View Full Version : New photos

04-25-2002, 12:01 AM
hello everybody :)
We took lotsss of pictures of the kittens just because someone borrowed a camera so I had to take advantage :D
You can visit the new albums in this link
the last ones, New kittens pictures and the best pictures. And if you want to see me and my husband the last 2 are of us in the greatest place in Turkey :cool:
I hope all of you have a great Thursday...

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-25-2002, 12:11 AM
ROTFL :D ROTFL :rolleyes: ROTFL :eek:
The pic of the kitten sticking its tongue out made me laugh sooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the pic of Mama feeding her babies..... they are getting so big!!!

04-25-2002, 12:19 AM
"Spotey" is that what you call him/her? Is G O R G E O U S! Those "odd eyes" are just fabulous! They all look so content and happy at your place, you're doing a great job with them! Are you planning on keeping them all?

~Katerrrrrrrr:D :p

04-25-2002, 12:31 AM
Yes his name is Spotey because he was the only one we could recognize since they are born , he has some hairs black on his head heheh he is quite a character and very sweet. He is a poser heheh I think he will be the only one with odd eyes so maybe we will keep him, and strangly he is not the deaf one. My husband favorite is the deaf girl, but we cannot keep 3 cats is too much since we are moving to Puerto Rico next summer.
Having kittens is sooo cool :D , they are always liking my nose and the adore my curly hair heheh they are always biting and running everywhere.
I am training them to go to litter but they are only eating the rocks grrrrr.
I am also cutting their nails every other day, I hope is not unhealthy. But otherwise they will grow knifes heheh.
I am glad you enjoyed the pictures.
And the photo with the tounge out is for people like me who didnt like cats before hahahhaha

Former User
04-25-2002, 03:20 AM
Wow, gorgeous pictures! Like Sara, I had a good laugh about the tongue out pic, that's so funny!

04-25-2002, 03:23 AM
HELP, what are you trying to do to me? :D :D :D I wish I could jump on the first plane to Turkey and come and get one!

The photographs are wonderful, you are a very talented photographer!

04-25-2002, 04:52 AM
How lovely - tiny kitties growing into small kitties - they are all so adorable - but yes Madeguada like everyone else the tongue sticking out was sooo funny - hope you don't mind I'm sending it to my daughter in USA - it will be the first thing she sees when she opens her computer at work!!! Should start her day of with a huge laugh and an AAAWWWW.
I agree with Gio you're a very talented photographer - please let us know when other shots go in your website.
Aren't the furbabies growing quickly - it would be lovely to have a little play with them but seeing as it's impossible I'll have to keep returning to your website!!


04-25-2002, 06:41 AM
What a cute kitty you have! :)


04-25-2002, 07:20 AM
as the only person at "Cat Talk" who has the privilege to see Capablanca and her 4 kittens "in person", i can attest to the cuteness of them. It is clear that they are going to be very beautiful because they have a beatiful mama and papa (well their human mama and para are also very good looking but here i am referring to their cat-mama and cat-papa :))

04-25-2002, 09:05 AM
Great pics! I too loved the pic with the tongue, but the others were great as well!

Thanks for sharing :)

04-25-2002, 09:12 AM
Lovely pictures madeguada! Thanks for sharing. It must be such a joy to have a bunch of kittens! :D

Good luck with them! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-25-2002, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Gio
HELP, what are you trying to do to me? :D :D :D I wish I could jump on the first plane to Turkey and come and get one!

The photographs are wonderful, you are a very talented photographer!

Me too! Oh I want one so bad!!! They are like little cottonballs all over. That Spotey does seem to be a real character, but the little deaf girl was soooooo cute. Oh I want a kitten so bad.

I got to work this morning and found out that one of our foreman probably has cancer, so the day wasn't getting off to a good start, but then I see all these wonderful little kitty babies. What a great way to re-start my day. Thanks so much Made. :D

04-25-2002, 12:18 PM
Just had an email off my daughter Madequada - she was thrilled with the photo and is in love with a tiny ball of white fluff with a sticky out tongue!!!!:D :D


04-25-2002, 12:46 PM
OMG OMG OMG!! How cute is THAT??!!! I'm in love!! LOL :D

Such cute little angel white kittens!! Awwwwwwww!!! I want one I want one!! I'm sitting here having a cuteness overload experience at my desk! ROTFL
Give them all lots of luvin's and scritches for me! They look great! No doubt you and momma kitty are taking very good care of them:D

04-25-2002, 02:20 PM
I loved those pictures they are so adorable thanks for sharing I love kitty pictures!!:)

04-25-2002, 07:59 PM
Oh Made........I love those pictiures! You are being a great grandmother! :)
What fun it must be, all those little furry, purring, playing, entertaining kittys! :rolleyes:
I want one!
It would be nice if you keep them all, but since you can't, I think Spottie is the one to keep. He is so cute and obviously has that personality thing going-on :D
Then too, you will have one girl kitty, and one boy kitty.

Keep posting pictures!

04-27-2002, 01:51 AM
I love the pictures. You sure have some of the cutest kittens I've ever seen. Like everyone else my favorite pic is the one of the kitten with it's tongue sticking out. Please keep updating us with pictures.