View Full Version : Causes of hyperthyroidism

04-16-2006, 08:12 AM
I just read something very disturbing on a website called


In the cat section under hyperthryoidism, go to "What causes Hyperthyroidism"

It says a recent study published in the American Vet.Med Assoc'n in March 2004 showed a strong correlation between eating canned food and developing hyperthyroidism later in life, cats eating only canned food showed five times the risk of developing it vs those who only ate dry food and cats whose diet was 50/50 canned/dry showed 3.5 times the risk. It says pop-top aluminium cans are lined with bisphenol-A-diglycidil ether which transfers into food containing oils or fats.

On the other hand, I've always been concerned with the thought of feeding dry only because of the higher need for water and possible kidney complications, especially in Australia where it is hot and we all (humans too!) dehydrate so easily we carry around water bottles in our handbags! I also don't like the idea of food being so far processed that it resembles nothing whatsoever in the way of its original food source-I'm a bit of a whole-foodie myself.

Not wishing to resurrect the debate of wet vs dry we had recently, but just pointing anyone who wasn't already aware of this study, to another website with more info.

Any comments/further knowledge from anyone ???

04-17-2006, 04:07 AM
Article (lengthy to wade through) containing some info on this here: