View Full Version : Kia's visit to Canada - photos

03-21-2006, 02:27 PM
This past weekend, Andy, Kia, and I went to visit our friend Jess at her new apartment in Toronto.

It was so freaking cold so we didn't get a chance to spend a lot of time outdoors with Kia (I was hoping to walk over to Lake Ontario - a block South of the apartment - but it just wasn't in the cards)

But I hope you enjoy the photos! Many of them were of Jess's new apartment.

Upon arriving, Kia inspects every room in the house while Jess gives us a quick tour. Kia decides to help Jess show off her bedroom closet.

Andy finds weapons and rejoices...

then feigns exhaustion on the couch.

Saturday Morning

The stairwell out the back door that Kia despised. (She kept looking down and freezing. We pretty much had to lead her up and down as she wouldn't walk it willingly)

View of the backyard/parking area


The living room from the backdoor


Looking West down Queen Street from the balcony

And East

More in the next post

03-21-2006, 02:29 PM
There is a bakery and a coffee house below the apartment (great smells in the morning!) and Kia was watching a delivery man drop off what looked like cartons of milk.

Wider shot of the balcony

Living room from the balcony door

Kia being cute (and sporting her Irish pride)

Silohetted by the window

Kia bored of all the photo taking

Hallway that leads to the 2nd bedroom, 2nd bathroom, kitchen, and stairs that go down to the front door. To the left, stairs that lead up to Jess's room and bathroom.


Kia's feed station

More in the next post.

03-21-2006, 02:29 PM
Andy soaks up the mid-morning sun...

With Kia nearby waiting....

to take back what is rightfully hers!

Taking Kia for a walk down Queen Street

and swinging by Three Dog Bakery

Continuing down the street we stop by Wiccashoppe. Kia is welcomed inside and I unfortunately didn't get any photos of her with the shop owners Giant Schnauzer. Her name was Shadow and she was a sweet dog.

Kia eventually wanted back outside and decides to people watch (and sports her Canadian pride)

"Are they done yet mom?"

Then I noticed the dispenser next to us....

Kia was also allowed inside the comic book shop we went too next, but I regretfully didn't get photos. I love how Dog Friendly Toronto is!

More in the next post...

03-21-2006, 02:30 PM

Big ass pigeon

Kia rushing over when it dropped down out of sight

Playing the CSI boardgame - Andy studies the cards

Jess goes over her notes

Kia showing a HUGE interest ;)

We left the door to the balcony cracked open so Kia could go in and out at will. She started to play woo and we saw her checking out the neighbors Irish Setter/Golden Retriever mix. I wish I had taken pictures. He was handsome. Both dogs were trying to figure out how to get thru the railing. *laughs*

And that's it! :D

03-21-2006, 02:35 PM
Jess's appartment is so cute!
I love the pic of the room with the BIG window.
Very cool!
KIA, You are always sooo cute!

Ginger's Mom
03-21-2006, 02:42 PM
Ooooh, so much to love. I love the big windows leading out to the balcony; I love the fact that there is a bakery and coffee house right downstairs (diet, what diet? ;) ), I love the fact that there are doggie treat dispensers on the street, and that you can walk to the Three Dog Bakery. Yes, I think I may need to check Toronto out, but I will wait until it is much warmer. And as far as CSI goes, I am sure that Kia already used her doggie sixth sense to figure out whodunit, she was just waiting for you guys to catch up. :)

03-21-2006, 02:45 PM
I love the apartment. The window is awesome! Kia is as beautiful as ever. So, who won the game of CSI? ;)

03-21-2006, 02:49 PM
So, who won the game of CSI? ;)
That would be Jess with Sara. Andy was a close second with Warrick. I had Catherine and we were having an off day. :p I was 2 levels behind! :eek: :o

There are 8 crime stories you can solve. We only got thru one before it was time to leave for dinner.

03-21-2006, 02:59 PM
I love the fact that there are doggie treat dispensers on the street, and that you can walk to the Three Dog Bakery.
I was just amazed at how many people were out walking with their dogs and walking in and out of shops with them. A woman was in the coffee shop with her puppy. There are even these "racks" placed every so many feet for people to put their dogs if they didn't or couldn't take them into a shop. So we saw a lot of dogs just sitting leashed to them, waiting paitently.

Here's a shot of Kia walking past one:

03-21-2006, 03:00 PM
Wow! I just love the apartment! Sounds like y'all had a blast. Love the pictures. I've always wanted to go into a Three Dog Bakery. None around here (that I know of). So cool.


03-21-2006, 03:01 PM
Cute apartment. That is cool how Kia could go all of those places, she's such a cool looking pup. :)

03-21-2006, 04:22 PM
what a nice lil get away! BEAUTIFUL apartment!

03-21-2006, 04:39 PM
Looks like fun!! And you can say that Kia is an international traveler!! ;)

03-21-2006, 04:47 PM
Loved the pictures! :D :D And what a Beautiful apartment, I love the windows!! Looks like you guys had a great time :D

03-21-2006, 06:21 PM
Kim it truly sounds like you all had a wonderful visit to Toronto.

