View Full Version : Isis just got attacked....

04-10-2006, 10:56 PM
Edit: I guess I should have noted that she is half Ragdoll.

...about half an hour ago. I've checked her over and there is nothing but a few little pieces of lost fur and some slobber. Here, I'll give the whole happening:

I have been trying to socialize Soni and Isis by taking them out on a harness to, for lack of a better word, hang out with my husbands parents five (four, as of late) outside cats. Today was the fourth or fifth time that I have taken Isis out. There are two pregnant females, who are ALWAYS present wherever I go (Rasputin and Mama Cat), and only two of the males are present. Nothing has ever gone wrong until today. :eek:

I take Isis out and set her down. I give a bowl of food to the other four. They get done eating and start walking around. I pick up Isis to put her in another spot because she I've noticed that she is sitting right on top of a fire ant nest. At this point, she is sitting by herself and facing away from the other cats while just lounging on the ground. The younger male then proceeds to walk between Isis and me and starts to stare at her. She doesn't even notice. I've been crouching until this point where I stand up. Before I can yank her up the male pounces on her and starts a big cat fight in which the other male decides to join in on. I make a raucous, to get them away, pull her away immediately and she flails for a minute and runs into the bush that I was standing next to. The females flee a few feet away. I try getting Isis up and the damn thing is STUCK so it won't retract! I try jamming on the brake button for what reason I do not know. At this point I just try getting her out of the bush and into my hands. I am pretty shaken up and so is she. But the whole times the males have been walking back and forth and yowling in this weird way. When I try to get her out, she tries to walk towards me, and they attack again (mind you, they are several feet behind her and she was not posing any threat at any point). I stop my feet and wave the metal bowl and the males go FLYING away. I yank her up a bit, just to get her off the ground, and bend over the rest of the way (at this point, I don't care if I get scratched. My Isis is a teensy girl and could probably have gotten hurt had she not flailed.) Now, the females walk over to comfort her, at least that's what it looked like, but I just cradle her and take her back inside. She is calm except for when I step on a few branches. I check her over, put her inside, and go back out. Mind you, the males were the ones that did it. The females are sweet and love both Soni and Isis (even if they would rather just walk away than be loved by anybody but us and each other).

A little tidbit, I was trying to socialize Soni because I don't know if he has been around any other cats other than Isis, Sage and her buddy (two cats that were my friends/neighbour) and because we plan on bringing another cat into the house some time soon. I was trying to socialize Isis because she is more isolation-loving than Soni and she came from a home of five VERY large cats (Siamese and Ragdolls) and a litter of somewhere between 7 and 10 ( I can't remember. All I know was it was pretty big.). I am making her an appointment to get her shots, tomorrow, and to get spayed. She had a little snack and a drink and is now hiding uner the bed. I plan to give her a bath tomorrow or later tonight if it looks like she is pretty okay. At this point, what else? I feel bad and have decided to throw the harness away. :( :confused:

04-11-2006, 07:31 AM
When you try to introduce kitties, you need to do it gradually. By that I mean, keep the new kitty isolated in a room with her food and litterbox. Take a towel and rub her down with it and let the resident kitty smell her scent. Do the same thing with the resident kitty. After a couple of weeks, put up baby gates stacked on top of each other in the doorway so they can see and smell each other, but Isis will be protected. After THAT, let Isis out SUPERVISED, standing by with a spray bottle in case violence erupts (by violence, I mean bloodshed). Only let her out when you are home and can supervise.

It's not something that will happen overnight, so please be patient.

04-11-2006, 07:37 AM
That sounds so scaaaary!! :eek: I am glad that Isis seems to be pretty much OK. Poor baby and poor Meowmie! :eek:

04-11-2006, 08:34 AM
What an ordeal! :eek: It osunds like it was so scary for everyone.... except the male cats!

I am glad Isis is okay. She will need lots of extra luvvins today... as I am sure you will give her!

04-11-2006, 09:44 AM
Things Were A Little Rough With Pouncer And Scrappy At First,and It Took A While For Them To Become Friends.
They Were Scrapping Quite A Bit But Eventually Did Become The Best Of Friends.
It Will Take Time But We Think That Isis And Her Friends Will All Be Curled Up.
And Pals.

04-12-2006, 01:49 AM
When you try to introduce kitties, you need to do it gradually. By that I mean, keep the new kitty isolated in a room with her food and litterbox. Take a towel and rub her down with it and let the resident kitty smell her scent. Do the same thing with the resident kitty. After a couple of weeks, put up baby gates stacked on top of each other in the doorway so they can see and smell each other, but Isis will be protected. After THAT, let Isis out SUPERVISED, standing by with a spray bottle in case violence erupts (by violence, I mean bloodshed). Only let her out when you are home and can supervise.

It's not something that will happen overnight, so please be patient.

Well, this is something that I was doing for a pretty good amount of time and never had problems with before now. I was standing practically on top of her which was another reason that I was (not quite so, though) surprised. My mom deduced that she is probably in heat and when the first one jumped on her, he was probably trying to mate, took her by surprise, and she flipped.

04-12-2006, 01:50 AM
That sounds so scaaaary!! :eek: I am glad that Isis seems to be pretty much OK. Poor baby and poor Meowmie! :eek:

Thank you very much! :) She is doing wonderful today. In fact, she is being doubly loving.

04-12-2006, 01:53 AM
What an ordeal! :eek: It osunds like it was so scary for everyone.... except the male cats!

I am glad Isis is okay. She will need lots of extra luvvins today... as I am sure you will give her!

It was indeed. It was pretty weird that she just kind of was pretty limp in my hands (she usually doesn't get cozy with you unless you're sitting). Thank you very much!

She was being very sweet and loving even more so than usual. I think she is one of those that falls hard, picks herself up, and brushes off while saying, "no biggie".

04-12-2006, 01:55 AM
Things Were A Little Rough With Pouncer And Scrappy At First,and It Took A While For Them To Become Friends.
They Were Scrapping Quite A Bit But Eventually Did Become The Best Of Friends.
It Will Take Time But We Think That Isis And Her Friends Will All Be Curled Up.
And Pals.

Heh, sounds like Soni and Isis at first! She was, originally, extremely loving but Soni was VERY playful from day one so she has grown a Skin. They are best of friends, as well.

Yep, she will be playing with the others soon enough! hopefully. meep. It was weird because I thought, of all of them, that the females would be the instigators but instead it is the males and the girls are as sweet as usual.