View Full Version : Adopting FIV+ cats into non-FIV+ home

03-24-2006, 09:25 AM
I am going to a local shelter tomorrow to look at their "special needs" cats and I'm thinking of adopting a couple who are FIV+ The shelter web site reassures that FIV+ cats should not endanger cats who are not positive, as long as they don't fight and bite. I won't actually adopt until after Newcat's radioiodine treatment, so I have more than a month to think this all over.

Is this something you would do? Or have done?

03-24-2006, 05:10 PM
Hi, there is an FIV special needs cat that desparately needs a home that has other problems. He was on a lsit I belong to. I am not sure if they have foudn a place for him but here is the email addy. [email protected]>
Please meial them and find out if you can help them

03-24-2006, 05:19 PM
I have not done it, but I would do it. I also encourage other adopters who come through my rescue to think about it. Many of our rescued cats who are FIV+ live or have lived with FIV- cats safely.

FIV virus is very fragile. It does not live in the environment. The saliva of the infected cat must reach the bloodstream of another cat in order to transfer. Meaning that it does not transfer via litter boxes, food or water dishes or grooming.

It would mean a lot for that kitty if you would adopt. So many fear the disease and avoid them. :(

03-24-2006, 05:59 PM
I wonder if I gave up on GCK,the Little Cta that I took in that had FIP.
I went by my Vets advice,but I wonder now if he had basically stayed in the Cellar whether he would have been All Right.
Too late now.

03-24-2006, 06:26 PM
I wonder if I gave up on GCK,the Little Cta that I took in that had FIP.
I went by my Vets advice,but I wonder now if he had basically stayed in the Cellar whether he would have been All Right.
Too late now.

FIV and FIP are not the same thing. FIV is equivilent to human AIDS....immune defficiancy. FIP is a fatal disease. :(

03-24-2006, 07:38 PM
Where I live, alot of the shelters absolutely will NOT adopt a FIV+ cat into a home with FIV- cats. They also won't adopt them unless the person lives in an apartment that isn't on ground floor. I think it's a little harsh, and most of these FIV+ cats will never get adopted. Good luck! :D

03-24-2006, 08:39 PM
Where I live, alot of the shelters absolutely will NOT adopt a FIV+ cat into a home with FIV- cats. They also won't adopt them unless the person lives in an apartment that isn't on ground floor. I think it's a little harsh, and most of these FIV+ cats will never get adopted. Good luck! :D

I can understand the concern with a FeLV+ cat being in a household with negative cats, but not FIV, not now that we understand the disease better. Actually, I did have a FLV+ cat with my negative cats for 6 years and none of them became ill even though some didn't get more than the first year's vaccination because they couldn't handle it. All those other cats lived long lives (Ginger, who turns 20 soon was one of them) and died of age-related illnesses. I took the risk on the vet's advice, and - fortunately, it worked for us.

I will contact the organization suggested by another poster, but I already have my mind fairly made up on the ones I want to adopt from the shelter. I've also decided to go through with it tomorrow if I find a cat or cats that will fit the household, and not wait a month. The cats I have already have to come first, so no matter how desperate the need of another cat, I won't adopt unless it will work for them.

03-25-2006, 05:11 AM
I too (unfortunately) know of rescues that will NOT adopt an FIV+ cat into a house with FIV- cats. Quite a shame really. :(

I am so excited about you new (future) additions. PICTURES!

03-25-2006, 10:17 AM
I'm getting very psyched up about the possible adoptions also, even woke up early thinking about it. I set up most of the isolation room (front bedroom, lots of morning sun) last night and just have to set up a plasticed area with litter boxes and then the eating area - as far away from litter area as possible, of course.

It's funny, in a rather wry and dark way, that I was so sure that I liked the idea of having fewer cats so they would get more attention, but the moment my numbers did get low I was thrilled to think that I could help out some more cats. One of the cats I will look at has been at the shelter for 5 years!

03-25-2006, 10:29 AM
It would mean a lot for that kitty if you would adopt. So many fear the disease and avoid them.

Jen's right! FeLv FIV Cats can live long, happy lives. It's a shame to deny them the love and care they so deserve because of one's fear.

03-25-2006, 03:50 PM
Did you go visit kitties???? Did ya? Did ya????

03-25-2006, 05:22 PM
Did you go visit kitties???? Did ya? Did ya????

Jen - please see my new thread "I went completely mad at the shelter"! :eek:

03-25-2006, 05:52 PM
Jen - please see my new thread "I went completely mad at the shelter"! :eek:
UT OH! ;) I'd better go searching.......... :D