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04-29-2002, 11:20 PM
I have a big black and white male cat "Ben" (14) and a female yellow Labrador "Sophie" (2).

When I first got Sophie, Ben didn't speak to us for a whole week as he didn't like the idea of a new dog as he thought he would have the house to himself after I lost my other dog.
Sophie loves to torment me with her ball as if she was going to give it to you then she backs off as if she is laughing and saying come and get it.

She always wants the last hit as when we play she loves to knock me with her nose and I trap her back and she will keep doing this till I give up.

Could someone tell me why she goes that?
I've tryed to ignore her but she just does it more and more.:confused:

Dixieland Dancer
04-30-2002, 07:52 AM
Sounds to me like she finds this game special with you and just wants to continue having the fun with her playmate as long as possible! :D

04-30-2002, 09:57 AM
I think that Sophie is having a good time. My Tango does that sometimes, he grabs his toy and runs for it. He loves to be chased and will become mighty dog to escape capture. I think that you may have a silly dog, aren't they the best?

04-30-2002, 11:28 AM
Thanks for answering my guestion about my Lab Sophie.

I think she just enjoys to torment me ! :)

04-30-2002, 11:30 AM

They are cool names ! What kind of dogs have you got?

Dixieland Dancer
04-30-2002, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by clarebear__45

They are cool names ! What kind of dogs have you got?


Here is a picture of them. Dixie is laying and Dusty is standing. He is her puppy and his first birthday is this Thursday (May 2nd).

04-30-2002, 01:26 PM
Awww ! They are both so cute ! I bet they are a hand full ! lol

Sophie would love to play with them ! lol
Labradors have lovely soft mouths haven't they?
She loves to be kissed and lets you kiss her untill she gets fed up. She sleeps on the two setted couch at night with a throw.

She is so lazy ! She has to have that sleep of a day as well.

Ben still doesn't like her even though its been 2 years since we had Sophie.
He didn't speak to us for a whole week but he forgave us for getting her lol !

aren't animals funny? :rolleyes:

04-30-2002, 08:36 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, ClareBear!!! I'm sure you'll love it here! :) ;)

I have a Black Lab, named Sadie!

Sarah & Sadie

04-30-2002, 09:01 PM
Wow ! That's a cool name Sadie !

Once I had a sweet hamster called Socks as he had four white feet.

Sophie has a few nicknames

they are

Mad Sophie as she is a crazy dog

Sexy Sophie as she is blonde with long legs (Don't ask lol).

and bitch when she is naughty lol

05-01-2002, 02:03 PM
I would like to have some tips about what to do when your dog doesn't like being told off.

Sophie plays ruff with my feet but she goes a bit to far and I shouted No at her but she just growls and woofed at me !

She just won't do as she is told . Is she just born stubborn?

05-01-2002, 08:46 PM
Hi Clarebear! Welcome to Pet Talk. I have 2 dogs, Cody, a Husky/Shep and Star, my yellow Labbie girl! As well as 2 kitties and 2 guinea pigs! When I tell Star "off," she just tosses her head..."Right Mom!":rolleyes:!!!

05-01-2002, 09:51 PM
Aww I love Huskies !! I admire you for having a Huskie !

I would like to get to know you as you have yellow Labrador too so we can exchange idea's and tips.

When I tell Sophie "No" for doing something that I don't want her to do she growls at me and woofs as to say How dare you tell me off ! its so funny !

She loves to torment me and she won't let you off with anything! She is 2 years old.

A repairman once told us that she is sexy. We just couldn't help but laugh because we always thought she was sexy too !

In a few weeks I will able to post pictures of her as I will be getting a Digital camera.

She walks up the stairs like a woman on high heals lol !
No one believes me ! lol