View Full Version : Very, very strong positive thoughts needed for my Ted

03-15-2006, 02:25 PM
I've just been given some very bad news about Ted from my vet, much worse than I expected. In fact, I'm sitting here at work with tears rolling down my face even though I know I'll have a blotchy face when I go into a meeting very shortly.

Ted has one functioning kidney and that one has shown calcification for over two years now, with calcification in the ureter also. Two years ago, he went into acute renal failure and we managed to pull him through, much to everyone's surprise, by using massive and frequent subq fluids and force feeding. I've kept up the fluids three times a week and, apart from occasional UTI's and some small stones making their way through, he's been okay. Only three weeks ago, I had his blood tested again and it came back with very good results, just a slight BUN elevation. Now the results are appallingly high and unless the same fluids care can do its magic again, there is no hope. I knew he wasn't feeling well on Friday and by Saturday decided to give twice daily fluids. About 1am today,he chased NewCat and I thought it was working. At 6:30am, I found tiny dots of pee in all the litter boxes. So, it's all a massive shock.

I will do battle against this problem but would appreciate everyone's positive thoughts as you have given them to many sick cats in the past. Thank you.

03-15-2006, 02:31 PM
Healing thoughts are on the way for Ted, I am sorry you and him are going through this.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-15-2006, 02:44 PM
Healing thoughts are on the way for Ted, I am sorry you and him are going through this.

Ditto. :(

Tubby went to the vet in early November 2004. They said his levels were "....slightly elevated, but nothing to worry about. He's doing just fine." By Thanksgiving he was on his death bed, literally! He was in acute renal failure and I couldn't have been more surprised because he had just had such a good report. Fortunately, the vet thought he was "salvageable" so instead of putting him to sleep that day, we brought him home and started on the fluid treatment, pills and force feeding to get him well again. He made a remarkable recovery - I couldn't believe the change in him! Unfortunately, shortly after that he had a major crash and this time there was little to no hope, so we helped him to the bridge on Dec 11, 2004. :(

I guess my point in telling you this story is to give you hope that he can recover. Of course you already know that because he recovered once before, but knowing others have been through what you're going through is usually a help....usually.

Postive thoughts and prayers going out for Ted. :(

03-15-2006, 02:55 PM
Prayers are being sent to you & Ted. hugs

03-15-2006, 03:07 PM
Prayers for you and Ted as you deal with this. I hope for the best outcome for you both. I'm sorry for your pain.

Killearn Kitties
03-15-2006, 04:14 PM
You and Ted are in my thoughts. Please get well sweetie.

03-15-2006, 04:36 PM
Warm wishes coming from Gran Canaria!

hugs to you and Ted.

03-15-2006, 04:47 PM

Ted will be in my thoughts a prayers. HUGS to you kiddo!! ;)

03-15-2006, 06:33 PM
Prayers to Ted and to you. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Laura's Babies
03-15-2006, 08:10 PM
Best wishes and positive thoughts from the Sunny South! I hope he gets better fast. (((((HUGS))))) for you.

03-15-2006, 10:31 PM
Love, hugs and prayers to Ted and to you.

It ain't over, hon!

hugs again

03-16-2006, 01:20 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about Ted. :( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way. Please take care.

03-16-2006, 05:26 AM
So sorry to read this about Ted.
Will keep good thoughts and prayers.

03-16-2006, 08:55 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Ted. :(

I am sending prayers and warm wishes to you and Ted. I hope he gets better soon.

03-16-2006, 10:38 AM
Sending all my best thoughts for Ted.

03-16-2006, 11:37 AM
Lots & lots of prayers for Ted!!! And big {{{{HUGS}}}} for you!

03-16-2006, 01:13 PM
Prayers for Ted and Mom, too!

03-16-2006, 01:34 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Ted. :( I am sending positive thougths that he'll get better.


smokey the elder
03-17-2006, 06:39 AM
Prayers and best wishes for Ted.

04-03-2006, 10:45 PM
Lizzie, how is Ted? I sent you a pm.

Pawsitive Thinking
04-04-2006, 10:53 AM
Healing thoughts are on the way for Ted, I am sorry you and him are going through this.

From me too - hugs to Ted

04-04-2006, 02:40 PM
Please see this thread.......
