View Full Version : Battle of the bed

04-25-2002, 04:17 PM
This is John (Randi's husband) interrupting on Randi's favourite site with a tale about Fister.

The Battle of the Bed

When Fister first enchanted me in our back yard, I insisted that we get him up to live in our flat. Randi, understandably, was a bit doubtful, he was after all 100% feral and over a year old. But I had to try, and found a cage and some shrimps and had a go. Fister instantly taught me that this was a serious mistake, and I ended up in hospital with both hands shredded to bits. (I have owned wild cats before, but Fister was seriously independant!)
OK, we decided, we would have to use intelligence and patience, and entice him up a bit at a time. We started by leaving the yard door and our kitchen door open (we live in a 1st floor flat), and after about 6 months we had him eating in the kitchen and making occasional hesitant trips into the flat. Slowly but surely he began to make himself at home, and it was around this time that Randi made her famous comment. Allright, we can keep him up here, but HE’S NOT COMING ONTO THE BED! Ah what innocent naivity.


It started as it always does with cats, slowly and patiently. First was our best easy chair. This quickly became his domain, then followed a blanket under the bed, a cushion under a wardrobe, in a little bed under the telephone table, the window sill etc etc. But Fister, unbeknown to us, had his sights set on higher things.
His first trips onto the bed were very carefull and hesitant. (He is a VERY nervous cat). Starting at the bottom of the bed by Randis’ feet (she’s shorter than me), he slowly enroached further up, and began to lay full length between us and chill out. Soon he was lying curled up in my arms while we watched TV. Later he got the habit of stretching out on his back and sleeping across my stomach, and now he loves wandering around and walking backwards and forwards over my chest and stomach (he weighs nearly 8 kilos!). This was not enough of course, he still had his sights set on greater conquests, or to put it bluntly, total domination! The next bone of contention was the little space between our pillows (about 40 cm square). It took months of patient toil for him to aquire control over that bit of territory too.


Even at this point, we weren’t aware just how total his plans for domination were, because it turned out that he wasn’t finished yet! The ultimate prize was still to be won - to own Randis pillow! This battle has been going on for ages, and in spite of stern resistance from us, he just about has control over that area now. If he’s in a generous mood, Randi will be allowed about 60% of her own pillow, but give him the slightest chance, and he will be lying flat out across it with a big grin on his face.


So nowadays, as we fall into a gentle slumber to the sound of his purring, he will lie, warm, well fed and quite content, surveying his territory. The last bastions have fallen, all resistance is crushed. Two tame humans and a whole bed - the battle is won!
He sighs and lays his head gently down onto the pillow - onto HIS pillow!


Edwina's Secretary
04-25-2002, 04:26 PM
To the victor the spoils! Congratulations Fister! (Wish I could see the photos!)

04-25-2002, 04:33 PM
Love the story! Marvelous! Somehow only one of the photos showed for me, but Fister is ADORABLE curled between two pillows.

What a delight! Thank you for sharing Fister's slooooow dominition over your home (and bed and pillow!) Loved it!

Yiiiieeee! Somehow the bottom three photos appeared when my message showed. Fister on the pillow is adorable!!!! And the last one with the tippy tip of his cute little pink tongue sticking out as he dreams (on Randi's pillow) is soooo precious!!!!

04-25-2002, 05:18 PM
My how the mighty have fallen!! Fister had this all planned out from the start. Don't let him tell you differently! I can't see the pics either, but I think it's my computer's fault. Loved the story though. See how sneaky cats can be?:)

04-25-2002, 05:46 PM
Great story I loved it. Isn't something that how much the pet owns us not us owning them and doing as they please. They take all control of what use to be ours. You got to love'm !! I could not see you pictures either I would had loved to.

04-25-2002, 06:36 PM
Ila, if I didn't know better, I'd swear that was Leonardo in your Mother's Day attched photo. Leonardo's a little .. ahem.. fatter though. Great picture!;)

04-25-2002, 07:15 PM
I just LOVE that story! :) :rolleyes:
We have had a similar experience with one of our cats. :D

I can not see any of the pictures, and I really want to see them! :confused:

04-25-2002, 07:21 PM
Such a fantastic story! Fister the Mighty !!! Isn't it great how they worm their way into every aspect of our lives!;)

04-26-2002, 12:58 AM
I loved the story too!!! put I could not view the pics...:(

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-26-2002, 01:21 AM
Sweet story!!! Can't see photos either.....:confused:
Sweet Fister.... enjoy your safe nights on Randi's pillow.

Former User
04-26-2002, 02:10 AM
John, great story!!! And Randi, better not say anything anymore what he can't have/do... because that's exactly what he is going to do, and going to have!
I also can't see any pics, just red x :(

Former User
04-26-2002, 06:18 AM
Tried to go and see, but it's asking a password....

04-26-2002, 06:38 AM
Hello John!

Lovely story! Aren't they devious little things :D I sometimes feel lucky that Prema allowes me and sometimes Foxy (Maya has her own spots) to share HER bed with her. :rolleyes: :D

Former User
04-26-2002, 07:13 AM
First and last pic aren't showing to me...

04-26-2002, 07:20 AM
But I cannot see any of the pictures! :confused:

This AM I awoke with a very heavy feeling ... 2 cats on my chest. Guess they were comfortable.

