View Full Version : If you were a dog...

04-22-2002, 09:06 PM
what would your horoscope say?
Doggie Horoscope (http://www.geocities.com/lathrops.geo/horoscope.html)

04-22-2002, 09:07 PM
The Aquarius Dog Jan. 20 - Feb. 18

The Aquarius Dog is friendly and loyal. Aquarius dogs are most likely to hang with you in the den while you watch TV, or lay under the hammock while you enjoy a warm summer day. Aquarius dogs can also be independent and inventive, looking for new and different ways to retrieve that ball under the couch, for example. The Aquarius dog is a true pal in every sense, unless his owner forgets mealtime.

04-22-2002, 09:13 PM
The Gemini Dog May 21 - Jun. 21 (My Birthday is May 24th)
The Gemini Dog is a lively dog that gets along anywhere and in any situation. Gemini dogs love to communicate with their owners and excited to share a recent discovery or observation. No matter how old they are, Gemini dogs are always youthful and exuberant. Inquisitive and sometimes a little devilish, the Gemini dog is versatile and adaptive and absolutely loves double fire hydrants.
(sounds like me kinda!!except for the double fire hydrants !:p)

The Scorpio Dog Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 (Presley's Nov 11th)
The Scorpio Dog is determined and focused. Scorpio dogs will always accomplish whatever it is they set their minds to. They are also passionate and forceful dogs, relishing every activity, even as they exhaust themselves having fun at it. Scorpio dogs can be intense; they have been known to stare at a rabbit in the yard for hours at a time, while trapped inside, never moving from their window perch. Except, of course when the dinner bell rings.

geez that sounds like Presley too!!!

04-22-2002, 09:14 PM
The Virgo Dog is modest and a little shy. While the Virgo dog knows he's handsome and attractive, he's reluctant to prance about showing off. The Virgo dog is also reliable and diligent. Given a task, the Virgo dog carries it out fully and faithfully, but turns bashful in the face of lavish praise. Virgo dogs are happy lying in the sun watching their families happy around them. Of course, the Virgo dog overcomes his natural shyness the minute there's a mention of dog treats.

04-22-2002, 09:18 PM
I would be...

The Pisces Dog Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

The Pisces Dog is a kind and loving dog. They have a giving nature, and are very caring dogs. They make great rescue dogs, and they love riding up on the seat of a fire engine. Because of their selfless nature they are easygoing around the house, never upset and willing to make any changes to please his owner. They are easy to train and love to go for long walks. Especially if those walks lead to a park.

04-22-2002, 09:18 PM
The Capricorn Dog Dec. 22 - Jan. 19

The Capricorn Dog is patient and careful. Capricorn dogs seem to know that good things come to dogs that wait. That may explain why they sit so quietly by their owners in the kitchen. The Capricorn dog is meticulous and particular. He sleeps in a certain place, likes certain toys and patrols the yard in a certain way. The Capricorn dog is also very disciplined, except when it comes to enjoying liver snacks.

I also wanted to say that Roxey's Sign, sounds just like her:
The Gemini Dog May 21 - Jun. 21

The Gemini Dog is a lively dog that gets along anywhere and in any situation. Gemini dogs love to communicate with their owners and excited to share a recent discovery or observation. No matter how old they are, Gemini dogs are always youthful and exuberant. Inquisitive and sometimes a little devilish, the Gemini dog is versatile and adaptive.

04-22-2002, 09:25 PM
I would be: The Leo Dog Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

The Leo Dog is powerful and faithful. They are enthusiastic and full of energy. Leo dogs head pell mell into every activity, from running to fetching. They even sleep with gusto and elan. Leo dogs are convinced they are the masters of all they survey and while they are generous and warm-hearted, they are the boss. Above all, Leo dogs are faithful and loyal to their owners, except where cats might be involved. ..... It's not TOO off. I DO sleep with GUSTO!ZZZZZZZZZZ