I'm in amazement that they are so dog friendly, and even have dispensers with dog food and treats! That is just so cool! I bet Kia was in heaven:D

And as for your friends place...WOW! I love that view out the back, very nice place!

03-21-2006, 06:32 PM
Great pics!!!

WOW - love that bakery and the dog treat dispenser ..... fantastic!

Great shots of everyone EXCEPT YOU, as usual :D

Suki Wingy
03-21-2006, 07:10 PM
Those EYES! I love your beautiful baby blues Kia! :D Your friend has a really nice apartment!

03-21-2006, 07:35 PM
You were like a half a hour to a hour away from me!!! I could have seen Kia!! lol.
I'm like in love with her apartment. VERY nice for a apartment too. I'll take it when shes done lol:p

03-21-2006, 07:38 PM
very nice apartment!! :) Kia is beautiful!! :D I think those dog treat dispensers are neat.

03-22-2006, 08:43 AM
Great shots of everyone EXCEPT YOU, as usual :D
I was behind the camera! *laughs* Andy did take that shot of Kia. I must of been elsewhere.

And buttercup, I had no idea you were in Canada. Maybe next time we're in the area, we can look each other up. :D

03-22-2006, 06:00 PM
It's wonderful to see Kia again, it's been too long! It looks like she had a nice trip. The apartment is gorgeous. I love the treat dispensers on the side walk, what a great idea.

03-22-2006, 09:40 PM
Nice apartment! looks like you all had a great time. I love those pet treat dispensers - I'd have a hard time pulling Sherman away from the Scooby Snacks!

Cinder & Smoke
03-22-2006, 10:25 PM
In Toronto!?

Seems like that was quite a drive ...
Thought so - MapQuest says 300 miles and 5 hours! :eek:
Did Kia help with the driving? :p

Beautiful apartment!
Was it a major overhaul of an "old" building; or from scratch on an empty lot?
Does she have the second and third floors - with the coffee shop on the
street floor?

Who fed the quarters into the Treat Dispenser - you or Kia?

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-23-2006, 06:30 AM
OH I LOVE your friends apartment!!

Kia is so stunning!! She is just the cutest thing in her "im bored" pictures! :D

03-24-2006, 11:10 AM
In Toronto!?

Seems like that was quite a drive ...
Thought so - MapQuest says 300 miles and 5 hours! :eek:
Did Kia help with the driving? :p

Beautiful apartment!
Was it a major overhaul of an "old" building; or from scratch on an empty lot?
Does she have the second and third floors - with the coffee shop on the
street floor?

Who fed the quarters into the Treat Dispenser - you or Kia?
Kia got us thru Border Patrol with no hassles. :D We need to travel with her more often! The US guard offered her treats and never once asked for our paperwork.

That's a first. :D

Not sure about the apartment.

The coffee shop is street level, then there is an apartment above that and Jess has the 2nd and 3rd floors.

03-24-2006, 04:16 PM
What an awesome apartment! Toronto is a beautiful city, (at least what I saw of it on my senior class trip) how nice that it is Dog Friendly too!

I have to ask, how is the CSI board game? I have thought of getting it more then once.

03-24-2006, 04:43 PM
Kia, looks like you had a great time in Canada! Your such a freakin' cutie! :D

03-24-2006, 04:44 PM
Looks like she had fun!I'm from canada and i've never been to Toronto yet :o

03-24-2006, 06:37 PM
Yay good ol' ontario!!! I live about 2 hours from Toronto and I love it!! So glad you got to check out some of ontario!

03-24-2006, 07:55 PM
Sounds like an awsome trip..great pic, thanks so much.. :)

03-24-2006, 10:57 PM
You came to Toronto! :D hehe. Ooh I think I've gone past the Dog Bakery once (never gone in before though) & I've never seen those dispensers before :p so cool lol.

I love your friend's apartment..especially the living room window ;)

03-24-2006, 11:26 PM
Oh Kim! The apartment is awesome! And if my memory serves me right, in a great location. I almost immigrated to Toronto in the 70's to be with a bunch of friends. What a great city with wonderful people-that's 'cause they ARE dog friendly! Kia is as beautiful as ever! What a world traveller! I'm so glad you had such a great time!

03-25-2006, 07:30 AM
What a wonderful apartment and a lovely place to live. Something, and somewhere, like that would so suit Bobby, Ebby and I .... when's the next plane out?! :D

Great pictures of your beautiful girl, she is just so special! Thanks for sharing, Kimmy!

03-26-2006, 12:06 AM
I live in Toronto...But I have yet to see that bakery. I guess I'll have to go there sometime.

03-26-2006, 02:27 AM
Heh!! i loved this thread.

your home is very,, very nice!! i know whered id be.. id never leave the rough,,
or take a window seat and sit there for ever watching the traffic buz by. :o

and of course your dog always brings a smile to my face with those pretty eyes and funky ear. LOL

03-27-2006, 10:26 AM
Thanks everyone. This was Kia's second time to Canada. A few years ago she walked in Toronto's Easter Parade. :)

I have to ask, how is the CSI board game? I have thought of getting it more then once.
A lot of fun! I don't get to play board games very often, so it was a nice change of pace. :D