View Full Version : OK, Enough is Enough...

03-21-2006, 02:40 AM
I am tired of feeling like a fat, ugly pig. Since my first knee operation last may, I have gained a whopping 20 kilos bringing my weight up to 77.5 kilos/170 lbs. None of my clothes fit, I cringe when thinking about wearing a bikini in public, and then console myself with pizza or chinese food. :(

After close to seven monthes in the house, not being able to move around very much, and living off of delivery food, I thought the fat would just melt away when I started to move around again. No such luck.

I am giving myself roughly six monthes to get to 130 lbs, no more putting it off. I used to walk everywhere, do aerobic 5 times a week, and dance all the time, now I just work, walk the dogs, and eat crap food.

I know I wont be able to jump right back into my old routine, but I am starting today to walk to work, and I will not eat anything that I havenīt prepared for myself (no more ordering food in).

This will be my little online blog to try and keep myself in check.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-21-2006, 03:47 AM
Good luck! I am sure you will succeed

03-21-2006, 04:57 AM
Good luck! You can do it! :D

Laura's Babies
03-21-2006, 09:10 AM
It just isn't FAIR! It goes on so EASY and you have to work SO hard to get it off! I should be the other way... hard to gain and easy to loose. I have seen several of our crew members have a lot of luck on that Atkins diet and we had one guy loose a lot of weight eating regular meals, just a lot smaller portions and he ate 3 meals a day plus a small snack in between meals.

03-21-2006, 01:25 PM
I will be right here with you. I am in the exact same boat.

03-21-2006, 01:31 PM
I will be right here with you. I am in the exact same boat.

Me too, and I'm sinking fast. ;) I really need to drop some weight. I walk the dogs almost every day but thats not enough I need to watch what I eat and do some strength training.

03-21-2006, 01:34 PM
Gosh, I sure do know exactly how you are feeling! :(

I have a similar problem......my back. I've been given over this past year several injections of steroids to help my back - which are NOT working :mad: but it sure is putting on the weight! :eek: It seems like every time I go to the doctors I have put on 2-4 pounds! NOT good. But I can't do any excersise to help the weight problem - one of those "catch 22's"

I don't even think about bathing suits!~ :D Don't want to scare anyone! :p

03-23-2006, 02:12 AM
OK, on day three of eating healthy, and walking to work. So far so good, I even went to lunch yesterday and watched my friends eat burgers and fries, while I had an egg white omelette with ham and mushrooms. I hate when people say stuff like that tastes good. Believe me, on a scale of 1 to 10, egg whites have a pretty low score. :p

It is 8:11, about to get my butt into gear, and walk the dogs. I NEED COFFEE!

03-23-2006, 07:54 AM
I know that feeling very well and I'm rooting for you!

03-23-2006, 08:16 PM
Oh gosh... me too! I HATE being overweight. It just sucks! No fun at all. I always compare myself to other people that are skinnier than me, and think to myself, "I wish I was as skinny as her". I'm really trying to loose weight, too...

03-23-2006, 08:20 PM
I will be right here with you. I am in the exact same boat.
Your NOT fat!!!:mad:

03-23-2006, 11:15 PM
make sure you don't lose it too quickly or your body will revolt.
I highly reccommend the Jerusalem Diet - I have been on it for 2 weeks and lost about 4 1/2 pounds.

03-24-2006, 05:19 AM
make sure you don't lose it too quickly or your body will revolt.www.jerusalemdiet.com

Yeah, I know, unfortunately through lots of crash dieting and drug use when I was younger, my metabolism is incredibly slow. So I am trying to do it the right way this time around.

I am now on day four, and feeling pretty good that I have had no refined sugar, Chocolate and cola are my two biggest vices. The worst part is watching friends and my roommate stuff themselves, but one day at a time. :D

03-24-2006, 05:28 AM
Good luck!! :)

I lost 30 lbs a couple years ago, just from eating wiser and exercising more. Then I went vegetarian and it's very easy to keep the weight off now ;)

06-16-2006, 10:42 AM
7 pounds and counting.

