View Full Version : Snow Cat drinks water using his paw!

04-30-2002, 08:14 AM
I have been watching Snow Cat for the past several days drinking water from a small dish that is set on the table to accommodate Amy and Princess. He actually drinks water off his paw, first dipping it in the water. After a while of doing this, then he drinks directly from the dish. This is amusing, seeing that there is nothing gained by drinking water in this manner. The main problem is that his front paws are all wet, and leaves water and paw prints on whatever he walks on.:)


04-30-2002, 11:59 AM
:) Luke does this once in a while too. It's so funny to watch him try and scoop the water up and the puzzled look he gets when it rolls off. He slurps down a drop or two then gives up and drinks out of the bowl. Aren't they funny?:D

Former User
04-30-2002, 12:43 PM
Kitty literally lays on top of the water dish and drinks. Casper drinks the normal way. Sometimes Kitty drops (accidentally of course;) ) piece of dry food in the water dish and has to fish it out then with her paw....

04-30-2002, 01:37 PM
Sydney often uses his paw to drink ; He always does this as he gets to the bottom of his drinkbowl !! It's a little to deep , and he hates to make his wiskers all wet .....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-30-2002, 03:40 PM
Is this how Snow Cat does it? :D

Gotta try it with this foot first.

Well, that didn't work so good, so let's try this foot.

Ok, that worked better so lets really take a good drink.

This is the way she drinks no matter what the water is in. These just so happen to be the glass of water I had on my nightstand that I had to move to the floor because they were drinking all night and having to step all over me to get to the glass. Works much better on the floor. :rolleyes:

04-30-2002, 03:50 PM
I finally removed my glass from the bedroom. It now resides in the living room, on the coffee table. Works better for me! They always drink from my glasses, no matter how fresh their water is.....they actually try to climb the water cooler as I dispense the water.... I hope Graemer doesn't figure out how to pull down on the lever. I'll be in big trouble if he does! :eek: :eek: :eek:

04-30-2002, 07:27 PM
thanks for the replies all.

sas. vt. Dittos on the drinking glasses left, especially next to my bed. It doesn't seem to matter to any of them ,whether they contain baking soda mix or just plain water, all of them want to drink its contents, regardless of how old it is. (Have you ever tasted a glass of water with baking soda that is a couple of days old? Yuck!)

T & P Mom, Yes, that is exactly how he does it. In fact, as you show through those great pictures, he uses both paws until ( I guess) he finds one that works the best:D. Afterwards, when he is tired of all that work to get only a few laps, he then decides to drink it properly! When I saw him do this the first time, I thought to myself, why is he drinking water that way? Silly cat, there are simpler ways of doing things like that!:)


04-30-2002, 07:34 PM
Mocha Bean does this too, much to the dismay of Bonzo and Louie who have to share the water dish.:rolleyes:

04-30-2002, 10:37 PM
I hope Graemer doesn't figure out how to pull down on the lever. I'll be in big trouble if he does! sas your abys are very smart so you'd better be careful. I know someone who's aby can turn on the lever, unfortunately she doesn't turn it off.:eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-01-2002, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by wayne0214
T & P Mom, Yes, that is exactly how he does it. In fact, as you show through those great pictures, he uses both paws until ( I guess) he finds one that works the best:D. Afterwards, when he is tired of all that work to get only a few laps, he then decides to drink it properly! When I saw him do this the first time, I thought to myself, why is he drinking water that way? Silly cat, there are simpler ways of doing things like that!:)



I always say to Peanut "just stick your face in and drink it!" :D Then amidst all the changing feet and pawing and licking, she has to stop whenever there's the slightest noise and look up to make sure she's still safe I guess. The whole drinking process takes well over 5 minutes. :D So I can see how Bonzo & Louie get dismayed when they have to wait for Mocha Bean. :D Such silly kittys. :)

05-01-2002, 07:29 PM
I have one cat that will do this. He is M. Coon, and from what I understand it's typical M. Coon behavior. :rolleyes:
Wylie actually makes quite the mess with his water dish.