View Full Version : NO, there is not an ATM.

03-28-2006, 08:14 PM
I don't understand people...

I work in a small bar. We don't get A LOT of business. We have a small smoking room and 5 VLT machines. We do not have an ATM, nor are we allowed to give cash back. For some reason, people feel the need to get angry at me for this. "HOW can you NOT have an ATM?! You can ALTEAST give me cash back?!"
Last time I told someone "No, I'm sorry management says we're not allowed to give cash back" and they called in later (they forgot to pay their tab!!) and said I was rude?! How is that rude? How is it my fault for any of these things. Today this guy was like "WHAT...you're telling me there is not ATM? You have these VLT's and no ATM? What about upstairs? How about cash back? Ok then, so upstairs they can give me cash back. No? WHY NOT!"

Seriously, why do people take this out on me. I have brought it up to the manager, and she said no way will we get an ATM. I don't know why, but it's not really my business. there is a gas station like 2 mins away, if that, and they're too lazy to go there. They're so absorbed into gambling. It's sickning.

This other guy heard this guy going on about the ATM and was like "he's right you know". This guy has been in EVERYDAY for like 2 weeks now...he knows about the rules. He went on about how much business we're losing etc etc. -__-

So, can someone tell me WHY they do this to ME? Why not the manager or someone who has any sort of authority...I just work there, that's it. I pass their concerns on, but there is nothing I can do. *siiiggh* needed to vent that...

03-28-2006, 08:41 PM
I know people used to get bad that we had one but across the street in West Glacier. Hey how is it going with the cook?

03-28-2006, 08:55 PM
People, when they are in the "gotta gamble more right now" mindset do not think logically. They just want their fix!

Do you have a sign by entrance, and one by the register (or wherever you stand) that says "No ATM on Premises - [signed] Management"? There's not a lot more you can do, other than remembering they're not in their normal frame of mind!

03-29-2006, 09:50 AM
I can understand you totally, at my old job we couldnt accept creditcards as payment because we didnt have the machine and i got so many insults about it, I remember one lady swearing at me because she had to go to the bank and she called me a liar and wanted to talk to the manager because her credit card had been accepted there before.. even though my old boss had never had a machine to take that kind of payment :mad:

03-29-2006, 09:55 AM
It's like the same people who yell at ME for there not being a newspaper stand outside our door. The Walgreens RIGHT next door has one. We get a newspaper and sit it in our diningroom EVERY morning, it's not our fault people steal it.

"How could you be a place that serves breakfast and not supply us with a newspaper????"

03-29-2006, 12:47 PM
Audrey, make a very nice sign on your computer tonight, stating

We do not accept: ATM, debit, credit,
& do not have cash back services
Sorry for any inconviences this may have caused.

Signed, Management

This kind of sign saved my butt at the post office, so many times (our debit & credit would go down often due to using it too much). If I didn't make that sign, people would yell at me ALL day long if they could.. But if I pointed to the sign & said I'm sorry, they usually walked a way & sometimes grumbled a little. But most paid in cash, or said opps, didn't notice it, I'll be back.

*hugs signs*

CPC would yell at me for putting them up ,or rip them up on me, but I saved them on the computer & would print new ones up right after heheh
I don't know how many times I told CPC to bite me, the customers have a right to know before hand :D

CPC = Canada Post Corp.

03-29-2006, 02:30 PM
I understand what you are talking about. I also work in food service. You really start to wonder how these people are at home. If they don't have any problems yelling at someone they don't even know how do they treat the people they do know? That is a scary thought if you ask me.

Sometimes I wish that the rude people can walk a day in my shoes and be yelled at cursed at and called names that they shouldn't even be using in public places. I would like to see how they feel.

03-29-2006, 04:50 PM
I know people used to get bad that we had one but across the street in West Glacier. Hey how is it going with the cook?

It's not. We still haven't had a meeting with him. Today, I went up to get my food from under the heat lamp, and as I go down he yells "You keep forgetting to turn off the heat lamp" I said "Me???" He goes "yes, you don't turn it off." I said that it wasn't my job..After all, up to this point (the 3 yrs I've been there) I have never turned the lamp off. No one ever told me to, and the cooks always just did it. I hear him say "Well then I'm not doing it anymore!!" then he stormed off and told the manager what I had done :rolleyes: It's sad, because he is trying to get me in trouble, and that is the best he can do. Where as I can write about 3 pages of stuff about him.

03-29-2006, 04:51 PM
Audrey, make a very nice sign on your computer tonight, stating

We do not accept: ATM, debit, credit,
& do not have cash back services
Sorry for any inconviences this may have caused.

Signed, Management

This kind of sign saved my butt at the post office, so many times (our debit & credit would go down often due to using it too much). If I didn't make that sign, people would yell at me ALL day long if they could.. But if I pointed to the sign & said I'm sorry, they usually walked a way & sometimes grumbled a little. But most paid in cash, or said opps, didn't notice it, I'll be back.

*hugs signs*

CPC would yell at me for putting them up ,or rip them up on me, but I saved them on the computer & would print new ones up right after heheh
I don't know how many times I told CPC to bite me, the customers have a right to know before hand :D

CPC = Canada Post Corp.

The thing is, we DO take credit and debit, but are not allow to give cash back with it...people don't like it.

03-29-2006, 04:53 PM
What is a VLT? Google says it's a Very Large Telescope. :)

Video Lottery Terminal

03-30-2006, 09:19 AM
The thing is, we DO take credit and debit, but are not allow to give cash back with it...people don't like it.

They get upset over not getting a cash back! Well thats retarded! Hardly any places that I go to do cash back, its only wal-mart, zellers, & other HUGE stores like that. not little places, man people are stupid :rolleyes:

03-30-2006, 11:12 AM
They say because we are a bar, and have VLT's, that we NEED an ATM or cash back service. I'm sick of hearing people complain. The last guy who came in was in a week or 2 ago and asked the SAME thing, and got MAD. He also drank 1/2 a beer before deciding it was flat and wanting a new beer. I gave him 1/2 a beer (draft) He could have told within the first few drinks that it was bad.