View Full Version : Endearing Personality Traits

maxx's mom
04-25-2002, 08:33 PM
It amazes me how all animals have such varying personalities that make them all loveable in their own ways. I would love to hear about other furbabies and their goofy personality traits, or unusual things that your kitty does that brighten your day.

One of the best things about Maxx is that she talks back to me. Whenever I speak to her, she meows or makes that little bbbrrrrrr noise to answer me. She is a very vocal kitty and I love it!:)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-25-2002, 09:50 PM
One thing that Tinky does that is soooo sweet is........ she rubbs her little kitty face on everything (hope you know what i'm talkin about / when they put their scent on things by rubbing their cheeks on it) Anyway... EVERYTHING that is in her reach she is rubbin on it.....
Both Tinky and the Jup meow a lot AND I LOVE IT....
Another thing that they both do that I love is pounce on our feet when we go to bed at night ..... well anything that moves they pounce on it, and that always makes me laugh!!!;)

04-25-2002, 10:20 PM
Cassy: he's eager for scritchies whenever I get back from a journey to: work, the store, the recycle bins ... he wants his rubbies and lovies and we have a wonderous reunion at least daily and usually several times daily. And it's new and wonderful each time. And usually at bed time, he wants cuddly time then, too!

Livvy: well, in her own way she's a love-bug, too. With her, it's not quite as often and she has to initiate it, but we get our cuddlies in and she will lean in and touch her little lips to my lips or my cheek and kitty kisses are marvelous.

04-26-2002, 01:07 AM
Sunny is a very vocal cat. He loves to talk to me in the morning and evening. He also likes to peek around the corner to make sure it's me. He loves to rub his body against me so that I'll pet him and give him a belly rub. Storm loves to rub his body all over me. He usually does this in the morning before I go to work. I think he wants everyone to know that he owns me. He'll also sometimes come running to me like you'd expect a dog would. He acts like he hasn't seen me for days. Pepper can be very demanding when he wants his love. He'll meow and follow me until I pick him up and cuddle him or let him sit in my lap and pet him.

04-26-2002, 01:40 AM
Kedi rubs his face all over our ears. We call this kitty kisses. He does this all the time. I guess he 'owns' our ears! It's very cute, but sometimes our ears are wet when he's done! :rolleyes:

Wylie VERY favorite is 'helping' me on the computer (actually he is more of a hinderance (spelling) than anything else, but I don't tell him that)
:rolleyes: 3e4drow098ppph074tv-.//////////..................oh, that's him helping me now! Wylie, get OFF the keyboard!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-26-2002, 01:57 AM
originally posted by Yorkster
I guess he 'owns' our ears!

LOL http://www.contrabandent.com/cwm/s/contrib/ruinkai/biglaugha.gif LOL http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/otn/realhappy/mhihi.gif

Former User
04-26-2002, 02:04 AM
Casper is also very vocal, he loves to talk to us all the time. In the morning he tells us what happened during the night and wheter he slept fine or not. The whole morning he talks to me (my husband is working) and keeps me entertained. He makes sure I don't foget to do certain things. I also love that he is so lovable now, he is so cute when he is on his cuddly mood, and has to be held like a little baby. And his purr is SO loud.

Kitty also became more vocal after she was fixed. I love her meow, which most of the time sounds like she's a frog :rolleyes: And I love it hen she keeps pushing everything, rubbing her little face on everything (like Sara said too!), and this feels esp. good when she does it on my chin! Oh my precious little girl!

04-26-2002, 07:19 AM
You don't know what you started here. I'll try to be short but I can't promise.:D

MAYA : She's our little nurse, she can't bear it if someone is not well. When she has done something she shouldn't have and we tell her off her tail starts shaking and she get some sort of hiccups and looks at you in such a way that you just can't be angry at her:D

PREMA : First of all she is extremely attached to me. When Prema wants to be petted she puts her head under my hand and starts moving it frantically until I start. It's so sweet. Everytime I get home from work she screams until I go where she is and pet her. If I stop before she is ready she starts screaming again. She is an angel during the night, if early in the morning she wakes up and gets hungry she just goes and sits on a kitchen chair, she knows that sooner or later someone will walk by and feed her.

FOXY He is the baby of the family (even though he is bigger than the other two, not as large as Maya though :D ) so he still behaves like a kitten and that's endearing to start with. He can be running around like a madman but all of a sudden he can run in my lap and stays there purring for a few minutes before he starts playing again. He hates being alone and loves to be where we are. He also loves attention and has not an aggressive bone in his body.

