View Full Version : Please ~PINCH ME~!! Is My Nightmare REALLY OVER?

03-24-2006, 01:05 PM
A refresher..for those who have no clue. And now a synopsis of my # 1 all time worst rescuing nightmare out of hundreds! I ended up calling a fireman/rescuer John who (for the most part never calls back), but I left a message and he did call back. :eek: I have to admit he wasn't too helpful, but he did call a 'higher up' in the Boston branch of the Animal Rescue League. But a few days went by, and I heard from no one....despite leaving several massages on Johns machine. I took matters into my own hands, and via the 'net, contacted Alan B.(of the ARL), who of course said call another number, and use the 'voice prompt' which means...press # 1-1000 in order to reach so & so! :rolleyes: I was quite surprised when Mark V. a "Rescue Specialist" w/ the ARL called me last Sunday within an hour of my calling. I know tham all too well, and the fact they responded at all floored me! Anyway, on Sunday Mark came over to the home that the kittens in the rotted roof were, and after checking out the situation, he decided a tree was the way to go in order to check out the roof. I trapped mom cat Gracie so she wouldn't interfere. Long process, but he got up there finally, and could not reach the babies ( mom had two nursed on teats, so only 1-2 babies). I sent up 2 kitten traps for him to set, and went home with Gracie.
The sun was setting as Mark was roping his way up the tree.
Two kitten traps set with stinky sardine chunks
Monday I headed back to check on the traps, which were untouched.
It didn't help that it was bitter cold, and very windy. I started making mama cat cries, and soon enough the kittens came out of the huge rotten area on the roof edge (30+ feet up) and were screaming back and climbing all over each other out of fear, and hunger. Despite numerous calls to Mark's cellphone, I spent the entire day ready to choke the next person that asked me "did you get them"...I was getting mighty crabby and saying back "I don't have wings"! If any of the persons asking had any brains in their heads they would have known it was impossible for me to get up onto the roof. I tried climbing a ladder propped against the tree Mark went up, and had multiple broom sticks, and poles taped together with my net on the end, but still was unable to get anywhere near the kitttens. Tuesday rolled around, and a friend called the Animal Control of the city. Normally they don't deal with any cat situations unless it's an injured one. But the officer was able to get through to the A.R.L and contact Mark...who claimed his cell was broken. I should have gone to work that day, but was worried sick about the babies, and had brought the mom cat along just in case. Hours later the ARL showed up and neglected to bring any ladders, so had to ask to borrow a neighbors ladder. Mark climbed back on the roof; a slow process, and removed my kitten traps so Gracie could be released to take care of her kittens. I only heard one baby crying Tues. and was scared to death a red-tailed hawk had grabbed one. Mark hauled mama Gracie up onto the roof in my double laundry bags, and let her loose up there. She took one look at him perched up on the roof, and took off down the tree! :eek: Mama cats will never go directly to their kittens...it's a survival instinct not to lead potential prey to their babies. I headed home angry and exhausted. Wednesday evening Irene called me to say Gracie had brought her kittens down and they were under a porch overhang next door! I drove as fast as I could to Chelsea, and scruffed the two tiny kittens, and miracle of miracles re-trapped Gracie very quickly! My nightmare had ended after several long agonizing weeks!
You can just barely see the black baby boy to the right of his sister...milk...yum! They're about 6 weeks old.
A stressed out Gracie feeding the kids. :) She isn't feral, but has been through a lot of trauma.
That was one ordeal I never want to go through again!

K & L
03-24-2006, 01:10 PM
Absolutely wonderful!! I admire your persistance and dedication. I'm sure you checked to make sure there were no more kittens? I just love happy endings like this!!! GREAT WORK!!!!!!

03-24-2006, 01:12 PM
WOW! What an ordeal but now they're all safe. Congrats to you and the wonderful work you do.

03-24-2006, 01:32 PM
Oh my Gosh, Were they in the roof for a month?
That's crazy!
Glad that they are now in a warm and cozy place now.
They are very cute!

03-24-2006, 01:35 PM
WOW! What a wonderful ending to what could have been an awful story! I am so glad that you were able to enlist the help that was necessary to help this little kitty family. What is next for them? Are you fostering them? :D All of them are very adorable!

03-24-2006, 01:36 PM
YAAY! Good for you - and so happy all the furbabies are ok!

So nice there were some people with hearts out there!


Laura's Babies
03-24-2006, 01:43 PM
Jan, words just do not cover it, saying "THAT WAS A JOB WELL DONE" isn't enough. I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster you were on, the hopes and having them then crushed time after time and no one to help with that delima. geez whiz girl, HOW DO YOU do it?

