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04-24-2002, 01:51 AM
Quiver their tails? Do your cats do this? :confused:
One of mine does it often, the other occassionally. It seems like it's a positive thing, because he seems to do it when he comes up and wants attention.

Just curious..............:)

04-24-2002, 02:49 AM
Well, I know that cats quiver their tails when they are going to spray.. Bassett does this. She backs up near something and quivers like she is going to spray, but she doesn't - THANK GOODNESS! - but I think she is trying to say, hey.. this thing next to my bum is mine! :p When they do it is the tail standing straight up? If so.. I think it's a territorial thing :)

04-24-2002, 03:14 AM
Yes, the tail is straight up. The first thing I thought of was that they were about to spray, but that has never happend. :eek:

The cat that does it the most does not seem to back up when he does it. He is usually walking around looking all proud, or standing next to me looking up and wanting attention/petting.

:) ;)

04-24-2002, 03:16 AM
I think cat tails have a mind of their own.;) Mocha's and Bonzo's do that. Sometimes Mocha looks at her tail when it twitches, like "Why'd you do that!" Then she chases it.:rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-24-2002, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
I think cat tails have a mind of their own.;) Mocha's and Bonzo's do that. Sometimes Mocha looks at her tail when it twitches, like "Why'd you do that!" Then she chases it.:rolleyes:

LOL How cute! :D

Tubby does this too, but mostly when he's out in the garage, and I think it's a territorial thing. And thank goodness he doesn't spray because he's usually got his butt right up against one of the Corvettes when he's doing it! :eek: I always say "It's ok, Tubby, you can have the Corvette, and everything else in the garage too, you don't need to claim it." But I think it's because the cars go other places and get other smells on them. Once some kind of animal must have peed on one of Terry's tires because both Tubby and Peanut would not leave that particular tire alone. They were constantly over there sniffing it, and Tubby's tail was going 100 mph. :rolleyes: Needless to say Terry wasn't too thrilled about that other critter and the tire got washed pretty quick. :D

04-24-2002, 01:17 PM
Yorkster, I think he's claiming YOU! :) You should feel VERY special!! :D :D

Former User
04-24-2002, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
Sometimes Mocha looks at her tail when it twitches, like "Why'd you do that!" Then she chases it.:rolleyes:

:D :D

04-24-2002, 04:17 PM
Ketchum's always doing the tail quiver thing. With such an intent look on this face you'd swear he was spraying!!! Silly boy:) :)
Funnily enough Bagel has watched this for so long she's started to do it - goodness knows what she thinks she's up to!!!:D


04-24-2002, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Yorkster, I think he's claiming YOU! :) You should feel VERY special!! :D :D

:D :D :D
Okay, I DO feel very special about it now, as long as when he is 'claiming' me he does not....................ummmm....take it to the next level! :D
No spraying Boo! :rolleyes: