View Full Version : dachshunds

03-19-2006, 11:17 AM
I went to dogbreedinfo.com to find out what kind of puppy would be best for my dad. Well I did the test thing and it gave me 47 designer dogs! :rolleyes:

But anyways... I think if my dad does get a puppy we will get a dachshund. We have had 2 mini ones before but we were never able to potty train them. Is that known for the breed to be hard to potty train... we were busier when we had them so it could've been us, not the dog. My dad has time now to potty train a puppy... I was just wondering what your experiences with doxies were.

03-19-2006, 01:11 PM
Can be very hard to train. I have two - my male, Max is 11 yrs old and still has problems. On the other hand, Muffin the 3 year old is completely housebroken. I think a lot of it has to do with consistency.

I know that if we ever get another dog (will be a while 0 we have 5 now); I'm going to make sure we end up with another doxie. They are fun, funny and wonderful companion animals.