You already know how I worry about you out there doing what you do but I know you would not be happy doing anything else. All I can say is how much I admire you and how you just hang in there, even when it seems hopeless. No one benifits from what you do but these wonderful little helpless creatures of God. There is a special place in Heaven for you when you have trapped your last little furry friend. If there is EVER a Saint for cats, her name will be "JAN"!

03-24-2006, 01:45 PM
What an exciting tale! :eek:

That is one beautiful mama cat and her precious two babies. ((hugs)) for caring so much and doing so much for them.

03-24-2006, 06:36 PM
God Bless You For Going That Extra Mile,and Rescuing Those Kittens,and Thier Momma.
Now They Are Out Of That Dangerous Situation,and Back Where They Will Have A Chance At A Furr Ever Home.
You Are Our Hero.

03-24-2006, 06:52 PM
Oh Jan, I am sitting here with happy tears rolling down my face. I know how sick you were with worry about these little ones. Thank God, that you finally have them safe and sound.

Mama is such a pretty girl and what precious adorable little ones she has.
I'm glad that mama figured that it wasn't safe up there for them anymore, with the humans invading her space, and brought them down.

Gosh, what can I say that I haven't said before about you and your rescue work. You certainly go beyond the call of duty girl. The determination that you go through to help these precious cats, make me so proud to know you.

http://prettykatie.zoto.com/img/20/b703f34585fcb91334a0f6bf93b689a9-.jpg to you Jan.

03-24-2006, 07:11 PM
Jan, there's a special place in heaven for you and others like you. Good work.

03-24-2006, 07:17 PM
GOD BLESS YOU JAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D This story of triumph brought tears to my eyes .... SUPER BIG HUGS to you, girlfriend!!! :D


03-24-2006, 07:39 PM
Saint Francis is very happy....

03-24-2006, 07:59 PM
Dear Ms. QueenScoopalot, I'm so happy and relieved to know that you got the baby kittens and their mommycat out of that awful place. Now they all are safe and warm and will know what it's like to be loved. I feel so sad when I see feral and stray kitties run past my favorite window. I worry that they're cold and hungry and maybe even sick with no hoomin to love them, care for them, and take them to the whitecoats so they can get better. You are a true kitty hero for all the things you do to help all those poor homeless kitties. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I wish every kitty could be a PT kitty. We're a lucky crew having furever homes with purrents that love us and care for us in so many special ways. I'm sending you lots of purrs, headbumpies, snuggles, kitty hugs, and kitty kisses as thanks for your dedication, caring, and all the wonderful things you do :) :) :)

Your friend,

03-24-2006, 08:22 PM
You never stop amazing me with your dedication. Good work, Jan. What a difference you have made in this trio's life.

03-24-2006, 09:59 PM
I kept looking out for a post from you with an update and became afraid when the days slipped by and I didn't see anything. What a great ending, that she brought the kittens down safely herself and into a place where they could be taken by you. Congratulations, not just on rescuing them, but in getting so many people involved who didn't really want to be there.

03-24-2006, 10:21 PM
:eek: :eek: Three words for you, girl...

WAY TO GO!!!!!

Like Johanna (Cataholic) said, you never cease to amaze us!!!

I have one (yeah, I know, stupid) question. Did you or anyone do a check of the perimeter of the area in case one kitten wandered off?? I know, I'm a worry wart. Sorry. :(

Sleep well tonight. ;) I know I will, and:D so will those 3 precious furkids you saved.

03-24-2006, 11:13 PM
I have one (yeah, I know, stupid) question. Did you or anyone do a check of the perimeter of the area in case one kitten wandered off?? I know, I'm a worry wart. Sorry. :([/QUOTE]
Don't worry Donna. Gracie only had two teats that were nursed on. There would have been 3 but one baby was killed by a raccoon a while back, or a rogue tom cat. And I only saw the 2 on Mon. screaming and climbing out of the roof hole in full view...not to mention the mama cat cries I made were answered back by only 2 wee ones. Don't worry...If there's any chances there are more kittens unaccounted for in my safaris, I don't quit till I get them all. ;) I can't get over how HUGE the babies look in the pictures lol! Nope...tiny-hineys lol! :D

03-26-2006, 06:27 AM
Happy ending to a very fustrating start.Great job Janet :D :D :D
I wish we had a Janet S. in every town and every city all over the world.

03-26-2006, 08:48 AM
God bless you for persevering and saving these darling little lives and that of their meowmie's. "Hero" isn't good enough to describe you, maybe Saint?

Those babies are adorable.

03-26-2006, 11:11 AM
WTG! All I can say is your dedication is amazing! Congrats on getting those babies down.