View Full Version : potty training

05-01-2002, 02:15 PM
How long does it generally take for a puppy to be potty trained? I'm sure some take longer than others, but is there a general timeframe or age when they pretty much get it?


05-01-2002, 03:40 PM
We brought Sadie home at 8 weeks old and she was trained in about 2 weeks. She could not make it all day until she was about 4-5 months, but if we were home, she did really good. We got Cincy when she was 6 weeks and it took her, 3-4 weeks, but she could then hold it almost all day by the time she was 3 months...My oldest dog Oreo, whom we got when she was about 6 weeks picked up on it almost immediatly....it really just depends on the dog. be consistant in your training and be patient...it will happen :)

05-01-2002, 05:57 PM
Yeah, patience!

He's good at holding it through the night and he isn't going in his crate anymore while I'm at work... But he still does go inside sometimes if that's where all the action is.

He goes potty outside if I take him out but I think he's only actually gone outside on his own a couple of times.
Then again, we've been together only 3 weeks so...

Patience... patience... ok. :)

Dixieland Dancer
05-01-2002, 08:08 PM
How quick the dog gets potty trained depends on how consistent the training is. If you give the dog lots of praise and reinforcement and plenty of opportunity to have success, it learns pretty quick. If mixed signals are sent then it could take much longer. A pup can not be expected to have bladder control until around 12 weeks. Up to that point when they have to go, they have to go!

If you are crate training properly the pup should be trained by 12 weeks old.