:D :eek: :D

04-26-2002, 07:29 AM
Hmm... I think I figured out what was wrong with the images, I'll test one and see if it'll work. If it works I'll just edit it and add the rest.

EDIT: It worked! :D Oki here is all the pics, in the original order.





04-26-2002, 07:38 AM
Well done Ann! :D

Lovely photographs. He really does look comfortable and that he is the owner of the bed :D I love the one with the tip of his tongue sticking out.

04-26-2002, 09:01 AM
Seen the pictures they are so cute!! Glad you got them in!! :)

04-26-2002, 09:11 AM
Hello, Randi and/or John!!!
I love the story and the pictures!!!

So now we know who we should thank for having Fister (and Randi ;) ) here in the first place!!

Randi, reading your posts I'd never have thought you weren't crazy about cats and Fister particularly since the very first sight!!

Un abrazo a los dos (y un caricias en la barriquita (that's bellyscratch in Spanish - quite long!) para Fister!):D


Edwina's Secretary
04-26-2002, 09:39 AM
I have mentioned before that my husband and I recently purchased a king sized bed -- since Edwina requires alot of room at night and the queen was just too small for the three of us.

The frame was delivered early (gasp) and the mattress is to be delivered tomorrow. So last night we began the process of move out the current bed in the guest room, move our bed into the guest room, set up the new frame. We had to sleep in the guest room last night.

Edwina is FURIOUS! That is her bed and it is not in the right place. I went to bed first. She joined me but could not get comfortable. She was sitting on my husband's side when he came to bed. She would not let him in. Every time he tried to put his feet on the bed she would bite his feet -- hard!!!

She did not sleep on the bed all night. While I was dressing this morning she sat and stared at the new (empty) bed frame where her bed should be.

I hope she can make it until tomorrow when the new mattress arrives!

So beware -- once ownership goes to the cat, it is irrevocable!

04-26-2002, 01:56 PM
Everybody! Thanks a lot for your replies and funny stories! :D Sorry for not replying till now, but first things first! We had to take Fister to hospital today. :(

If you want to know why, read in Cat Health!

John & Randi

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-26-2002, 08:36 PM
What a great story. Fortunately I'm late to the thread, so all the pictures are there, and great ones there are! I'm not surprised since it seems every picture Randi posts of Fister - he's in/on the bed! :D

Gotta make this short because I have to quick get to cat health to see what happened to poor Fister! :eek:

04-27-2002, 12:38 AM
Fister sure is cute. Does he always sleep with his tongue out. That's a very cute picture. I hope he's okay. I'll check out cat health now.

04-29-2002, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

Edwina is FURIOUS! That is her bed and it is not in the right place.

:D :D :D you mean that you did not ask her first???

Those pics are great :D and your kitty is beautiful!
I hope everything is okay with him- going to check cat health now.

07-21-2002, 10:45 AM
Well it looks like this battle is becoming “the continuing saga ...”
Fister doesn’t seem to be finished with his conquest yet, even removing all the bed clothes doesn’t phase him. Here he is just making sure that the bed is his in ANY situation! :cool:


Then Randi came home proudly bearing her new eiderdown, and who had to try it out first. No prizes for guessing Fister! :D


Shall we give up and accept the inevitable? :rolleyes:

Thank you for all your comments, we will try to keep you posted on any further developments. :)


Former User
07-21-2002, 10:56 AM
Awww, cute! Fister is just making sure the matress stays down in the bed ;)
Nice big bed btw!

07-21-2002, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Well it looks like this battle is becoming “the continuing saga ...”

Then Randi came home proudly bearing her new eiderdown, and who had to try it out first. No prizes for guessing Fister! :D

:rolleyes: John

Don't you mean Fister's new eiderdown?!! :D

I can't believe that Fister was once so feral...............remarkable turn-about. You must have done all the right things (and of course the fact that Fister had the right personality helped too. He must have really wanted love & attention, not to mention a nice cozy bed to sleep in) :rolleyes: :cool:

07-21-2002, 05:51 PM
Awww Fister you sure look comfy in your parents bed. My cats love my bed too. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-21-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by yorkster
I can't believe that Fister was once so feral...............remarkable turn-about. You must have done all the right things (and of course the fact that Fister had the right personality helped too. He must have really wanted love & attention, not to mention a nice cozy bed to sleep in) :rolleyes: :cool:

I'm beginning to think that somehow, while John was trying to tame Fister, Fister caught site of the bed....and the rest is history. From that moment on he agreed to anything the humans wanted, just so he could get to the bed. Now he puts up with anything, as long as they leave the bed to him, and a new eiderdown, "why thank you mom! That was real sweet of you." ;)

07-26-2002, 11:44 AM
Where have I been? I completely missed this thread!!

Fister and Noah have so much in common!! Noah shares my pillow with me too....he'd tell you it's his pillow, just like Fister.

Randi, does he share the pillow at night with you while you are sleeping? Noah does this and he lays his head on mine.... :) I love it!! He can have the whole pillow if he wants! :D

07-29-2002, 02:33 PM
i had a feral kitten like that. she ranaway:(

08-01-2002, 06:31 AM
Great story, as always, John.:)
Juni shares my pillow with me, but in the mornings I end up with my head on a very small part of the pillow. If I make the mistake to get up for some seconds hoping to come back to sleep.... hah... Juni wouldn't move at all. So, if I come back to bed, she allows me, but on a corner of the bed.