View Full Version : SIL strikes again!

04-19-2006, 02:20 PM
This must be one of "those days"

We have been waiting for weeks for my SIL to bring over the crib she promised us. Its supposedly top of the line and in perfect condition. We saw one at a second hand shop for $40 that was EXACTLY what Ashley wanted, but didn't get it because we were getting this free crib. We waited and waited, all the while KNOWING that this wonderful, marvelous, top of the line crib would be a bust. Well it came today... and we should have just followed our instincts and bought the $40 crib (and before you ask, yes the $40 crib was up to standards and passed all the safety check points we know about)

Whats wrong you ask? Well, first, its missing half the hardware, which is fine since its mostly screws and we can replace those. Second, its missing one castor (the rolly wheels on the bottom of the crib), which is fine if you remove the other 3. The one plate that holds up the mattress was yanked off and the screws left half-in, half-out with jagged edges exposed because they apparently stripped the screws getting the plate off for storage. The hardware that makes the side rail go up and down is completely missing. One whole edge of the siderail is splinted and cracked.... need I go on?

There's NO WAY this crib is safe enough for a baby!

So now the $40 crib is long gone, and the cheapest we can find is $100. Sigh. I feel sick for trusting them.... and now I'm sick because I have to politely tell them the reasons we're not using their crib. I KNOW they are going to think these are made up reasons and say that we never really wanted the crib to start with. Thias is so typical of SIL to do something like this.

04-19-2006, 02:23 PM
If Ashley has a bassinet or if you can borrow a bassinet that will be fine for a few months while you look for a crib, maybe you can keep looking around.

04-19-2006, 02:30 PM
If Ashley has a bassinet or if you can borrow a bassinet that will be fine for a few months while you look for a crib, maybe you can keep looking around.
I had considered using the pack and play - plus my mom bought Ash a bassinette type swing thingie (don't know the official name for it)

But I was SO hoping to have everything done in time for the shower so everyone can see the nursery.... I know, I think I'm Superwoman or something.

I guess its just because its one more thing my SIL did to frustrate me. If if was anyone else, I would most likely just shrug it off and say it was worth a try. I swear hubby's sisters are always on the lookout to do something that they know will annoy us, then when we say something they act all hurt as if they are being condemned for something, when all they were doing is trying to help :rolleyes:

04-19-2006, 02:36 PM
I would call her up and say "hey do you mind coming over to help setup this (piece of crap)...hehe just kidding....say I'll make lunch for you I just really can't seem to figure this out, it seems to be missing pieces but it may just be me"

The first few months babies don't need much room, I kept mine in bassinets in my room near me the first few months.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-19-2006, 03:32 PM
How silly!! I am so sorry for the missed bargain!!

04-19-2006, 03:42 PM
OK I'm gunna be honest here, You dont offer stuff that isnt useable, Especially the splinters! you should say thanks but we decided to use something we wouldnt get hurt on, if they play up about it, let them.. its your grandbaby you need to look out for not their feelings.

Have you tried online for a crib? maybe ask around some baby forums for any deals other mums have found?

04-19-2006, 03:46 PM
Ah man I can't believe she'd give you something like that. Have you tried ebay at all? I bet they have loads of cribs.

04-19-2006, 03:51 PM
even though i had a crib when my baby was born i used a bassinet thingy and put it next to me on the bed, that way i didnt smash the baby and he was next to me all time..........

what was your SIL thinking??!! ohhh maybe she thought you needed some wood for the chimney.......... LOL sorry for my comment but it really makes anyone mad to see plans frustrated by someone you were supposed to count on..........

04-19-2006, 03:55 PM
You really don't need the crib yet so I would just wait and get one when you find a better deal. Babies do great in bassinets or cradles for two to three months after they are born anyway. It will give you time to find one that really works well for you. Would be different if you needed it tomorrow but I'm sure something will turn up.

04-19-2006, 05:27 PM
Kim, keep your eyes on the newpaper classified section and also be on the lookout for yard sales. There is some AWESOME stuff to be bought second hand via yard sales and this is just the season. Since I am a grandmom I have learned that yard sales are a great place to find everything for kids -ESPECIALLY baby things. I have picked up used toys for my grandson to play with when he visits. I have seen lots of cribs. Good luck to you. You still have time! ;)

04-19-2006, 07:16 PM
Dontcha just love family :eek: :rolleyes:

btw - definition of insanity. Doing something when you know the outcome, yet expecting something different to happen. You know she does this sort of thing, so there's no reason to be mad at her because she's just acting as she always does. Its frustrating but true.

With that said - do you have a craigslist in your area? If you aren't familar with it, its a big online classifieds in lots of major cities. www.craigslist.org takes you to their San Francisco site and if you look at the right you'll see other cities. Anyway - its a fantatic way to find something like this.

Also, in our area at least its just about Garage Sale time, which means there will be lots of stuff on sale.

good luck to you and congratuations on the baby.

