View Full Version : I need some help with Little Dog.

04-19-2006, 12:22 AM
My mom and I have been trying to figure out if L.D. is REALLY a Yorkie or not. first, some pics: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/unbakedbrownie/littledogandme.jpg


Secondly, I will give a bit of history, as far as I know. One of my moms ferrets that I had been very close with passed away. After a while, I started talking about a dog and my parents (without my knowing) started extensively looking for a dog (how sweet! :D) for me. My uncles best friends mother is a Yorkie breeder. My parents relayed messages back and forth via my uncle. She had a Yorkie that was really calm, and sweet, and she didn't handle the hyperness of the other Yorkies and pups very well. So, one day she came over (again, unbeknownst to myself). My parents called me out of my room and lo and behold was this scruffy little dog! Aw! Insta-LOVE! I promptly picked her up, said thank you, and retreated to my room for a minute to give her a piece of jerky (now, she is a jerky freak). I sat and talked with Robin (YB) for a while. She had gotten Little Dog from a puppy mill that had been using her since the very first time she was able to conceive until Robin had gotten her, and Robin had bred her a couple times. Little Dog had been bred from the time she was probably 6 months old until we got her and she was five and a half. Poor, wore out girl. This would have been the case anyways but she was spayed about two weeks later.

So, Little Dog was spoiled and everything by yours truly. We attached ourselves at the hip. She is definitely an Angelique-dog. :D

Oh, by the way, my dad was not hip to the idea of her being on the furniture but Little Dog was relentless in her pursuit and started sleeping with me (without getting in trouble) by day 3!

04-19-2006, 08:22 AM
She's a cutie thats for sure.
I'm glad she's out of the breeding ring and into a loving home!

I would say she is a mix of something, her body structure is off from that of a yorkie and her colors are too.
They *may* come in solid tan colors but I've never seen or heard of such a thing, but it could be a fluke. But even so like I said her overall appearence does not say purebred yorkie to me.

In any event she sounds like a wonderful companion & best friend. :D

04-19-2006, 08:39 AM
I agree with lv4dogs she looks like a mix yorkie breed. Hope this helps. :) :rolleyes: :cool: :D :D ;) :p

04-20-2006, 12:02 PM
She's adorable. I'd say she's a mix. Look at that tounge! Cute!

04-20-2006, 02:47 PM
she's definatly a cutie, but she may be a purebred. i had a yorkie a few years ago named Porkie. he looked A LOT like this lil dog. same floppy ears, size, etc. Porkie was 13lbs and had a waivier coat like this dog. i'm definatly glad she's outof breeding! she's definatly not up to the breed standard if she is purebred.

04-20-2006, 07:56 PM
She looks purebred to me, just poorly bred. Most of the yorkies that come into work look like that, drop ears and all.

04-20-2006, 10:43 PM
She's a cutie thats for sure.
I'm glad she's out of the breeding ring and into a loving home!

I would say she is a mix of something, her body structure is off from that of a yorkie and her colors are too.
They *may* come in solid tan colors but I've never seen or heard of such a thing, but it could be a fluke. But even so like I said her overall appearence does not say purebred yorkie to me.

In any event she sounds like a wonderful companion & best friend. :D

We were thinking, perhaps, a Yorkie-Poodle mix? Any ideas? When I find it, I will post the very first pic we had of her. Her hair was SO much longer than in those pics (during the winter, before we had her groomed). She definitely doesn't look like a Yorkie when after she gets groomed. She looks really white. She kind of resembles the pooch in this pic but not a whole lot: http://www.stock-photography.co.za/images/greyhound_4458.jpg .

She is! It took her a very long time to warm up to everybody else in the household. Now, she does this thing that we call Showin' Teeth. She sits right next to you and just STARES until you look at her. Then, she curls her lips back and shows teeth and kind of shakes. She will wait for you to show teeth back or say something and she will jump up and bump you in the nose.

04-20-2006, 10:43 PM
I agree with lv4dogs she looks like a mix yorkie breed. Hope this helps. :) :rolleyes: :cool: :D :D ;) :p

It does, indeed! :D What do you think she is mixed with? :D

04-20-2006, 10:45 PM
She's adorable. I'd say she's a mix. Look at that tounge! Cute!

Oh, don't even talk about that tongue! She LOVES to lick and kiss. Especially if she is excited, she will run, and use your body as leverage (even though she can jump REALLY high already), make you hold her, and lick. Then, she will flop over on her back and ask for a belly rub all while waggling that little nub!

04-20-2006, 10:55 PM
She looks purebred to me, just poorly bred. Most of the yorkies that come into work look like that, drop ears and all.

Yup, before Robin (breeder) got her, Little Dog (Kia Gia is what Robin called her. Kia Maria is her name now but everyone just calls her Little Dog or Naked Dog. Robin claims that she is registered but I don't think she has given my parents the papers she claims to have) was living in a puppy mill (where she was probably born) and was forced to breed from the very first time she was able to until Robin got her. Robin bred her a couple of times and then we rescued her. But she is still great. :D

04-21-2006, 10:54 AM
She is sure a beauty but definetly not a purebred, I'd say she's a mutt. Looks like she's got some Norflok in her if not a mix she'd probably be a Norflok Terrier.