04-26-2002, 02:48 PM
Misty does so many things that I love so much. One thing is when we are preparing a meal she is right in the kitchen with us and talking to us just like a child would. MEOWING!! I am hungry hurry please!! What is taking so long!! We swear that she is telling us this really!! Another thing is she has a game she plays with my husband I am moving my toys now you find them. Before he goes to work he tells her to play with your toys so we can play when I get home. More than likely she will. She is quite the fur child!!:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-26-2002, 09:07 PM
The most endearing thing that Tubby & Peanut do is they come to great me every day when I get home from work. If they aren't sitting at the door waiting for me, they come running from wherever they are and don't leave me alone until I pick them up and say Hi and give them smoochies. They always seem so happy to see me. :) Awwww......

Lennie B.
04-26-2002, 11:51 PM
One really cute thing that Vinny does is wait up with me when I'm reading or working at my computer late at night. No matter how late I stay up, he stays beside me till I go to bed! If I sit at the table reading or writing, he hops up onto the table (a no-no of course, but sometimes we bend the rules a little) and plops himself down right on top of whatever I'm reading or writing and gazes up right into my eyes. He has the sweetest expression on his face when he does this. I think it's his way of telling me to stop doing whatever it is I'm doing and get to bed! :D :) :D

04-28-2002, 01:21 PM
All 3 of my babies have very different personalities - I've often thought that the only things they have in common are that they are all happy and healthy which are, of course, all that I could ask for.

Trixie is pretty much a loner and could probably do without the other two, especially Jazz. When company comes, she disappears under the bed or some dark corner. She will often shy away from contact but actually enjoys being petted, as long as all four feet are on the floor. Trixie is very wary and will move slowly and carefully as if anticipating the need for a quick getaway. She rarely purrs - usually only doing so when she is in the mood to nurse my hand.

Bo is a good ol' Southern boy, as his name implies , and spends much of his time with his belly in the air making loving, trilling sounds (which translate into "Love me, rub my belly, I'm irresistable!") His deep purr runs non-stop. Bo has to sniff and smell everything - his nose twitches constantly like a rabbit's. I'd swear he's part bloodhound.

Eight-month-old Jazz is my only lap cat (thank God for her!) and is always in "play mode." She's a toy hog, much to Trixie's annoyance. She's also my bed buddy, having usurped Trixie from that position when she moved in. She's very high energy and playful - time will tell if that remains the case as she grows older.

All in all, my three kitties give me EVERYTHING I could possibly ask for. They are dearly loved and my best friends.

04-28-2002, 02:19 PM
Mocha Bean: Behaves like a princess. Of, course we treat her as such, also. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/embarass.gif Would not have it any other way. Love it when she "Graces " us with "Princess Kisses"!

Garbonzo Bean: Well, Boo is just waiting to become a "Real" boy. He is my "Cling-ON" and he loves to give hugs and drool! He loves to talk too!;)

04-28-2002, 11:32 PM
How do I love, thee, Julie, let me count the ways...She greets me by rolling on the floor and meowing with glee every time I come in, she talks to me all the time, she "blesses" everything in sight by rubbing her sweet little face on it, and yes, sometimes she rubs her little cheek against mine. Not enough to suit me but I love it every time she does. Probably the sweetest of all experiences I had with her is one time when we were in bed, I must have moved or did something in a way that startled her and I woke up to her angry snarling and struggling next to my head (though she did not scratch me). Instead of being scared myself or angry, I tried to comfort her and apologized for whatever it was that had upset her. After I turned the light back out and we lay back down, she put her soft little face right up to mine and gave me the longest, sweetest nose kiss as if to say, "I am sorry, too, and I really, really love you."

This calico kitty girl really understands "I am sorry!" If I ever bump her or startle her or something, she will respond and come back to me for pets as soon as she sees that I am apologizing. It is so touching.

I never dreamed that a nine pound creature could be so much company ... I don't know how I ever lived without her.

Thanks, everyone, for sharing their sweet stories. Better than the "pet" peeves, even those were pretty funny, too.

06-07-2002, 09:54 PM
All my cats have different personality, Toby is a funny cat, he is like a dog. Always wanted humane food and he never stops eating none stop. Sabrina she is affection in her own way, she gives kisses when she wants to and that is usuall late at night or first thing in the morning. Sabrina does her kissing in the bedrooms and she would come on the computer table for some kisses. Joey, I just adore his personality. He meows when he wants his treats, he makes bread on me while I'm sleeping. Waits for me while I'm in the shower and follows me all over.