View Full Version : I believe this might qualify as an emergency.

04-16-2006, 01:25 AM
Just a note: This happened later at about 6:30 pm, and our vet closes at noon on Saturday, and is not open tomorrow because it's a Sunday. Otherwise, I would just post what happened and then the solution.

I can't remember all who I have made replies to recently and told about Soni's mishap so I will say it again to avoid confusion.

Soni, our ten month old neutered male, escaped from the house the other day after my husband went to work and while I was asleep. So, of course the bedroom door was open so the cats could have free roam of the house to play, and chase, and whatnot. Well, one of the other folks we live with may have "accidentally" ( :rolleyes: :mad: ) let him out. Everybody was gone by the time I woke up. I looked for Soni all day until one of them came home, and called my name. I went to see what they wanted and they had Soni in their hands and were talking about how he was sitting on a window ledge outside. Soni then got let down and they left. Soni had been limping and I wanted to take him to the vet but hubby felt him out and said he looked/acted like he had sprained his paw and should be fine. The whole time I was on the phone with my mother (an ex vet tech who may get back into the business) who advised me to just watch him but said he'll probably get better and I shouldn't have anything to worry about, really. Okay, fast foward about three days. Husband is having his morning coffee and is waiting for Soni to join him as he does every day. Troy looks for Soni, finds him, and sits back down at the table. He turns him over on his back to check him out again because, thus far, it hasn't improved at all. He is still limping and won't put his foot to the ground. There is just pus and nastiness all over. So, we clean it up and put gauze on it and I call my mother again. She said it sounds like he got bitten, but she can't really tell because she's not there in person, and to just keep what we're doing and he should be doing good in a couple days NOW. Friday night, I was starting to worry that we weren't doing it right so I checked online and in my Comprehensive Health Care for Cats book. It said we were. Today, we're cleaning it once again and, of course, once it gets all the pus out there is a little blood seepage (plus lots of hissing and drawing Troys blood during this whole time). Well, Troy was in the middle of putting some ointment (the word slips my mind at this moment, slajhfsk) on his foot when I noticed some blood on the opposite (top) side of Soni's paw. Not a huge deal, I just thought it had gotten on there just by husbands general movements (for lack of a better phrase). We get ready to put on the gauze and there is a HUGE gob and Soni's paw is COVERED in blood. We wiped him off and noticed a hole on the top side. The problem originates in between a large and small pad. So, we cleaned that and dressed it. Today is day four of doing this and I have decided that we will be at the vets as soon as they open on Monday. I am worried and freaked out and exhausted for Soni. He hasn't been, understandably, himself throughout this experience. I hope we don't have to resort to amputation or worse. Any comments or suggestions?

04-16-2006, 01:36 AM
Poor dear Soni. What did you do sweetie.

My opinion is that it sounds like an abcess. Keep cleaning it and applying ointment to it. I'm glad that you have your Mom to help you out, but you will have to get him to the vets for some antibiotics for the infection and I'm not to sure if you should be putting gauge on it. When one of my cats had an abcess on his leg, the vet said to just keep it clean and not to cover it.
Mind you that was like eons ago, so maybe things have changed since then.

Good luck and ((((((HUGS)))))) as I know how worried you must be.

Little Soni will be in my prayers that he has a full and speedy recovery.

04-16-2006, 08:37 AM
Abcesses can be quite common after a bite - and wow, what good care you are giving Soni!

I am sure that after a day or so on antibiotics, he will feel much more comfortable.

And you are doing the right things - keeping the wound clean.

Poor Soni!

hugs to you and furbaby


04-16-2006, 06:22 PM
Sounds like an abcess and a fistula clear through. I suppose it's late to try, but can you do warm soaks in water with Betadine or Chlorhex in it? Warm salt water soaks or even warm compresses? I'd be careful with bandages, in case they should stick. After soaking, I'd try to get as much pus and nastiness out as possible-- more room out than in!!

04-16-2006, 11:24 PM
Poor dear Soni. What did you do sweetie.

My opinion is that it sounds like an abcess. Keep cleaning it and applying ointment to it. I'm glad that you have your Mom to help you out, but you will have to get him to the vets for some antibiotics for the infection and I'm not to sure if you should be putting gauge on it. When one of my cats had an abcess on his leg, the vet said to just keep it clean and not to cover it.
Mind you that was like eons ago, so maybe things have changed since then.

Good luck and ((((((HUGS)))))) as I know how worried you must be.

Little Soni will be in my prayers that he has a full and speedy recovery.

Mom's own words: "He got in to one hell of a cat fight and got his butt whooped!" Which, is pretty much the only thing I can think of. Thankfully it wasn't whatever has been getting the outside cats (I saw some creature that I think it may be. It is big and gray with a bunch of random black hairs like the way it is around the white on the head in this pic http://clarkvision.com/galleries/images.wolves/web/wolf.c02.08.2004.img_6940b-600.jpg . Husband and mother assume coyote. In laws say dog but I don't think I've ever seen a dog that looked like that. )

I managed to get a hold of her, because I couldn't when it happened, and she said the same thing. Right now, he doesn't have any gauze on and we're hoping that his vet will want to keep him over night so she can monitor it all day. I am glad we won't have to resort to amputation! He's so sweet. We have all the ACs in the house on right now yet he is still hot hot hot. He got an 81 mg, cherry flavoured, childrens aspirin.

Thank you and *hugs*.

Thank you again! =D

04-16-2006, 11:36 PM
Abcesses can be quite common after a bite - and wow, what good care you are giving Soni!

I am sure that after a day or so on antibiotics, he will feel much more comfortable.

And you are doing the right things - keeping the wound clean.

Poor Soni!

hugs to you and furbaby


I know I shouldn't be but I was just amazed that it went all the way through his foot. But I inferred that: cat fight = lots of struggle = not enough time to bite all the way through any appendage.

We sure hope so! Poor guy is breathing weird. All he wants to do is sleep in his little pet carrier.

Thank you from me and Soni says, "Meh!"

04-16-2006, 11:43 PM
Sounds like an abcess and a fistula clear through. I suppose it's late to try, but can you do warm soaks in water with Betadine or Chlorhex in it? Warm salt water soaks or even warm compresses? I'd be careful with bandages, in case they should stick. After soaking, I'd try to get as much pus and nastiness out as possible-- more room out than in!!

I can most definitely try! He is not terribly fond of water but has been getting baths since we got him (three within the first two days) so is used to it. Sticky bandages = not a problem. We had trouble getting them to *stay* on. He hasn't been wrapped up today so I am pretty sure that made him a bit more comfortable. Husband thinks we should press on his foot to get the nastiness out but I don't think that would be effective, very nice, or allowed by Soni.