View Full Version : The highest award given to Eddie's Angels!

Laura's Babies
04-29-2006, 12:33 PM
As many of you know my son was in that explosion last year and there were men there that day that saved his life by responding to a situation without concern for their own safety that we have named "Eddie's Angels". This month those men were honored and given the highest award ever given on that base for their heroic act that saved my sons life and I can not let that ceremony go un noticed to those who have prayed for Eddie and his angels. What happened that day (May 4, 2005) was a traumatic event for those men that gave them nightmares for a long time and they need to be reconized and honored whenever and where ever possiable.

I ask you to save these newspaper clippings to your computer and enlarge/magnify to read, then delete if you want to. I just want you to read it. It is so well written that it is a must read! This ceremony is the first time Eddie had met ALL these men although George Page had been to see Eddie and check on him many, many times. This is from the newspaper The Gazzete Journel in Gloucester, Va on April 13.

Sadly, we had no input as to when the ceremony took place so I was on the boat, otherwise, I would have hocked my house to be there!



Regina and I met these men early into it to thank them our selves and to give each and everyone of them a hug. We had baked and baked and took them a hudge platter of baked goodies and took pictures... he, he, he... I was told NOT to post this picture at that time but now that it has been published in a newspaper, I would say it is alright to do it now, wouldn't you? What struck me about them is that they are all, ordinary men who just went to work that day and became hero's before the day was over by saving a mans life. Here is a clearer shot of Eddie's Angels and the men you also prayed for.

04-29-2006, 02:42 PM
amazing things some people do on a day at work....may their names be long and well remembered...blessed be and amen

04-29-2006, 07:49 PM
That's so nice these men were honored, even though they don't feel they need to be. They are truly angels. :)

04-29-2006, 09:37 PM
Thankfully my eyesight is still good enough to read the article without enlarging it...and what a wonderful writeup! Eddie sure was one lucky man to have had so many others that jumped to his aid even if they feel they weren't heroic in anyway...they are in my book! ;) :) The world sure needs more selfless people like Eddie's Angels. ;) How is Eddie doing now? Any milestones to tell us about?

Laura's Babies
04-29-2006, 09:48 PM
I am waiting to hear from Regina on the latest news. They are ready to start with the plastic surgery now and went to see that doctor but I haven't talked to her yet about where they will start. They upped his physical therapy to 90 minutes and she said that has made all the differance in the world on his strenght and endurance, he don't tire nearly as fast as he did. I think she is back to working full time (living on workmans comp is not cutting it) so she don't have the time for those long phone calls when we talk or even time for emailing. I got a short email from her today saying she will be calling soon.... I can't wait! I am hoping tomorrow.. I hope! I hope! I hope!

04-30-2006, 06:09 AM
What great guys! They deserve being honored :)

I still send my best thoughts for Eddie- may he improve and improve :)