View Full Version : Cutie Croup

03-31-2006, 10:02 AM
Awww, Croup!:D I'm honored to be the first to congratulate you today!!! What a handsome rattie boy you are and yes, with the most beautiful coat! Gotta love those pawsies, too! You look quite the happy rattie Croup, chowing down on that chicken!:) I love how your human describes you as the "squishiest...":D I know just what she means and today you've made my heart go "squish" too, Croup!:) Hope you and your proud person enjoy a very special, fun and treat filled Pet of the Day bash! Please have your person give you some extra belly rubs for me, too! Ratties love belly rubs...who knew!!!:D WE LOVE CROUP!

03-31-2006, 12:28 PM
I never liked rats. I couldn't understand why people would want them as pets. THEN - I met just one - up close and personal.............and only then did I understand.

You do have a beautiful coat and you look just as sweet Croup, as little Dusty that I met years ago.

Congratulations on your day.........I hope you get lots of treats today.

Miss Z
03-31-2006, 02:12 PM
Hello Croup! This is Miss Z's rat, Tia Maria. Another glorious day for rats everywhere, another rat as POTD! We are both from the UK too. Also, we're both hoodies:D wow, we have so much in common! I hope you have a really special day today with lots of love from your humans!

Luv Tia (and I'm sure Miss Z and Zsa-Zsa the cat want to wish you a happy day too!)

03-31-2006, 05:17 PM
:) What a wonderful white rattie you are Croup! What a cool life you have in the UK - it was nice to meet you. Congrats!!

Lori Jordan
03-31-2006, 05:43 PM
Congrats on being POTD!!