And the doctor said the muscle mass in my leg is almost back to normal! :D

06-16-2006, 10:45 AM
7 pounds and counting.

And the doctor said the muscle mass in my leg is almost back to normal! :D
Wow, great job! That's inspiring- I need to hit the gym too! :D

06-16-2006, 11:39 AM

06-16-2006, 11:47 AM
GOod luck! I'm sure you'll suceed!

My goal is also around 130 lbs. I'm at 148... I've got a ways to go.

06-16-2006, 11:51 AM
Congrats keep up the good work :D

I was over 180p in March & I'm now about 150p (guessing as I don't have a scale, but I'm much thinner then my friend & shes 160p). When people start to notice, you'll feel AWESOME inside!! I find that pop makes the tummy stick WAY out.. when I stop drinking pop for 2 weeks, I swear my tummy deflates & when I start up again, it inflates again.. I do need to go on a pop diet again, as I stopped loosing weight (I'm at a stand still, not bad, but not what I want either)..

Keep working hard & You'll be in your swim suit soon enough :)

06-16-2006, 12:47 PM
You are really a strong person Jackie.

sorry, I am a skinny person, but, not in the Bikini crowd any more.

My sister (my best friend) is the opposite. She is over weight, eats junk food, chocolate and cola. I wish her husband would help her out and buy fresh fruit and vegetables instead of catering to her with fast food.

I applaud your determination because knee surgery is worse than hip surgery., so much harder to recover from. You are well on your way to reaching the goal you want to achieve. I wish I had more of your inner drive.

Bravo Jackie!!!!!!!!!!

06-16-2006, 12:53 PM
I hope you acomplish your goals eating home made food is also ALOT more healthy thats what I need to do stop going out to Burger king or wendeys :o I just love there salades lol.

06-16-2006, 05:19 PM
I feel exactly the same, I need to lose weight because its the biggest I've ever been and I really dont like it, I used to go to the gym but with someone and now no one wants to go I feel like I haven't got the confidence to go to the gym on my own, I'm quite a shy person and wouldnt do anything without someone with me I guess I find comfort in it..

06-16-2006, 07:27 PM
I am tryig to lose weight to I had Zoey in Dec and got up to 170 or more when preggo... I was stuck at 135 for awile which was my pre-preggo weight and I weighed myself yesterday and was 130!! yahooo I'm so proud of myself my goal is 120lbs...

Daisy and Delilah
06-16-2006, 07:37 PM
Way to go Jackie!! Keep up the good work! What kind of knee surgery did you have?

06-17-2006, 08:48 AM
I tore my meniscus in the gym last May, and my knee was locked for 2 weeks. After the operation, I could never fully extend my leg, and had a really small range of movement.

In all honesty, I think they messed up the first operation. It hurt constantly, my kneecap would slide to the right/make horrible clicking noises, and I had a BAD limp.

Then in August, I was swimming and my knee clicked and locked again. The next operation was to repair the meniscus and the cruciante ligament. After the second operation I felt a million times better, and my limp is gone! :D

06-17-2006, 08:52 AM
Oh, and for anyone that has joint pain, I really recomend glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements!

Daisy and Delilah
06-17-2006, 09:16 AM
That's sounds like it has to be very very painful. I had knee surgery in January and I'm thinking now that I've re-injured it. I hope you get better and pain free soon :)

06-17-2006, 09:34 PM
I'm also attempting to get into shape and having pretty good success at it so far. I can't seem to tear myself away from Cherry Coke, though. But, haven't been eating chocolate a lot like I used to. After surgery last year, I got really out of shape. Also, if you get the Oprah magazine, check out June's article with Eve Ensler. It's about accepting our bodies and not letting society dictate how we feel about ourselves. Good luck, everyone!