View Full Version : Boxer/ Mastiff mix...need advice

03-20-2006, 03:44 PM
I am new here and was wondering if anyone has ever heard of a boxer mastiff hybrid? I am looking for a dog that will be raised with 2 children and a cat. I am not really familiar with traits from either of these breeds. I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of dog this would be. The pups are 6 weeks old. i haven't seen them and I am not sure which type of mastiff they are. Although I believe they are bull mastiff by way of the father. Mother is a boxer. Anybody got any advice?

03-20-2006, 05:49 PM
Be prepared for drool, but otherwise, but both breeds can be absolutely wonderful with children. The Mastiff is the reason for the drool alert, but maybe they will take after their Mom ... Like any dog, you'll need to invest time in training early on, as you want to especially leash-train the pup before it is big enough to yank your arm off. Start getting it used to the collar and leash right away, and you shouldn't have a problem.

I'd ask to see the parent dogs, at least the mom, which will give you some indication of temperament.

03-21-2006, 10:21 AM
I own 2 Boxers, who drool, not as much as Mastiffs, but they do drool. I agree with Karen, be prepared for drool! LOTS and LOTS of it! ;) Boxers needs plenty of excersize and shed A LOT if not fed a kind of shed stop (a kind of liquid put in their food), or brushed often. If you need any more info, ask me :)

03-21-2006, 01:21 PM
I went to look at these so-called mastiff/boxer pups. These people are honestly trying to pass of the daddy as a mastiff which he is NOT. I found myself standing before an enormous pit bull. One of the pups looked like aboxer but the rest resembled their papa with green eyes and red coats. We did not come home with a puppy. Still looking........

03-21-2006, 01:24 PM
We did not come home with a puppy. Still looking........

Have you considered your local shelters and rescues? Adopted dogs make that most wonderful pets, and there are so many that need homes. Good luck!

03-22-2006, 10:54 AM
Have you tried


If not you should :)

03-22-2006, 11:39 AM
I was looking for a dog before I adopted BOB. I was looking on-line at various shelter sites and classifieds when I came upon an ad for "Beagle-Cocker Spaniel " mix puppies. I am quite partial to Beagles and I like the playfulness and energy of the Cockers, so I calledc them. They assured me that the father was a Beagle (Purebred) and the mother a Cocker (not sure if purebred). I was very specific about this as they were far away and I did not want to travel that far to see something other than what they advertised.

When I got there, I was very disappointed. The father, who they said was on the premises was nowhere to be found and when I saw the mom I was shocked. She was definitely not a Cocker. She was quite tall and slender. She had some Spaniel in her (most likely an English Springer) but not much. The pups were cute (as are all pups) but they has short snouts, shorts coats and almost Shephard like ears. I am like a lot of people. You see a pup who needs a home and you feel guilty for not taking them and giving them one. So I picked one and put down $50.00 on him. They were only 6 weeks and not ready yet to be weaned. On the way home, I thought about it more and decided that although they were cute, I probably should not take one - as we already had a Beagle and I wanted another medium sized dog so as not to cause any more commotion in the home than anticipated. And not knowing what their ancestry was, I better not take a chance.

So I called the owner and declined to take the pup (I felt bad though) and told her just to keep the $50.00 for her troubles and to buy feed for the pups. Anyways, I hate it when people intentionally misrepresent their dogs/pups heritage!!! :D

Try Petfinder.com. Type in Boxer and your Zip and they will scour shelters. (you may find a Boxer/Mastif). Also type in Mastiff. This a good site cause they show photos, too!!!

03-22-2006, 09:56 PM
Just thought I would tell you again that Petfinder.com is a great site to search for your Boxer/Mastif mix. You can see the dog and read a little about him before you even inquire further. Here are a few I found just picking a random location area (Trenton, NJ) and typing in Mastiff. Also, it is not unusual to find mostly mixes as these are shelter dogs and even the particular mix you were looking for. Attached are 3 pictures found on the first two pages that came up. Also a description from one as follows:

Notes: I am about 4 years old . I'm energetic and great with children. I am well behaved and my favorite game is tag! I am a very family oriented dog. My Daddy is changing jobs and he won't have time or space for me. I'm a pretty big boy. I'm still staying with my dad. If your interested please call him. Tony Samuels 762-8880 or 898-0948

03-23-2006, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the story and the information. I have been on petfinder several times. It is just that all the dogs I would be interested in are halfway across the country, usually in a shelter. I found a hound mix dog at our local shelter but he got adopted before I cound convince my husband that we couldn't live without him :) . There are so many homeless dogs that it breaks my heart to turn any of them down. I liked the fact that you let the woman keep the 50.00 for dogfood. I hope she used it for that. These people that had these boxer/pitt/mastiff wannabees seemed pretty sketchy at best. Thanks for taking time to write.


Suki Wingy
03-23-2006, 11:04 AM
too bad about the pups. A red pit bull with green eyes sounds gorgeous!

03-31-2006, 03:28 PM
:mad: I know the exact "so-called" mastiff you are talkiung about. I see their add all over the place. I even emailed them telling them that That was not a mastiff! I am a long time mastiff momma. I currently have 2 of my own, and Do not understand why people try to pose dogs as mastiffs! Ohhhhh It makes me sooooo Mad! :mad: What are these people thinking?

Momma to mastiffs in AZ

I went to look at these so-called mastiff/boxer pups. These people are honestly trying to pass of the daddy as a mastiff which he is NOT. I found myself standing before an enormous pit bull. One of the pups looked like aboxer but the rest resembled their papa with green eyes and red coats. We did not come home with a puppy. Still looking........~