Louie is a Pisces Dog....Somehow I don't think he realizes it.
:rolleyes: The Pisces Dog is a kind and loving dog. They have a giving nature, and are very caring dogs. They make great rescue dogs, and they love riding up on the seat of a fire engine. Because of their selfless nature they are easygoing around the house, never upset and willing to make any changes to please his owner. They are easy to train and love to go for long walks. Especially if those walks lead to a park.
.... He IS kind and loving, He HATES to go BYE-BYE in the car
He is NOT easy-going around the house. He MUST bark and inform me of EVERYTHING!:rolleyes: :mad: And he is EXTREMELY STUBBORN!.... Think there was a mix up in the heavens the night Louie was born?;) :o

04-22-2002, 09:27 PM
I am an Aquarius, and that horoscope seems to fit me pretty well.

Sadie is a Scorpio. It definately fits her! Everything about it! (Ralph is also a scorpio and I think a lot of it fits him too!)

Cincy is a libra:
The Libra Dog Sep. 23 - Oct. 23

The Libra Dog is easygoing and sociable. Libra dogs are relaxed and at home at both extravagant soires and small intimate gatherings. They are happy moving among guests at the largest parties or curled up by the coffee table at high tea. The important thing for Libra dogs is to be out and about, among people, other dogs, anyplace social. Libra dogs are laid back and happy. Not much excites them, except that little French poodle on the next block

I am not sure she is laid back, yet, but hey, she's still a pup! The rest fits!

04-22-2002, 09:54 PM
Mine would be:
The Sagittarius Dog Nov. 23 - Dec. 21

The Sagittarius Dog is carefree and freedom-loving. Sagittarius dogs love wide open spaces and the ability to explore them. They are happy and good-humored dogs who love to romp and play with their owners. Sagittarius dogs are open and honest, never hiding how they feel, which is usually happy and jovial. Sagittarius dogs are happiest when they are in an open field with an owner to throw a ball.


The Capricorn Dog Dec. 22 - Jan. 19

The Capricorn Dog is patient and careful. Capricorn dogs seem to know that good things come to dogs that wait. That may explain why they sit so quietly by their owners in the kitchen. The Capricorn dog is meticulous and particular. He sleeps in a certain place, likes certain toys and patrols the yard in a certain way. The Capricorn dog is also very disciplined, except when it comes to enjoying liver snacks.

this fits him so well!!! He normally sits on the tile by the doorway when we have the house closed, or when it open on the front porch rocking chair, sits in the kitched quietly RIGHT by the stove when m mom is cooking
and when we let him out, he runs to one corner, then to the other, then on the side... oh yeah and he always patient, also may be why i can place a snack in front of him and basicly sit there forever and he wont get it until i say ok.

04-22-2002, 11:03 PM
As a Leo dog, Eli is exactly as described....eerie how accurate it is! :eek:

Kobie is a Cancer dog:

The Cancer Dog Jun. 22 - Jul. 22

"The Cancer Dog is protective and caring. Woe be to the burglar that chooses the home of a Cancer dog. Cancer dogs are emotional and intuitive; they know what's on their owner's mind even before the owner. Cancer dogs are also sensitive and tender. They're also the most sympathetic of all dogs, intuitively feeling what their owners feel. Unfortunately, the same is not true for the mailperson"

Again, pretty eerie--she's VERY protective and tough, yet also deeply emotional. I love horoscopes!! (Can you tell I'm a child of the 60s? :D )

04-22-2002, 11:22 PM
I'm a Capricorn (Jan 6) and that horoscope fits my personality pretty well. Bandit is an Aquarius (Jan 22) and I think it fits his personality. However, I think we have Jeffrey's birthday all wrong. He was a stray pup and occording to his previous owners the belief was that he was born in Sept neither Virgo nor Libra describe him. I now believe he was born in August...

The Leo Dog is powerful and faithful. They are enthusiastic and full of energy. Leo dogs head pell mell into every activity, from running to fetching. They even sleep with gusto and elan. Leo dogs are convinced they are the masters of all they survey and while they are generous and warm-hearted, they are the boss. Above all, Leo dogs are faithful and loyal to their owners, except where cats might be involved.