04-21-2006, 05:39 PM
She could be purebred, but poor quailty. I see some blue in her coat I think. I hate to say this but your family friend Robin is a bad breeder and worse. I'd say she's one of the puppy millers. I can't believe she bred this dog, and a few times too!

04-21-2006, 05:51 PM
I'd say she's a mix... but she could be a poorly bred yorkie. I doubt she's a yorkie/poodle because her hair is a bit too straight for that. She is SO CUTE!! What a horrible life she had, I'm so glad you took her in and gave her the life she was missing!

04-21-2006, 10:10 PM
She is sure a beauty but definetly not a purebred, I'd say she's a mutt. Looks like she's got some Norflok in her if not a mix she'd probably be a Norflok Terrier.

Well, all we know is she is a Yorkie mix. Maybe some Poodle? I saw another dog, somewhere, that looked almost exactly like her and I think he had some lhasa apso in him.

04-21-2006, 10:20 PM
She could be purebred, but poor quailty. I see some blue in her coat I think. I hate to say this but your family friend Robin is a bad breeder and worse. I'd say she's one of the puppy millers. I can't believe she bred this dog, and a few times too!

I will have to find another pic of her. She has a very light brown head and feet tips but the rest of her is pretty much a greyish/silver with some random black hairs. I wouldn't go so far as to call her a family friend. ;) But mom and I had a discussion the other day that went like this. Me: You know, we basically rescued Little Dog (I was talking about how every cat and dog that I had have been rescues). Mom: Yep. If Robin would've kept her then she probably would have been a breed bitch (said mockingly and with quite a bit of disdain for Robin) for the rest of her life. Me: I know. I am glad we got her out of such a bad situation... And so forth, the conversation went. EVERY time I saw her after that she would say, "Oh yeah, I've got X amount of litters now." The last time I saw her, she was taking a litter of LD's grandpups (a couple of weeks old) to the vet. I can't believe she bred her, either, because she has so many health problems! I think Robin got fooled by the people who were using LD as a puppy mill before and they told her that LD was purebred. When we got her, her hair was so long and nappy you just wouldn't believe.

04-21-2006, 10:27 PM
I'd say she's a mix... but she could be a poorly bred yorkie. I doubt she's a yorkie/poodle because her hair is a bit too straight for that. She is SO CUTE!! What a horrible life she had, I'm so glad you took her in and gave her the life she was missing!

Robin got her from a puppy mill that used her for breeding from the first time she was able until Robin got her. You can tell that somewhere down the line she was severely abused just because of the way she acts around people. Maybe part Lhasa Apso? I saw a Yorkie/LA mix that looked almost exactly like her. I am so glad that we took her in, too. She is just the most wonderfully cuddly bug. I'll have to find the pic (mom's evidence) of her sleeping in her usual spot: in the crook of my arm. Hmph. I miss my Little Dog (I moved out and mom was too attached. :P). :( You would not even believe how spoiled that silly little brat face (playful name! :D) is! She gets a lot of snacks, t shirts, the groomer goes to HER, etc. Oh, and furniture. The dogs have their own, personal, bed with blankets and pillows. :D

04-22-2006, 02:44 PM
Ok... What's Going On? I Am So Confused... Ld Is "still" Yours, But You Moved Out? You Didn't Thake Ld?

Maybe Your Pics Aren't That Good... But You Look Like You Are 16. Is Everything Ok At Home?

Also, Maybe Pics Aren't Good, But Ld Doesn't Look Like Any Yorkie I've Ever Seen. Show A Good Pic!!!

04-28-2006, 01:12 AM
Ok... What's Going On? I Am So Confused... Ld Is "still" Yours, But You Moved Out? You Didn't Thake Ld?

Maybe Your Pics Aren't That Good... But You Look Like You Are 16. Is Everything Ok At Home?

Also, Maybe Pics Aren't Good, But Ld Doesn't Look Like Any Yorkie I've Ever Seen. Show A Good Pic!!!

Yes, I still claim her as mine even though I moved out. My mom was so attached but we agreed to "joint custody", so to speak, and I can still call her "mine". Besides, she was settled in to a great home which was what she really needed; stability.

I am married and emancipated.

LD probably doesn't look like a Yorkie to you because she was halfway between clipping sessions and she is slightly curly. I never said she was pure Yorkie, only part. I am not a professional photographer and most of my pics are from disposable cams which are probably why they are not up to par to what you are used to.

04-28-2006, 09:33 AM
Cool! It all makes sense now. Well, good luck with marriage. Guys are a lot harder than dogs to train. Or so my wife tells me!!! :D

Thanks for clearing it up... you know how "easily" I am confused!!!

04-28-2006, 11:49 PM
Cool! It all makes sense now. Well, good luck with marriage. Guys are a lot harder than dogs to train. Or so my wife tells me!!! :D

Thanks for clearing it up... you know how "easily" I am confused!!!

Yep. Pretty difficult!