicky will be sick next and then maybe Duchess, both mine are vaccinated against cat flue, but having said that it might not be that and they could get whatever he has too.

I am finding is stressful, and worry about my own two cats, Ash is being taken over by them all, and all his fav places he no longer can relax in,he has accepted the girls pretty much, but Charles in not neutured, and being a young Tom, i am scared they will get into a cat fight,now with Ash having arthritis being nearly 11 and having a heart murmur this is not what i want for sure.

I think i will go over and see Dianne, but not sure what we are going to do about it, i want to offer to feed him at her place when she is away, but if she really wanted that she would have asked me by now surely, she knows i would do it in a heartbeat, but at least he might stay over there more often.

Hubby is none too pleased either that now another cat is here, he kinda accepted the two girls but one more is one more too many, and fair enough i dont want anymore kitties to look after either.,but i do feel so sorry for him, again another beautiful looking cat, a dark brown boy with some tabby in him, quite unusual.

So any advice would be helpful , thanks.

Laura's Babies
04-30-2006, 10:14 PM
This is a good case for the "Poof Fairy". Sometimes she comes and makes improperly cared for pets of irresponsiable pet owners go POOF in the night! A nice kitty trap, some good smelling food and a early morning drop off at the vets and someone to take him when the vet is done. (That only happens in a dream world though)

04-30-2006, 10:19 PM
Yeah i only wish it were all possible Laura's Babies, but my finances are stretched to the limit right now taking care of her other two kitties, i will do my best for him that i can, but it is time she started to take care of him properly, i am at the end of my tether, i have always been polite to her, never suggesting i even think she is a bad owner, and tryed to educate her but it is not working, however i need to tread carefully as i dont want to jeopardise my chances of keeping the girls.

life can be so darn complicated at times can't it? :(

05-01-2006, 12:37 AM
It could be allergies...cats are very prone to sinus issues...so hopefully that is all it is as everything is starting to bloom.

It is hard to sort out back-porch feeders. Could you put the food for him in a separate area? It sounds as if the girls have accepted him as part of their group. As an unneutered tom he will probably spend much of his time wandering looking for "love" and only returning for rest and food. In my experience with cats, a young tom is unlikely to bother an older female whether she is spayed or not. He might try to mate her, but in cay colonies it is usually the elder female who is respected. (Like anything, there are exceptions)

Good luck... and thank you for having time and compassion for the poor needy ones.

Laura's Babies
05-01-2006, 08:38 AM
I know what you mean about complicated given my past experience with Samantha's former Mom. All the talking in the world has no effect on them. I had printed out tons of stuff off the internet on reasons WHY they should be S/N and how many homeless ones there are, even took her to the shelter, showed her the freezers and dumpsters and it had no effect on her at all...

Samantha was fixing to go "Poof" in the night, arrangements had been made already and the day it was to happen, she finally agreed to let me have her so the appointment Samantha had at the vets turned into a visit for a cat of mine and not a "stray"...

05-01-2006, 04:18 PM
Sorry i should have explained better, Charles has been with Duchess and Vicky for a long time over a year or so, until of course she gave him to the daughter, whom IMO took really good care of him, now the girls are here with me, although i take care of all their needs and Dianne has not once come over again, until i took her over to see them, they are still hers legally and she can take them at any time.

I think Charles has more than sinus problems, his eyes looked really bad today, lots of pus in them, i managed to grab him but only got one eye done, however i am thinking it is not a good idea for me to keep medicating him, i may be using something that is making them worse, he needs to see a vet end of story before he ends up blind, she appears still not to be home, i will go see her, but i hardly see the point as she will not take him to the vet, i would help her with transport as she has no car, but she just wont do it no matter what i tell her, I really cannot afford another vet bill right now, i just dont know what to do, i guess i can only but try , he is her responsiblity and i should try and make her responsible for his care,because if i Don't she will always see me as the one who will take care of her problems, but then again i cannot let him suffer either, I just don't have a money tree to pick off to do all these things, i have only enough saved for my own cat to get his teeth extracted and cleaned, i must keep it for him.

More sleepless nights ahead for me, it makes me mad she hasn't a care in the world when it comes to their care or i should say lack of it, i am the one who worries myself sick.

It just seems it is never going to end.