04-19-2006, 08:03 PM
All I can do is shake my head. :( But you WILL find another bargain priced (good) crib if you give it some time.

My brother ordered a fancy-shmancy EXPENSIVE new crib that wasn't even delivered before the baby (Baby came early :rolleyes: ) AND after they did get it (not long after) my SIL (to be) said they hardly ever even used it in those first few months. baby didn't want the crib, she wanted mom and dad's room.

I am sorry you missed out on the $40 one though, especially if it is what you really liked. :(

04-19-2006, 09:41 PM
Thanks everyone - I felt silly whining but it really did make us feel like we'd been punched. Hubby couldn't believe his eyes when he got home and saw the damage to the crib his sister gave us. When he was talking to his father tonight, FIL was arguing with hubby over the crib being in perfect condition.... here we go with the family fued already! Hubby had as nicely as possible told FIL that there crib has a deep crack on a support beam, and FIL didn't believe what we were seeing! Families! Grrr!

We checked out the newspapers and there's no mention anywhere of baby stuff in all the yard sales ads -- none. We have been looking out for yard sales... and believe it or not, NONE have baby stuff around here. There was a huge town-wide yard sale two weekends ago and we went around looking for a changing table and lamps.... none to be found, and definately no cribs.

We checked the paper for things people are trying to sell, and nothing there either.

We stopped at the second hand store, and hit every Goodwill in the area. The one at the second hand store was "nice" but still $100. We found an awesome new one at Walmart for the same price as the second hand store and are in love with it. So.... we bought the new one. I feel soooo much better kowing its new and has a warranty. Its a Graco, so I know it has a good company behind it.

04-19-2006, 10:42 PM
Kim, I just want to tell you again how awesome you and your husband are being. Give hubby a big hug and tell him its for being such a great dad.

04-20-2006, 05:15 AM
I am so glad you bought the NEW one! Sometimes "peace of mind" is worth a little extra money.

Now get to setting it up and PICTURES!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
04-20-2006, 05:27 AM
Can't believe she would expect you to accept a crib in that condition - silly woman! Your little one's safety has to come before anyone else's feelings. Really pleased you found what you wanted :D

04-20-2006, 09:05 AM
I know what you mean about wanting everything all set up nicely in the nursery!!! I was just going to suggest you get a crib at Wal-Mart, as that is where I found Jonah's. It was on super sale, I think 89.00, and works just fine and dandy.

04-20-2006, 11:12 AM
I am so glad you bought the NEW one! Sometimes "peace of mind" is worth a little extra money.

Now get to setting it up and PICTURES!!!
Yes, the peace of mind is huge for me! We assembled it last night, didn't get to bed til nearly 1:00 :eek: No more sneak previews of the room til it is complete! Bwahahahahaha - but I can tell you its coming together quite nicely! :)

04-20-2006, 11:24 AM
Everyone needs at least one relative like this! Glad you found a great crib!

04-20-2006, 11:24 AM
I'm glad you found something and you are feeling more at ease! Wish we could give "lovely" SIL a knock upside the head :eek:

04-20-2006, 11:36 AM
:) It is always OK to Vent to us.. I am so sorry about the Crib turn out Kim & I have learn the easy & the hard way to always follow my instincts.. Some how I think SIL new all was wrong & thats why it took them so long to hand over the crib.. Hey I like the bassinet idea for now..

04-20-2006, 02:23 PM
So yesterday and the crib was not fun, but we "fixed" it by buying a new crib and that left one last thing to do: the ceiling.

Then today is a lovely warm sunny spring day. The perfect day to quickly and painlessly paint a ceiling... right? WRONG!

You see, the ceiling is a drop tiled ceiling. We had to remove the tiles one by one, roll the paint. Simple? Nope. The tiles aren't thick sturdy things, noooooo... they are basically that yellow fiber insulation that sheds and leaves you itchy. So here we were, removing the tiles oh so carefully and gently painting them. Only we made a huge mess! You see.... those tiles being the yellow insulation stuff didn't like being painted and the vinyl covering that makes up the outside of the tiles peeled off like a label. And it won't stick back down.

Now the ceiling is freshly painted, but all saggy and looks just awful we don't have the money right now to replace a whole roomful of tiles since we had to buy a new crib last night.

I felt like crying when we were done with the tiles. They were the last things to be done in the nursery. We saved them for last in case we didn't have enough time -- they honestly didn't NEED to be painted... we just figured that since everything else got fresh coats of paint we might as well do everything properly.

Ok, whine over.

I should be happy that everything is coming along nicely on the room. A few wrinkles are to be expected, right?

04-20-2006, 02:41 PM
Could you take a ruler brush and go over the whole ceiling one more time, without taking the tiles out? I know people who painted their ceiling that way, and it actually looks nice. Maybe one more coat of paint will take away the saggy look