View Full Version : Please tell me about Soft Claws/Paws

03-28-2006, 02:56 PM
I think I'm going to try them but I want to know how long do they last and how hard are they to apply?

I looked into a scat mat but I don't know that it would be the right thing for stopping the cats from getting on the nightstand and dresser (apparently it makes a noise which isn't good for a bedroom). Plus it's pretty expensive for just one. I know Soft Claws or Soft Paws can get expensive too but I hope they will buy me some time to break the cats from getting on the new furniture.

Do you think just putting them on their back claws would work? It seems those are what make the worse digs and scratches when they jump and slide across wood furniture.

If anyone know of any inexpensive ingenius way to break them from jumping on these couple of pieces of furniture I'm all ears. I'm thinking of setting a bunch of water bottle all around on the furniture, covering it and maybe even blocking it with heavy stuff. Any other good ideas?

03-28-2006, 03:18 PM
I have seen this double sided sticky tape in PetSmart that might be helpful...

03-28-2006, 04:47 PM
Sticky stuff works well. We're using it on the crib and changing table, and it didn't take but a couple of times for them to learn not to go there.

Laura's Babies
03-28-2006, 05:28 PM
I have bought and used soft paws. They were about $20 and I had to get them from the vet, I think there was about 40 of them in the paks with 2 tubes of the glue. They last about a month to 6 weeks. Giz use to chew and chew on them trying to get them off but without sucess unless it wasn't on her right. You have to trim their claws and I think when they grow out, that is when they come off. BUT, Giz would fight like a tiger, she don't like us touching her nails PERIOD so I would have to catch her asleep and get one on that time, wait a day and get one more on...

I had to break mine from stretching onto my kitchen cabinets and hooking their claws over the door (back feet always on the floor) , scratching the doors up, so I put a kitchen towel over the doors and when they would stretch and hook on, it wouldn't hold them and it would scare them when they fell downward. It only took about 1 week of that and they were broke of that habit and haven't tried it since..

SO, maybe put a thick but light blanket over what they are getting on, leaving just enough on the balance of the weight to hold it where you want it, but when they try to get on it, it falls with them. We all know how kitties get completley embarrassed at stuff like "falling", I bet in a weeks time that habit would be broke too!

I have also had good sucess with the trusty ole spray bottles too.

03-28-2006, 05:37 PM
Our bedroom is the ONE room in the house that is off limits to the cats!

How about that???

03-28-2006, 05:47 PM
Our Dad knoow better than to put Soft Paws on The Found Cats and the Kitten Trio,


03-28-2006, 06:09 PM
I did a trial with the soft paws (but only on the front feet). I did 5 cats. 1 cat kept them on for the full 5-6 weeks. The others lost them one at a time making it a real pain to replace 1 (or 2) a day. Some were even lost within a day or two of being put on. :mad:

They only come off as the nail sheds it's outer layer. So it depends on how often your cats sheds this outer coating. And all nails don't shed at the same time (as I found out).

You no longer have to buy them at a vet. Pet stores of pet catalogs (online, too) sell them now.